The most incredible Adventure that can be lived on earth ?

If we believe that there is a God and that he created us in his image, then shouldn't knowing who this God is and who he wants us to become, be our passion and our leitmotif ?



News Update : Middle East Update
Blog :
The Thought of the Month
Actual : How did America Get its Name?

Some Topics on this Page:

•  What is the Millennial Kingdom of Christ?
•  Lifeturn Testimonies.
•  Praise and Christian Artists to boost our Enthusiasm.
•  Why is God interested in our Sexuality?
•  Documentaries and Talk.
•  Prophetic Words for Today.
•  The Revelation of the Sons and Daughters of God.
•  John 3, or the New Birth
•  Not to lose Sight of the true Meaning of Life.
•  Coronavirus: How we can be Divinely Protected.
•  Divine Healing ? – For Everyone.
•  New Age: An enemy has sown Weed in the Church.



The aim of this sharing is to make you want to know more about this God who loves us beyond anything we can imagine. Maybe you thought you knew him? In this case, let's try to dig deeper. Your Father has a grand plan for your life that he wants to draw you into, if only you will put your hand in his.



•  Hot Topic : Let's not Forget the Poor.
•  Audio Bible  : The Reading of the Day


Did you know that your browser can read text pages vocally? To do this, start by clicking on the “click to read more” box located at the bottom of the chapter introduction in order to unfold the rest of the article. Then switch to reading mode by clicking on the small icon appearing directly next to the site address (Mozilla Firefox). In the new layout, select the headphones. You can then choose a language, a voice and the reading speed. Simply click the “read mode” icon again to return to normal viewing mode. Some devices like the iPhone can also speak out selected text.



The Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a king who prepared a great wedding feast for his Son. When the banquet was ready, he sent his servants to notify those who were invited. But they all refused to come ! ...   Jesus, in Matthew 22: 1-3





Why should we give meaning to our life ?

Why do we feel so often alone and unhappy in life, frustrated, unsatisfied, when clearly the created world contains all that is necessary for our happiness?  Sometimes it would seem that if only we could join with the right people, we would see the projects that are important to us succeed and experience a lasting fulfilment together. Why aren't things as we imagined, and why are they never definitively ours? Who is chasing us and our loved ones to put us through trials that are so contrary to our sensibility? … (Click to read more)

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How can we influence the course of the events of our life and be a little more in control of our destiny? … There are no easy answers to these questions, and if someone came to offer you effortless happiness, you would see it as one of those sales pitches that enrich no one but the merchants of illusion. But there is nevertheless a path that leads to happiness. Maybe not that cliché we imagined getting in an anthropocentric world, but deep seated, lasting and shared happiness. Yes, true happiness is indeed shared happiness. And at the risk of surprising you, the first person to be concerned by this sharing is God himself. If my choice had been based on what I perceived in other Christians, I don't think I would have been drawn to Christianity. There is all this ritualistic, hypocritical and superficial aspect, with its bigotry and its scandals, which the devil uses like a scarecrow to keep away people who are looking for some authenticity. And in another camp you have Christians who pride themselves on having been admitted into the secrecy of the gods, who are loud, talkative, and restless. They boast about great things, but they are still the most boring people on earth. If you want to know what Christianity is, you will have to overcome all these preconceptions in order to go in search of your God. Because one does not become a Christian because one has found a community of men with whom one wants to identify, but one becomes one because one has tasted the Spirit of the Living God. And it is an experience of no return. Nothing to do with religious bliss or with New Age personal development. It is more of a reversal of our traditional values. Jesus said in John 9:39, “I have come into this world to judge it. I have come so that people who are blind will see. I have come so that people who can see will become blind.”

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. God made this beautiful promise of happiness to us through the prophet Jeremiah. Even though Jesus promised that he would stand by our side, he did not hide from us that we are progressing in enemy territory. This enemy must be identified, and Jesus teaches us how we can respond to his attacks and thwart his plans. Perhaps, the first thing we will need to do will be to abandon our path of rebellion and take the path prepared by God and which will lead us to our freedom. Moses, speaking on behalf of God, said, “See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.”. Many Christians mistakenly imagine that they are exempted from service, and that others take it upon themselves to acquire salvation in their behalf. This misconception can have serious consequences. How will they be able to resist the attacks and how will they enter into the inheritance that God wants to share exclusively with his sons and daughters?

“I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”. John 10: 9-11. To offer everything to God and even our own life, and to do it with love : this is the invitation that God makes us to thwart the plans of a world that would want to take everything from us and even our identity. Because, to the extent that we give ourselves to him, God also gives himself to us, and that part of ourselves which is hidden in God can no longer be taken from us.

God invites us to be led by him in the knowledge of his person, a knowledge that opens the door to these green pastures which are the promises of happiness and peace that he made to us. Jeremiah continues, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.”

And Jesus to add : “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete”. John 16:24.



How to Live a Meaningful Life | With Greg Laurie

Do you wonder sometimes what you are really doing here on earth? In this very special message, Pastor and Teacher Greg Laurie will share the secret to a meaningful life.




What is the millennial Kingdom of Christ?


“There's a global suspense, faced with the rushing events. But if you are a Bible student, nothing that happens in the world today should surprise you. And if you're a follower of Christ, you have a new mind, a new heart, and you have peace and joy. The only thing left for the near future is the redemption of your body”. Amir Tsarfati, Messianic Israeli.


Genesis 6, or the key to the Mystery.

In the Bible, it was announced that the Messiah would come twice: Once as a sin offering – the lamb of God – to redeem mankind, and a second time as Messiah and ruler – the Lion from the tribe of Judah – to reign over all the nations. This reign will begin with a thousand years of peace on Earth. (Click to read more)

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The first coming of Jesus took place literally, according to what was announced in the Bible. So why shouldn't we believe that his second coming will happen the same way? We live in a world at war, and what we see happening now between nations is a repercussion of what is happening in the spiritual realm. This also explains the fact that the Truth has been withheld until now and that a perverted religion has taken hold. The Jews as a nation failed to recognize the first coming of their Messiah. This will give the possibility to a false Messiah, or an "Anti-Christ", to appear at the appointed time and to deceive them in their expectation. And on the other hand, a large part of the church including the Catholic Church and most Protestant churches, are said to be "amillennial", that is to say they do not believe that Christ will return at a historic date to establish his reign on earth. But they rather believe that this reign began with the birth of Jesus Christ, and that it now continues through the church. Those two erroneous positions, greatly influences our vision of world politics.

Thus, even among Christians and Jews, there is a misunderstanding of what is meant by "the reign of Christ". If the world we know today is ruled by Christ, then we would have plenty of reason to be extremely disappointed in God. But what is about to take place is an extremely important subject for us Christians, and in fact for everyone, because this event carries our hopes for the world. Initially, God is going to open the “wedding room”, that is to say the dimension in which Jesus finds himself, to let in those who have placed all their hopes in him. Soon you could find yourself in that other dimension and changed in the blink of an eye in the likeness of the Son of God. You don't need to be special for that. No need to be religious. But there will have to be a real bond between you and the Son of God. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” said Jesus. “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice”. John 10. “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am”. John 14.

But while a small portion of the earth's population will suddenly be gone, on this earth now deprived of its salt, evil will be free to wreak havoc. These will be abominable times, times like the world has never known, Jesus tells us. A good part of humanity will pass away during the trials which will be imposed on it, because of the obstinacy of men to reject God. The earth itself will be partially destroyed by plagues and by cosmic catastrophes. Fortunately, this time will be short: about seven years including three and a half years of plagues, according to what the Bible says. Part of humanity will thus have been able to survive. We will then see the Son of God descending from heaven with his angels and his chosen ones, to take back the government of the earth from the hands of the devil. The wicked will be destroyed, and the devil will be thrown into a pit, with his angels, and they will remain there for a thousand years. During this "millennium" our earth will bloom again and manifest the glory of Christ who originally created it with his Father. It is a revelation that the world has been waiting for since its origins: “the revelation of the sons of God”, according to what the Apostle Paul tells us. These will undoubtedly be wonderful times when men will live in love in a dimension of supernatural regeneration, and when no harm will be done to any creature. But remember, the wicked will have been removed. During this reign, Jesus will be the head of the Jewish nation. Jew or Yehudim means: "those who praise the God who speaks to his people", as opposed to those who worship dumb idols – Satan, the respectable Baal and the Queen of Heaven behind whom the spirits of this world hide. Jerusalem will become the center and the capital of the world. During this reign, the earth will be supernaturally restored and it will experience a divine kingdom of peace and harmony among all men. Not only men, but even animals will change their nature and become friendly with each other. Men will no longer die but they will live for centuries. Each will live on his plot and have “his vine and his fig tree” – wine for joy, figs for sustenance.

This is what Peter saw and had in mind on the day of Pentecost, when he said, ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 2:17-21

Will the exodus that will precede Christ's return in glory take place this year, or within the next ten or twenty years? No one knows and this is part of God's strategy. Jesus simply asked us to be prepared for this eventuality. But the preliminary circumstances for this departure are now in place, which suggests that this could happen any day.

After demonstrating the Kingdom of God on earth during this millennial reign, Jesus will move on – things no man has yet seen or even imagined. The devil will then be freed from his prison, because he must be able to seduce the hypocrites, those who will not be sincerely won over to God and who will not be worthy of an eternity lived in his Light. Then will come the true end of the world, with the cataclysmic destruction of earth and sky. Our universe will be rolled up like an old newspaper that we have finished reading and delivered to the fire with all that it will still contain. But for the friends of God there will come a new earth, and new heavens, which have been prepared from before the foundation of the world for those who love him.



“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man”.
Matthew 24

“Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:31-32.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.
Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when even the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live”. John 5:24-25.

“As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says, “In the time of my favour I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation”. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2.


Exposing You to the Intellectual side of Christian Belief.

Do we have to cancel God from science? Can we discuss with people who have different beliefs? In his Capturing Christianity channel, Cameron Bertuzzi gathers many lectures and interviews by well known and reputable scientists. Also, many guest speakers who express their views and opinions in an interesting way.

The Rise of Russia and the End Times | Gary Hamrick

In Luke 21 and Ezekiel 38, Jesus and God, mention a list of events that are indicators that we are getting closer to His return. Among these things, says Jesus, there will be "wars and commotion" and "nation will rise against nation" and "kingdom against kingdom."

What In The World Is Going On? | End Times & Prophecy by Jimmy Evans

Russia, Iran, Syria, Turkey, China, Europe: what do all these belligerent nations have in common? The leaders of those nations will think at some point, “I am God and I can do whatever I please. I will crush and plunder this insolent 'holy nation' as it thinks of itself”. Blinded by their arrogance, they not realize that God has put a hook in their mouth to bring them to the Valley of Josaphat to undergo their own judgment.

Ezekiel 38-39 | In a great battle the Lord will fight for Israel – Paul LeBoutillier

How and in what order will the events of the end times take place? The Bible describes this sequence of events with great precision. Given in 2021, this message takes a new dimension as of March 2022.

Amir Tsarfati: The Last Trumpet

In the Bible, the sounding of a trumpet often indicated that something important was about to happen. Amir also reminds the believer of how joyous it will be when we hear this final trumpet sounding – a glorious moment that by all indications is coming very soon.

Awaiting His Return

Mike Golay, Barry Stagner, and Amir Tsarfati will put a strong emphasis on Bible prophecy and encourage attendees to this seminary to be Awaiting His Return in light of the times and seasons!

Awaiting His Return Conference | Session 2


Author of best-seller “The Late Great Planet Earth” reviews world-events in the light of Bible prophecy. The Bible is the only trustworthy source of knowledge and what was foreseen by Hal Lindsey thirty years ago has come to pass. What will the future of planet earth be? The Bible makes no secret of it and Jesus said: “When you will see all theses signs, you'll know with certainty that the Son of Man is at the door”.

Living Waters

You say you are a good person. But are you ready to take the test? Don't wait until you have to jump to realize you have no parachute ! Some eye opening interviews.

Off The Kirb Ministries

You want to know the truth but you are fed up with the religious ways in which too many Christians convey the Truth? Well, there is a very interesting alternative !

Is Elon Musk a Christian Now? Listen to His Answer

Elon Musk recently had an interview with The Babylon Bee, where they discussed a variety of Christian-related topics, and Elon Musk gives more insights into his spiritual perspectives. Ray Comfort then shares the gospel with a woman who happily listens.
Also: Can technology really save us?

How I got healed from virus – David Hogan

Inimitable David Hogan. Most people will tell you how to fight a lion and they will run away from it, but David says: Go for it.
“If you get tired while racing against people, how can you race against horses? If you stumble in a country that is safe, what will you do in the thick thornbushes along the Jordan River?” Jeremiah 12:5

Listen also: I don't want your God, but I want your God to heal me.

The Day Approaching – Amir Tsarfati

In this message based on history and prophecy, Israeli Amir Tsarfati rises our hopes. As we enter times where many will bow to the devil, he reminds us that this is no time to dance on the tune imposed by this world, but rather to stand and to become aware. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that no one knows the day or hour of the Lord’s return for His church. Yet the Bible is equally clear that there will be a generation that sees “the Day of the Lord” (the tribulation) approaching.

The Precious Blood of Jesus – Kevin Zadai

From Genesis to Calvary, it has always been about the blood and it has always been about the genetics. You have no idea how important it is for God that you are and that you remain a pure stock human being. But who would want to interfere with that and alter us? Who want to mingle their seed with the seed of men? Nimrod is after the blood line. He is after the womb. He wants the inheritance.

Curry Blake – Opening Your Spiritual Eyes

What do you see? Do you see the doom and gloom or do you see the bright and victorious side? What is reminded to us in this message can make an enormous difference in our life.

Amir Tsarfati: The Millennial Kingdom

What is the "Millennial Kingdom"? Why do so many Christians struggle with it? Is it a real kingdom with a real king? Who is going to reign? Where? Why? How is that future kingdom related to the importance of believing in Jesus today? Answers to these questions and more in this message!

Amir Tsarfati: The Book of Revelation

It is probably the least read book in the whole of the New Testament although it is written that there is a special blessing for those who read it. However, we need to be guided to understand it. In this short and clear description of the book, Amir Tsarfati takes us out of the confusion that has led many Christians to believe that they will go through these tribulations.

Amir Tsarfati: What is our Blessed Hope?

What we believe will decide how we live our life. Have we embraced the "Kingdom Now" theology? Or do we think we will have to endure the tribulations that the world will experience to earn Heaven? Well, let it be according to your faith, Jesus would probably answer. But Amir instead encourages us to believe in a God of love who keeps his promises. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.



Free the captives

This morning as I walked through the house, I heard a familiar wing beat coming from the veranda. A young chickadee, probably wanting to explore that place, had come in through the open door and had found itself trapped by the many windows. … (Click to read more).

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This wing flapping had not escaped our cat, as I saw out of the corner of my eye, ignoring my calls and moving swiftly towards the source of the noise. I had to run to catch it, and then lock it in another room. He was upset that I made him miss a snack and what would have been the highlight of his day, but he will get over it. Back in the verandah, I opened the door wide and walked out and back in, so the bird could look at me and learn, then I stepped back. But instead of flying towards the door, the bird relentlessly tried to make its way through the window from a place hidden behind the plants. To save it from exhaustion and possible injury, I had to grab it, then I placed it carefully on an outside table where it could fly away once it got its senses. It stood there for a good five minutes, arranging its feathers, looking at the sky, which made me worry about the condition of its head after the shocks, and dread that a bigger bird would eventually notice it and take advantage of the situation. I had also heard of how the mahouts break the will of elephants by tying them up with strong chains and beating them for days in a row without food. When the elephant has learned that no matter how strong and angry he is, he cannot free himself from the tyranny of his masters, they will then tie him with a simple rope and he will remain obediently in their service for the rest of his life. Perhaps the shocked little bird now imagined that a glass prison was all around it. But a blast of wind brought it back to reality, and it finally flew to a nearby tree.

You know that Jesus ordered us to release the captives. What are we to be set free from? Not our boss nor our wife – although they sometimes work effectively to our holiness. Illness, addictions, low self-esteem, resentment, are among the most obvious, but anything we fail to get past becomes a prison and the lures and traps of this world are many. Among them, there are all these false conceptions of God, which are as many insurmountable chasms between our solitude and the reality of feeling loved by our heavenly Father. How do we do what Jesus asked of us? By jumping on distraught people and imprisoning them in our churches or in a religion? People who need God need friendship first. True churches are founded on home groups where people seek a Spirit led lifestyle, which is at the opposite of what tradition has to offer. In times to come, all of our certainties will be shaken and many people will feel lost and helpless. And I'm afraid there are also a lot of marauding cats. No… sorry cats, sorry dogs and wolves in sheep skin, God's children are no snack for you. What we are asked is to behave like sons in order to show them where the door is, but sometimes also, to tell them the whole truth in love. Then, it is up to each individual to make the choice of his direction of life and to take off. Jesus is the door, and whoever comes to God should pass through him as well, only to be released into the green pastures of knowledge of God, he said. Even this Jesus who nevertheless created us with his Father – well, this God denies himself to be the owner of slaves. He of course expects our reciprocity, but God has never forced anyone to love him back for the good he does to us. Remember the Tower of Babel? The world will soon be informed of the rise of a new religion. The leaders of this religion will use all the strings of our sensitivity to make us fall into their humanist, anthropocentric, diabolical intrigue. “We must unite to be strong”, said the people of Babel. They had forgotten that there is a God over men. Jesus told us that when God is not invited to dwell in the house, the demons return, each taking seven other spirits even more wicked than them. Because even with its arms open to all without asking questions and its alleged universality, the new religion is only the old religion reworked and which has made an alliance with even more devious entities. Its iron fist hidden in a velvet glove will be directed more than ever against the living God, and those who serve him. It is designed to subordinate us to gods and goddesses on a human scale and who do not speak, lest feeling our need to be redeemed and transformed, we would turn away from them and return to the living God. The Spirit of the Father alone – He whom Jesus invites us to pray in the secrecy of our room – has the gift of leading us to the open door, that is to say to Jesus who is in facts, our Messiah and our Lord.


“All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”.  John 10:8-10




Romans 8 :

The Revelation of the Sons of God.

Are we all the children of God? In a generic sense, probably. But can we say that we are his sons and daughters? I once shared with a friend what I had come to understand from reading the New Testament. I was a fresh convert at the time, I had sought God alone and I was still a stranger to the political correctness that befits in Christian circles. I smoked, swore, drove a small sports car and sometimes lied to hide the shameful habits that I couldn't shake. I was undoubtedly not like you and had my share of contradictions… But, I was all fire all flame, as they say, enthusiastic for the new horizons which opened to me as God was revealing gradually through my readings of the Bible, moreover proud of my discoveries. I was looking for other believers so that I could share some common experiences with them, and this friend crossed my path. He had bathed in evangelical circles for a long time and had been through Bible school. In his eyes, my double life was an open book that probably spoke louder than my words. So when I proudly announced to him that I had discovered through my reading that we are all sons of God – a real revolution for a child of Catholics, even renegade to his tradition –, he hastened to calm my ardour. “We're just adopted sons,” he explained. And it is true that our Bible affirms that “in Jesus, God elected us before the foundation of the world, so that we may be holy and blameless before him, having predestined us in his love to be his adopted children by Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will ” Ephesians 1. This correction was undoubtedly partly deserved, but it had broken me in my tracks. ... (Click to read more)

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Before continuing this story, I open here a parenthesis after I just heard a message. I like this young pastor who is Arthur Thomas. I hope his positions are clear about Bethel Church and its “baptism of fire”, which is part of the much controversial “School of the Supernatural”. Art delivers exceptional messages on Divine healing and he is my hero when it comes to living and demonstrating the topic of this chapter. We have to be selective even if heresy hunters can be over the top, as are some proselytes. We all err at times and we must constantly rectify our trajectory on the base of the word of God.

We live in a strange world among some strange people, and if I unintentionally offended you, I fully take it because it is for your good. Don't feel hurt but realize that you are a victim of religious deception. The Bible teaches that our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. Even if this displeases those who advance tendentious interpretations, the Bible nowhere mentions a divine mother, or if it does, it is to warn us against a counterfeit religion. Understand that this is not misogyny. We have to admit that Satan does exist and that he certainly did not stand idly by during the great invasion of his empire by Christianity. After having deceived Eve in the garden through the serpent, which affected all her descendants including Mary, the mother of Jesus, he scaffolded from the beginnings of Christianity, several plans that would allow him to recover a posteriori the children that the Christ would take back and return to their rightful Father, even most sincere believers, by roundabout ways. He did so among other means, through a forged religion. The mother is the soul. The father is the spirit. The soul of man is, according to God himself, definitely corrupted. It is irrecoverable, and it is enough to listen to the rhetoric of the theology of the Virgin Mary to be convinced of it. From the time Eve let herself be seduced, the “feeling” lies. I'm not denying the value of true tenderness of heart, but some people are totally lost in their fallacies, which tend to give legitimacy and even to deify, human feelings which have lost their strength and their legitimacy. For it is through the spirit that God finds us – “the Spirit of Truth which the world cannot receive because it does not know him”. “A sword will pierce your soul”, old Simeon prophesied on Mary. This sword will prove to be that of the Spirit in the mouth of her own son. And Mary new it beforehand since she had said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” She knew she was a sinner like all men and she needed a saviour. Jesus is a friend to the humble and to those who know they are sinners, but he nevertheless remains the three times holy God, before whom all our stratagems collapse.

But according to the Bible, God is a father and also a mother to us. He loves us more fiercely and he knows us more intimately than the best mother. “You shaped me in a wonderful way in my mother's womb, and nothing that I am is hidden from you, you even know every day that is destined for me before these exist”, will David write in Psalm 139. “Your Father knows you need these things”. “Even the hairs of your head are numbered”, Jesus will say. “Wisdom begins with reverence for God. All who observe it have a sound mind and understanding” Psalm 111:10. Those who turn to the Virgin myth generally admit that they do not have a satisfactory relationship with the Father and with Jesus. If we do not come to this experience of the Father, we should ask his forgiveness for doubting his love, and perhaps we will have to tear down the anthropogenic concept of the Olympian gods which has permeated our Christianity, in order to receive a new understanding of the person of God. “Oh you know, I don't read the Bible because I don't understand it. And then this Old Testament God, frankly, it's outdated. But when I pray, I feel that the Virgin is present and I am relieved to be able to unload my worries on her, even if in reality I have to admit that I do not see an answer to my prayers”. You don't make an un-thirsty donkey drink, goes the saying. If you are unaware that you are living in the midst of a lost world, neither will you feel the need for higher wisdom to help you find your way. And how could we fall in love with somebody if we don't spend time with that person, knowing her better and contemplating her? And how could we fall in love with a person if we don't spend time with her, knowing her and watching her live? Otherwise, it is better to fall in love with an image or a plaster statue that will remain on your shelf and that will not cost you in outings and restaurants. In the past, men would have spent a veritable fortune to have access to what is made widely available to us for free. The Bible is a one-way mirror. The first image reflected in it is yours in the midst of your situation. But in the background stands the living and life-giving presence of God.

The first and foremost commandment is this: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord. He is the only true God. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And you will love your neighbour as yourself”. Is it a matter of feelings? No, these are called commandments. When I did my military service, everything in me initially rebelled against these orders given without possibility of discussion and without sentimentality. But after a while, I began to see the positive fruits that this discipline had on my character, and I quite liked the fact that I no longer needed to analyse everything critically. The effort became almost restful. It is the same with God when we let him lead us, except that with God things always have sense and a meaning, even if this meaning does not appear immediately. But coming back to Art Thomas, he mentioned, in a very good message that I will recommend you listen to, that according to a survey, thirty percent of evangelical Christians do not believe that Jesus is God, and the number even climbs to seventy-five percent when it comes to believing that Yeshua, or Jesus, is a created angel-like being. No wonder, then, that these people also don't believe what they are in Christ. If they were aware of who they are, they would not need the apparitions of an angel of light (*), or heresy hunters, or even a super-apostle, to be told what to do and who they may or may not trust. “The man who has the Spirit judges everything, and he himself is not judged by anyone,” Paul told the Corinthians.

The foundation of the Christian faith is not a dogma, or a church, a religion, or even a discipline extrapolated from the teachings of the apostles. Jesus said: “You search the Scriptures, because you think you have eternal life in them: they are the ones who bear record of me and you do not want to come to me to have life!” The foundation of the Christian life is therefore a person. Either we have that person, or we fill the void with what religion can offer.

To become son and daughter of God indeed passes by this learning of the discernment of the spirits and by our emancipation from the rudimentary principles of the world. The Bible teaches that from its origins, the world we live in has been in the centre of a conflict between two seeds. If there are two offsprings, there must be two progenitors. Many races and tribes inhabit the earth, but all individuals combined, God classifies us into only two spiritual families : the offspring of the women and the offspring of the serpent. This is mentioned in one of the very first chapters of Genesis. This woman is represented there by Eve who symbolizes Life, physical life, but also the life of believers from the moment she is saved, as Paul mentions. She is not Miriam, but the mother of Jesus is part of the equation since she gave life to Christ who is the Messiah of Israel. Israel is indeed this woman who is mentioned prophetically in this text of Genesis, as confirmed by the dream of Joseph, son of Israel, in the light of Revelation 12. And in Isaiah 53, Christ is prophetically attributed an additional seed, acquired by his sacrifice, and which concerns us a priori, us non-Jews who believe in him. So, apart from Christ who was born without the intervention of an earthly father, every man, from his birth, belongs to the serpent because of the venom of the lie that he has instilled in us. But he becomes the seed of the woman (of Abraham and the promises), and the spiritual bride of Christ, from the moment he accepts the Messiah of Israel as his Christ. It's a simple yet complex plot that I discuss in more detail in this other chapter, because it is the cause of everything that is happening in the world today and it is going to be the stake of this final battle, whose ferocity is cause for concern. What can reassure us, perhaps, is the fact that God foretold that Christ and his seed would suffer a heel injury, while we would crush the serpent's head. Paul says that there is no commonality between the sufferings of this present day and the glory that is to come. I close the parenthesis here, but you now see how things could have been diverted for the benefit of the other woman, because it must perhaps be specified : in the Hebrew tradition, the serpent that seduced Eve in the garden was originally a kind of woman with wings. Her wings will be taken away from her as a punishment for her betrayal. She will no longer have her place in heaven and she will have to wander on earth. Disobeying God, she had planned to become Adam's bride, but God had intended Christ for us. We now know who is behind this identity today. We can therefore imagine the feelings that can animate her, vis-à-vis the human race, with regard to Christ whom she crucified but who came back to life to reign over her with his saints, and the pandemonic projects that she has scaffolded for this period of history, at the end of which she will be thrown into a pit where she will remain locked up for a period of a thousand years, before being released to be finally destroyed. I'm telling you, the darkest plots of American soap-series are children's bedtime stories beside this reality, and I would surely not ask this woman to babysit my children.

How do you become a son of God? From this theological confrontation that I mentioned at the beginning, with this friend committed to the faith but who was a little too legalistic in my view, I had the vague feeling that it was necessary to deserve this adoption by making act of holiness. Even if I owe it to this friend's prayer that I was definitely rid of the urge to smoke, I was again confronted with this religious spirit of control, which had made me move away from Catholicism in the first place. It then took me many years of wrestling with doubt, of fasting, self-exorcism attempts and a yo-yo spiritual life where I depended on other people for my substance, experiencing some surges almost immediately followed by long periods of stagnation in a semi-depressive doldrums from which I could not extricate myself, to finally understand that, like many Christians, I had tackled the problem from the wrong end. Truth is that we are born in a sin nature and we cannot shake sin as long as we see ourselves as sinners. If you want to control a snake, you need to grab its head, not its tail. The Bible says of Christ that he crushed the head of the serpent, and Christ himself asserts that those who believe in him will walk on snakes and scorpions, mostly figuratively speaking I reassure you, without them being able to do them any harm. I recommend on this subject a teaching from Andrew Wommack that I put in link here. So my first impression was the right one : We are the sons of God from the very moment we decide to take God's offer to become his sons. It is a change of mindset, and it is this status obtained by faith that gives us the power to overcome the vagaries of our inherited nature. “For you are all sons of God through trusting in Messiah Yeshua. For all of you who were immersed in Messiah have clothed yourselves with Messiah. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female – for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua. And if you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham’s seed – heirs according to the promise” says Paul to the Galatians. The fact that we recognize that Jesus is the Son of God, but also of believing in what we have become from the moment Jesus reconnected us with our God, opens the door to our spiritual freedom and makes us inherit from all the promises of God. Religion has accustomed us to remaining forever under the authority of a pyramidal order ultimately controlled by the devil. But God made us sit in spiritual places with Christ, writes also the apostle Paul to the Ephesians. God only placed two conditions on us to be considered by him as his sons and daughters : We must decide to be constantly led by his Spirit, according to Romans 8, which implies that we remain filled with him and His Word, and not with the vanity of our life in this world, and we must demonstrate what we believe we now are, by living and acting as peace craftsmen, as Jesus says in Matthew 5:9. So again, God does not expect us to rise to him, but he has joined us in our weakness by placing his Spirit in us as our companion for this trip, so that, inhabited by him, we behave naturally like his sons and daughters and not as helpless sinners or as religious beggars.

With its numerous connotations, the word “adoption” comes sometimes like a shadow in the picture. But the word υιοθεσια (Huiothesia), which was translated by “adoption” for lack of a more adequate word in our Western languages, is not at all depreciating in the sense in which the Bible uses it. It is made up of the roots Huios (son) and Tithemi (placing). According to a commentary, this word is only used five times in the Bible, by Paul, in reference to our position as joint heirs within the promises made by God to Abraham. In John 8, Jesus gives us some explanations which come to enlighten God's project. The inheritance promised to Abraham was the accession of his seed to the same promises that he had made to him. God had promised Abraham that, because he had believed, he would be blessed and his name would be famous. He also would become – and his seed after him –, a source of blessing. His seed would be like the sand of the sea or the stars of heaven that no one can count, and God would put them in possession of foreign territories, “a land of the west where milk and honey flows”. Abraham is the embodiment of the principle that “if you believe, you will see the glory of God”. It is on this principle of the “faith that brings about things which are not into existence”, the very principle God had already used to create our world, that God founded the covenant he made with Abraham and with his descendants. God had however specified that in order to inherit the promises, no mixture would be allowed with man's merit and own achievements. The children of the handmaid (the law, or the religion) would not inherit with those of the free woman (the faith and the Spirit).

It is also by virtue of the faith that God raised up another seed to Abraham, a seed taken from the foreign world, won to Abraham by Christ. Peter said, “Be sorry for your sins and turn from them and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ, and your sins will be forgiven. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you and your children. It is to all people everywhere. It is to as many as the Lord our God will call.”  Joined to the children of Israel, these two peoples are called to form one. The heir is like the servant as long as he is a child, says Jesus. But the servant does not stay forever in the house, while the son inherits everything. In another passage in the Bible, Paul says that we were placed under the law as under a tutor. A more descriptive translation than the word “adoption” would therefore be : “our placement in the position of sons, with the immediate change of our hearts, which will be followed later by that of our bodies, so that glorious, they also correspond to our new identity of sons of God”. But in John 8, the masters and teachers of the law react to Jesus' offer to set them free : “We are no one's servants. We are the seed of Abraham and have one father : God, for we are not illegitimate children”. The fact that Jesus was born without a father had not escaped them. Their sarcasm is fair game since Jesus had suggested that they had for father the one who inspired them all their bad thoughts and their murders, that is to say the devil. But Jesus knew his Father perfectly. As he means it, the Father is the one who generates us spiritually and who indwells us. What was true for Jesus is also true for us. After his resurrection, he said to Mary of Magdala: “Go and find my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God”. God does not adopt us as strangers to his race or to his house, or as servants, or even as pets. But from “prodigal” sons that we were, he dresses us in a new robe and puts the ring of his authority on our finger. He kills the fattened calf for us, for what it may mean to everyone. God perfects us by making us reborn of his Spirit, to position us in a dominant manner in spiritual places, while he sets us back into his redeemed family. This found again identity is essential. When we read the Bible, we realize that God has many children, but his great sorrow is that we are not all his sons and daughters. There are the children of wrath (Ephesians 2), the sons of destruction (John 17), the rebellious, deceitful, obstinate, children (many quotes), and there are the sons from the east and west who will sit at the table with Abraham and Jesus while some of the sons of the Kingdom will be thrown out because they did not believe. (Matthew 8).

The early disciples were not necessarily holier than many of us. In fact some were even much worse. Most of them had never attended Bible school, with the possible exception of Saul of Tarsus who for a time became the leader of the persecutors. But these ordinary men and women had one thing in common, and that one thing made them extraordinary. It was the Spirit of adoption that God had poured out upon them on the day of Pentecost. But again, the word “adoption” poorly describes God's intent in sharing his spiritual nature with us. A better translation would be “to put on an identity” or “to appoint to a position” or “to promote”. Remember what the Father said to his eldest son: “Look, dear son, you and I are very close, and everything I have is yours”. The eldest son, who represents believers who come from an obedient religious background and the law, as well as the Jews compared to the non-Jews, did not live in accordance with his status. His mentality had remained that of a servant, hence his frustration when the Father rehabilitated his younger brother who had lived in an erratic way. But after Pentecost, it was precisely this awareness of who they were that now carried the sons of the gift of God like a rushing wave which they were surfing. They had faith, and their joy could withstand persecution. God was with them, in them, and they knew that nothing was impossible for them. Everywhere they went, extraordinary things were happening. The Bible is surprisingly succinct on the details, presumably to avoid us the temptation to seek miracles instead of the One who performs them. But we can still read in the Book of Acts, things that are highly improbable. The apostles walk out of closed prison cells, the dead are resurrected, the paralytics are instantly healed, the sick who were lined up in the streets are all healed without exception as the shadow of an apostle passes over them, others are healed or set free when an handkerchief blessed by an apostle is laid on them, disciples move from one city to another without having to go there – the whole earth seems to be waiting for this revelation of the sons of God. Convicted at the sight of all these wonders, Satanist miracle workers are converted, and thousands of people turn to this faith and embrace the great freedom of the children of God. Of course, this cannot be popular with everyone and persecution doesn't take long to organize. Stephen, a man of grace and power, performed wonders and great miracles among the people. Indicted, he is not afraid to tell his judges their four truths, as before him Jesus did not hesitate to tell them that they were the children of the devil. Stephen paints a grandiose historical fresco for them, to finally remind them that what their fathers were, so are they : stiff-necked people who continually resist God and who are the murderers of the prophets. The very moment he says these things, Jesus shows himself to Stephen in a kind of Imax motion picture which he comments live: “Now I see the heavens open, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God”. But for those slaves of the spirit of the world who had listened to him with some interest until then, this is too much. Man standing besides God to rule the world, it can only be blasphemy. What they hear contributes to ringing the hallmarks of a beleaguered religion and puts them in a murderous rage.

The history of the world is made of this succession of velleities for the revelation of the sons of God, almost immediately perverted by the devil or repressed in vicious actions going as far as barbaric and bloody repression. I have nothing against religions. They are part of the human landscape, like politics, sport, entertainment. If it is religion that you want, I can recommend the Catholic religion over many others. Even if it subrogated to Christ the Queen of Heaven and substituted human traditions for the Gospel, it will still make the Bible available to you, and this is what allowed me to be saved. The Bible denounces all the liberties they have taken from sound doctrine, but they generally do not read these passages or they interpret them in their own way. But some denominations are more dangerously devious, because error is more subtle in them. All religions approach the things of God in an unrenewed mind, and therefore they are not immune to the control of the forces of evil. Religion brings sterilization, pseudonymisation and the outright eviction of the Spirit of the Lord. Men and women of good try to rekindle the flame, but they face subversive forces that are quick to undermine their efforts or to recuperate the rewards, and this cycle has been repeating for millennia. If religion needs to invoke the Queen of Heaven and if it clings to a system and to traditions, it is because, as Paul said to the Corinthians : “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God”.

In spite of this, the Kingdom of God, for it is indeed about it, is progressing inexorably. Like an oil stain, the good news of the Gospel of the Sons of God has spread throughout the world for two thousand years and even longer. Jesus told us that his Gospel would be like the leaven that the baker has put in the flour. Society, even if it resists admitting it, has been transformed from within by the gospel. Everywhere in the world, ordinary men and women are convinced that they are called to an extraordinary destiny, and their hopes are in Christ, as are also the hopes we can have for our world. The first disciples like Stephen and his companions, were not afraid of death. They had dared to look Reality in the eye, and what they saw there had changed them forever. They could no longer subscribe to this organized slavery of the sons of God that Satan perpetuates through religion. They were now so free that even living or dying didn't really matter. The war waged by the forces of evil is a lost battle. The reason is simple : their weapon of deterrence, death, has been has been swallowed up in Life by the victory of Christ. 1 Corinthians 15. To be able to nourish ourselves on this truth will undoubtedly be precious in times to come, when the corrupt world will embark on its ultimate assault against God and his people, that which will sign it's end.


The only hope for man to survive his passage on earth is to use the time allotted for his earthly pilgrimage to become the spiritual being he is supposed to be.



Life is a precious, yet often wasted treasure.

Even if sometimes, adversity makes us perceive our life as an ordeal, we are probably grateful for it and we remain expectant of the good things it will bring along. Life is the vehicle that allows us to explore the world in which we were born, and to build the character that will clothe our identity. … (Click to read more)

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This identity has its source in God. It will extend well beyond the years that we can count on earth, for time is a very random notion and it is linked to this earthly existence. But if life was a car, it would be delivered with its owner's manual describing the design of the vehicle, its various elements, giving sound advice on how to drive it and advising maintenance to be made at regular intervals to keep it in excellent condition. You may have bought a used car that came without an owner's manual. Soon, a warning lit up on the dashboard, leaving you puzzled. A call to a friend more knowledgeable in mechanics will have reassured you: “These warnings usually pop on from a certain mileage. It's probably the measuring probe that is worn out and should be replaced. You may just as well ignore it”. I remember my first Subaru, a wrecked vehicle that I had refurbished. As you probably know, these are four-wheel drive vehicles designed to get out of most situations. Still, I got stuck on a sloped road due to an unexpected patch of ice. One wheel was spinning and the car would not move. There are some laborious solutions to get out of such situation and I eventually made my way. One day though, I wondered about the function of a button that stood slightly hidden under the dashboard. By consulting the driver's manual – finally! – I discovered that my car was equipped with a differential lock control. The function that would have helped me out of that awkward situation had been implemented by the car manufacturer. Still, I had to know it and switch it manually as needed.

All cultures combined, the tradition of the elders corresponds to these approximate guesses on effects and their causes, and the more or less relevant interpretations we make of the things that affect us. Some of the findings have been written by the wises in books, and these books have served to the development of religions. All these traditions, oral at the beginning, which were adapted to the particular customs and tinged with tales and legends of the ancient peoples – the nebulous theories of the New Age are a resurgence of old theories brought up to date –, explains that people who, according to scientists have a common origin, may have ultimately very different ideas about life, to the point that the word God is synonymous with love for some, hatred for others, with in between almost as many shades of grey as there are men on the planet, the result being that we cannot support each other and live in good harmony. Our great political and religious figures are aware of the problem and have been working for a long time on the development of a “universal” driver's manual which will serve as the foundation for the iron rod of a world ecumenism. But will this “harmonization” of the truth really bring the solution to the problems of humanity? …


Is Christianity a Religion?

“What sets the disciples of Jesus apart from the rest of the world including most Christians and myself, is not so much what they know or what they believe, but it's rather what they do with it”.

Millennia of religion have gathered a huge knowledge base. And yet, for most of us the true face of the Creator remains as elusive as ever… The general observation is that the world has not changed much. Balances are still based on military power and not on equity, and therefore peace remains precarious. All are looking out for a strong man who will tackle our important issues and lead the world with authority. This will only set us back. Hope for a better tomorrow could nevertheless lie within a man. … (Click to read more)

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The political and religious worlds of today, seem to merge in a common endeavour aimed at preparing the way for a charismatic leader – a strong man who will handle our crises with persuasiveness and efficiency. Like a straw fire, this man will rise says the Bible, but he will be reduced to nothing. Men have never done well with dictators once they realized that their hopes were deceived. But think about this: maybe this Messiah has already come and we didn't know him, because his leadership style was not that which we were accustomed to? Jesus said that mind knowledge is good but is not enough. His teaching must be put in practice so we can witness that it works. The Gospel of Matthew presents us Jesus as the new Moses, he who led his people out of Egypt. We thought we were already in our promised land! Amazing. However, many people imagine that Jesus simply brought a new religion, and this is understandable when one sees what has been done with his teaching. But is religion all that Jesus wanted us to keep from his message? When one reads through the Gospels, one sees that Jesus is continually confronting religion. Not in vain attempts to reform it – Jesus did not even consider reforming religion as something worthwhile. But he rebuked the priest's attitude by compassion for those who were to remain in the darkness, because religion had eclipsed God and it was keeping the people in slavery of its own rules. Jesus goes so far as to accuse the religious leaders of building the mausoleums of the prophets whom their fathers killed, acknowledging by this that they were the sons of the prophet's murderers. We could go on : Who killed the Son of God if not religion ? The death on the cross is a fate that Jesus had accepted before he took flesh. This punishment suffered in our place was at the heart of his mission on earth. By confronting the world and its religion to their powerlessness, to the point that we had to get rid of him so that our institutions could preserve a semblance of legitimacy, Jesus has demonstrated in an indelibly manner that religion is pernicious by the use. All times, religions and faiths combined, religious institutions and world powers always got hand in hand when it came to suppressing the advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth, as the demonstration was made when they thought they had submitted Jesus. But in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, of which Daniel gave him the interpretation, the feet of the great statue are made of iron mixed with terracotta. Political power and religion can get along, but their assembly is precarious and this marriage is not made to last forever. The Reign of Christ is represented by this stone which is detached without the help of any hand, and which breaks the feet of the statue which are the foundation of our society, causing the collapse of the entire structure put in place by men. “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands – a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces”.


Described by God as the “father of lies,” Satan rules the world through a system of beliefs. These beliefs, when sufficiently developed, become fortresses of reasoning in which men are now prisoners. Whether moral, scientific or religious, these erroneous arguments and the prejudices that accompany them must be exposed and dismantled, with the supernatural weapons of God, specifies the Apostle Paul. The advancement of the Kingdom of God comes at this price. What follows might make some cringe, but it is better to ask oneself the right questions now, so as not have to suffer regrets in eternity : Why, within what constitutes its most visible form today, has religion replaced the Messiah with a woman whose worship precedes by several millennia the birth of the mother of Jesus? Truly, Mary must have had her heart pierced. This imposture is indicative of what this prominent religion is, and of who is actually hiding under a Christian sheepskin. Other religions or denominations are not to be outdone, since each has raised to the position of god, who their dogma, who their seers. Jesus spoke to the religious leaders of his time saying : “You nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. And you do many things like that”. Jesus rebuked the priests for having made of religion an institution which allowed them to live at the expense of the people, without however empowering them. He told the rabbis that they were closing the door to knowledge so that people could not enter, and that they themselves did not enter. Religion has hardly evolved since the time of Jesus, simply because it cannot. Religious people administer an institution, like others are interested in politics, sports or business. But this institution is not the Life of God. Paul tells Timothy that many men have adhered to an outward form of piety, while they keep denying what makes its strength. All this happened because we separated faith from compassion to consider God on a purely moral level. For instance, the disciples healed all the sick in accordance with what Christ had taught them. Healing were the manifestations established by God to demonstrate that the Kingdom of Jesus was a reality and that it was ready to appear, in fact, that Christ stood at the door. So when I hear that almost a thousand Italians and Spaniards die every day from Coronavirus, I am sorry and disappointed. Religion continues to hold the truth prisoner. We are helplessly witnessing a devilish genocide on backdrop of propaganda. The ignorance in which we indulge has stripped us from all the good things that Christ has acquired us through his obedience and his death on the cross.


For more than two thousand years now, the Kingdom of God has been in our midst, but we have chosen to ignore it. Worse, we fought it and in our churches ! If we have become incompetent theorists, it is because we have left our thinkers all latitude for a schism to operate between the heart of man and the expression of his convictions. This schism is what some consider a religious culture, or dogma, precepts, philosophy or sophistry. Jesus called this double mindedness: hypocrisy, or when one abandons the function to enter in a role. And this explains why today, the Gospel of power has been replaced by a moral message. If you listen to the messages that come from St Peter's Square, and in fact from many churches, most of it is a call to Christian ethics. The rest being an invitation to accept and bear our circumstances until the coming of a new era, which turns out to be elusive. The speeches of our politicians essentially consist in trying to “drown the fish”. Morality is not a bad thing in itself, but it is subjective, arbitrary and partisan. Pursued to its end, it leads to wars of religion. The Taliban's claims are noble, since they aim at exercising a higher level of morality. Hitler was a moral figure, otherwise he would not have been listened to and followed by a Christian nation who was also one of the most cultivated race on earth. In defending their moral values ​​or their dogma, the Jews unwittingly crucified the Son of God and their Messiah. Let's not talk about the fratricidal wars that opposed Catholics to Protestants. The Antichrist, who will soon appear onto the political scene, will be a highly moral character, yet the Bible predicts that he will make war to God and to his saints. Our moral perception of good and evil suits Satan perfectly well, since he reigns through division, and religions are his means of choice to maintaining these divisions between people. But the outcome of the cross at Golgotha was an unforeseen one and represented for him a bitter setback. The dragon was himself crushed and nailed to the earth by the instrument of death which he intended for his adversary.


As for Christ, he is risen and he stands in heaven with God, from whom he has received all authority and power on earth and in the heavens ! This is why, in the Apostles' time, the Gospel was not considered a story. The word referred rather to a power (dunamis) provided by the Holy Spirit for the concrete restoration of anyone received the message of the Gospel. Liberation from subjugation, whether to a religion or to a caste, from any moral debt towards tutelary spirits. Liberation from guilt resulting from the non respect of the prescriptions of the law, and also from sin in its generic form. Restoration of the integrity of both our physical body and soul were also to be found in the wake of this spiritual renewal. If the gift was free – for instance Jesus healed all who were sick with no condition –, one condition was however set for this restoration to lead to everlasting life : Jesus summed up his demands in these words: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself”. “This is the law and the prophets”. From the application of these two commandments should flow everything related to the conduct of our life. A return to the law and traditions in autoproclaimed orthodoxy, catholicism or fundamentalism, is now considered a retrograde attitude since it brings the believer back under the jurisdiction of a system that was unable to save us, due to our weakness, and which has now been recuperated by the devil as a means of control. The whole law points to Jesus, therefore, acknowledging the law as the supreme authority is like denying Jesus. But acknowledging Jesus as one's Christ is the fulfilment of the law. To make sure that all understood that the Law of Love is not a cheap alternative: “If anyone wants you to go one mile, go with them two miles” Jesus added.


How does grace lead to miracles? Jesus did not preach a dogma, but he demonstrated a practical lifestyle. He knew very well what he was talking about, since his spirit stood with God before he took a human form. Therefore he assisted the creation of the world, which was made through the same principles he applied while he was amongst us. God was not a stranger for him like he is for most of us before Jesus reveals him to us. But when Jesus dared to claim that he was one with the God of their fathers, the religious leaders accused him of being a liar and of having a demon, and this in spite of all the miracles that came to prove his proximity with God. Have things really changed since the time of Jesus? Our hearts are made of the same hard parched earth. Whether we want it or not, we are constantly evaluating people and circumstances on the basis of the old law, the law of the soul, and thus condemning ourselves at the same time. “But there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death” says Paul to the Romans. With the advent of grace, God has substituted a new law for the old one. Therefore, according to God, we are not abandoning the law, but we are exchanging it for a much better one. We are moving into a higher realm, a realm that is no longer of the soul but which is now spiritual and open to the miraculous. The law was given by God to man as a consequence of sin. It is condemnatory and it will remain man's realm forever. But when we move into grace, we are entering in God's realm, a realm which is supernatural. Blessed are those who sow in tears, said Jesus. Our tears of contrition are the ingredient that is most necessary to soften the earth we are made of, and to make it become a fertile soil for the supernatural seeds Jesus wants to plant in us.


Nowadays, many are tired of having to undergo a political policy that is only concerned with itself. Politics and religion are hijacked by those who try to impose their narrow view of things on us, and they do so because the flock they have to manage is corrupt itself. If religion had not existed for itself, it would have seen in Jesus, not a dissident which it needed to crush, but the King who personified its fulfilment ! How can one come to lose sight to such extent of the true meaning of things? For, later, the apostles taught that religion, or the law and the various beliefs, were the shadows of the things that were to come, but that the reality is in a man – a human being without distinction of gender, caste or race, reconciled with God and with himself and prefigured by the Christ. “Khristos” is a Greek word that is equivalent to the Hebrew “melekh mashiach”, which means “King Liberator”. This word encompasses the dimension of a new identity that the Messiah will communicate to all who want to walk with him, and who will be restored to their true identity of “Adam”, the men who wear the face of God on this Earth. This identity has been lost over the generations because of what is called “sin,” a word in which we often see excesses and moral conflicts, but which in reality means: to miss the target, to pass at large of the true aim of life. Sin, is living for a world whose priorities are skewed, and failing to recognize that it is led to its ruin by him who Jesus calls “the Prince of this world of darkness". Sin is when we don't join in God's plan for the salvation for this world, and keep doing our own business instead of becoming part of his “ekklesia, his governing council, here on earth. Salvation is an off the beaten tracks journey, a new trajectory that is sometimes difficult to sustain since we are by nature, talented imitators of our fathers. We will need to pass through a conversion experience. Converting means to stop, turn around and go the other way. God wants to change our mentality, not by mental knowledge only, but by transforming us from within, right into our most profound being. Jesus does not encase us in moral or religious sets of values, but he sets us free from these elementary principles by renewing the spirit in us – he replaces our spiritual DNA with his. What is impossible to attain as humans, then becomes workable. Because if God dwells in us and makes us whole – perfectly ONE with the Father as Jesus prays for us –, then why should we disqualify ourselves? Nothing should be impossible. This glorious perspective which is what God has conceived for men from the beginning, is precisely what religion fights, because religion leads it's mission in an un-renewed spirit and mind and it sees grace as a menace to it's very existence. That's how it came to crucify Jesus and to persecute the true believers. Men who are one with a religion or a church, do not want to live from God's love, but they are driven by the pride of life. They receive their reward, said Jesus. But those who in this life, share the sufferings of Christ, will also take part in his glorious resurrection, as he promised.

Why is the door that gives access to the Kingdom of Jesus so narrow and why is its path difficult to find ?

Matthew 7

Anyone who has not read the Bible is doomed to believe what others are saying about it. And since the truth rarely matches the ideas of the greatest number… A man of God recounts that, while he was still young, he had a vision, and this experience changed his way of considering the world. Before his eyes was moving forward a great crowd formed of all the peoples of the earth. Each displayed its peculiarities. People were beautiful and they were proud of their culture. … (Click to read more)

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Some were carried by a great ideal or a utopia while others progressed under the banner of a political movement, a religion or even of a desire to reform their religion. The crowd was compact and each individual progressed, carried by his activities and unable to distinguish the final destination towards which all went. But at a certain point, this eclectic and motley crowd reached the edge of an awful precipice from which smoke, flames of fire and cries of agony rose. Finding themselves trapped into a reality where their peculiarities and their certainties were of no help, people became brutally aware of something they had eluded during their life. Some turned back ... but the inexorable progression of a blind crowd precipitated them into a tragic end, which was certainly not what they had expected. The Spirit of God then said to this young man : “The consequence of sin, is death. You have seen it and I will hold you henceforth responsible for all lives lost among those whom you will have met, and whom you will not have warned”. The tragedy, today, is that, comforted by their number, many people navigate in an artistic vagueness and think : “Let's wait and see what will happen in the end”. While God has made it very clear that, what we can expect has already been promised to us. So there should be no surprise about the outcome of the choices we make during our life.

“For I tell you that your goodness must be a far better thing then the goodness of the scribes and Pharisees, before you can set foot in the kingdom of Heaven at all !” Matthew 5. But what goodness is Jesus talking about? Is it our own goodness? Just as a mere philosophy, the sugary religion leads to spiritual decay and to death. The superficial certainties that are conveyed constitute the spacious path that Jesus mentions. This wide path actually misleads many more people, than proper Satanism does. God is not met in the churches on Sundays, but he is actually wherever someone searches for him very sincerely. Gathering beliefs and enriching oneself with a tradition is like hiding our nakedness behind fig leaves. God does not want his people to be like caddisflies. Authenticity is not in the building of a religious identity that allows us to blend into the landscape, so that God shall not see us. But on the contrary, it consists of putting on a “Teflon spirit", a spirit of truth, freed from the influences of the world, willing to take on its responsibilities and to struggle with God while being nourished with his Word, and thus able to understand the nature of the conflict in which our earthly life commits us. This Spirit is communicated by Christ to those who love him and who put in practice his teaching. True Christian life is a fight against inertia and personal inclination, until we reach that place where we love God and love one another with a heart made whole, and not superficially. Then we will see the promise of Jesus fulfilled : “Whatever you ask in faith in my name, believe that you have received it, and you will see it come to pass.” To enter eternal life means to reach this Victory over self-centerdness, after having followed the path that Christ opened for us when he died on a cross. Why is it so important? Simply because a loving altruism is heavenly mentality! Would you like to spend eternity in a place where all other beings would be so different from you that you would feel very uncomfortable? You would rather run away. And that's how we will ultimately decide for ourselves, of what our eternal destiny shall be.

So when I am asked: Do you believe that the Catholics won't go to Heaven? I answer: Well, from what I see and based on what the Bible says, I can't help but note that many Catholics are missing the mark. But then I should also say that I do not think that many Protestants, Evangelicals, Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons – you name them –, have a relationship with the Spirit of Jesus that guarantees them immortality either. Please understand that we will not go to heaven because we are good people. Or because we followed the only religious path approved by the successors of Saint Peter, or by those of Luther, or by the self-proclaimed leaders of the Christian cults. And besides this, Jesus hardly talked about a Heaven, but he rather mentioned a Kingdom. Oh, I know that the words have been overused by boring door-to-door proselytes. The real Kingdom of Jesus is not one of those artificial paradises that an exclusive group of people have created on some remote island, where they intend to follow their own rules. But Heaven is this place of proximity with God, a place that we must reach now, while we are alive. “Our communion is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ”, says John. At the time of our physical death, we will be drawn into the reality we are already in communion with, either in the true light of Christ for those who are in communion with him, or, in that of Lucifer, the magnificent liar who followed the path of pride and was doomed to an exile. For many, death will be the dreaded moment of truth. Jesus warned that many would be called, but few would be elected. We belong to a kingdom, but only if we love the King and work for the interests of the Kingdom. I have to decide of my eternal destiny, every day, by the choices I make, by the way I seek God and adjust my life principles on what his Word says, and by leaning my heart towards loving others, since this is also what my King does. Not always easy, but it generates peace.

However, to love is not a synonymous for keeping his mouth shut. Love warns of the catastrophes that await at the turn off. Witnessing to others is actually the best way to keep the flame alive. Am I thinking of myself as being on the sure way to heaven ? Nothing can be taken for granted. There are days when I am discouraged, because of the things I cannot change, discouraged by those who are so attached to inherited values that they don't want to change, discouraged by myself because basically, I am of the same breed. I could turn my back on this destiny at any time, go back to a selfish occupation and lose the benefits of everything I have gained so far, as the Apostle Paul was also aware of. And this while others could join in, in the hour that precedes their death, and win the jackpot, as was the case for this criminal who recognized the Son of God while he was crucified by his side. Jesus does not hide himself from anyone who comes to him with a contrite heart. But death may surprise us before we get to that place, and that would be a bad outcome. For, nowhere in the Bible do we find mention of this Greek notion of a purgatory, where after death, we could be transformed by our own efforts or refined through suffering. This concept is just a devilish myth. On the contrary, the Bible says that an insurmountable abyss will separate each camp. “If a tree falls toward the south or toward the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie”, says the Bible. And while some will inherit of a Kingdom prepared for them since the creation of the world, others will stay caught in an unspeakable quagmire, a place of torment they will never be able to escape. Except if there is a miraculous intervention of God, needless to say. Some people report, however, that as they died, they saw themselves fall into a bottomless abyss. But they unexpectedly came back to life to tell their story, because they had the reflex to cry out to God, or because someone fervently interceded for them. The rest of their life was usually devoted to seeking God, but many have unfortunately chosen to reject God, because of a choice that they judged, was too Manichaean. They wanted a third alternative : their own. But by definition, there is no third way in a kingdom. You are either a stakeholder in the king's plans – and believe me: there is enough to satisfy the most ambitious –, or you are an opponent. An opponent can still be won, if he is smart. “God resists the proud, but he is graceful to the humble”, says James.




“Very truly, I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgement, but has passed from death to life”. John 5:24


The only way we can survive our passage on this earth is to make the most of the time of our earthly pilgrimage to rediscover our spiritual identity.

Only if you become born again, will you see the Kingdom of God !

John 3

With these words, Jesus announced the Good News to Nicodemus, a Pharisee who, although he was a good man considered eminently educated in the principles of his religion, could not really grasp what the salvation announced by Jesus was about. “No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit", Jesus said to him again. But wait, did Jesus not to tell the good thief crucified with him that he would be with him in Paradise on that same day? So what, is it not enough to repent? Why would we need the Pentecost experience to be admitted in Heaven? Well, there is a misunderstanding amongst Christians. If we were brought up in the Jewish tradition, we would know that Paradise and Heaven are not the same place. I just listened to a message by Amir Tsarfati which settles this question with brio. Jews are second to none when it comes to understanding the Bible, even more when they are born again. The Kingdom of God is a spiritual place of government, but Paradise is an earthly place. Paradeisos is the part of Hades that the Jews believe to be the abode of the souls of the righteous until the resurrection, also known as the “bosom of Abraham”. For instance when he died, the poor Lazarus in Jesus' story was carried by the angels in Abraham's bosom. But the rich man of that same story fell in Hades. Even though they could see each other from far and perhaps exchange a few words, their condition was diametrically opposed. One was resting with the saints, but the other experienced great discomfort, to say the least. And there was that bottomless pit in between them that no one could get across. So yes, you can be admitted in this paradise if you repent and chose Jesus' way. But to be admitted in God's Council, or if you prefer, in the Kingdom of God, is another thing. And it is certainly there that we must look for the meaning of these improbable words that Jesus said one day to his mother, and which can be perceived as hurtful if we don't understand his point : “Woman, what have I to do with you?”. Without rejecting the human person, Jesus excludes nonetheless his mother from his divine council. Elsewhere, Jesus will also mention that he came to establish a division, and this right into the families. So from now on, there would be two kinds of human beings, even within the same blood line? This is exactly what the Bible teaches.

Resume things after a bad start.

We all know the natural man since we are born in that condition. Endowed with great sensitivity, industrious, cultivated, religious enough to consider God and the good, he is an artist capable of magnificent achievements. This man who lives by the thoughts of his heart is certainly not devoid of interest. But he has also a darker side. And if there is one thing that history must teach us, it's that, as evolved as he may be, the natural man only repeats the patterns that are inscribed in his genes or in his heart. Therefore, all his efforts to gain a higher perspective will prove largely vain. As Blaise Pascal noted: “Man is neither angel nor beast. And unhappily, whoever wants to act the angel, acts the beast”. This angelic man, precisely, has taken hold of the noblest being that the Earth had ever worn, and he has made him his king, after having silenced his royal claims by nailing him to a cross. God of course had anticipated our intentions, that's why he entrusted Jesus with a radical solution. Formerly, the waters of the flood swept all flesh from the ancient world, but soon the dove of the Spirit picked an olive sprout. Jesus is this olive branch. Even though he came from the tree of the patriarchs in the line of King David, he did not claim his royal descent. Instead, he revealed himself as the Son of God by the Spirit. “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit", he said. But then, what is the spirit?… (Click to read more)

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The poet and essayist Henry David Thoreau wrote: “Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new”. Atheistic scientists would have us believe in the postulates of Darwinism, which assert that our mind – they do not even consider the existence of a spirit – is the evolved product of an accident which occurred billions of years ago, when a soup of chemical elements was fertilized by a plasma of undetermined origin. According to these assumptions, our mind, or consciousness, extinguishes also with the cessation of the physiological functions. Needless to say : they have it all wrong. Whether animal or human, at the origin of every life on the planet is a spirit or a breath (in Hebrews: Ruwach). This is mentioned in Genesis 6: 3 and in Psalm 104:29. We must however distinguish two forms of existence. This “Ruwach” spirit, which is breathed in creatures by God, supports the existence of all beings. In Greek, Ruwach is designated by the word psuché from which derives our word psychology. When God takes his breath away, an animal dies and its body decomposes. But for us as humans, a spiritual remnant of our being slips into a lower place called Hades or Scheol, where according to Jesus, we still exist in a conscious form and are able to review the events of our life. But in a tormenting perspective, since we are aware that we shouldn't have ended in that place, but are now powerless to change our fate since we can no longer interact with the things of this life. It is a waiting place before the resurrection for the final judgment. This thought should make us think twice, if for instance we are contemplating suicide as the end of our problems.

The other form of existence granted to us as sons of Adam, is spiritual and divine. It is designated by the word pneuma. Without this pneuma, we humans are racing cars with flat tires. Jesus says in John 6: “The Spirit (pneuma) only is life giving (zōopoioun). Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit (pneuma) and life (zōē), but there are some among you who do not believe”. … This life that Jesus talks about here – which obviously does not elicit unanimity – , is Zōē, the divine spiritual life which possesses in itself the capacity to sustain physical life. This is a life that extends far beyond the years that are numbered to us, for it is immortal. We are thereby three-dimensional spiritual beings, endowed with a soul and a body. Unlike animals, we have access to this third dimension which is that of God himself, and it is that dimension which determines also our new identity in Christ. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5: “So from now on, we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here !” And it is precisely this new dimension that bears our immortality, which should be the subject of our most passionate quests in the days that are numbered to us. Religion aims at showing us the way. But since it can not free itself from the laws of gravity so to speak, religion will invariably keep us into the dead end of religiosity, which is a form of death. Religion takes us into a process that is intended at transforming the inner man through outer interactions. But this just doesn't work. And that is why many people who practice all the requisites of religion, complain that they never feel the presence of God. No wonder that their frustration leads them to become brother killers, like Cain, for some. They worship the Lord in their assemblies and generate human feelings by reciprocal emulation, but their spirit remains as frozen as an icicle. In fact, God designed it to work in the opposite way : It is our spirit that must be indwelt and vivified, so that this life from within can then pervade our soul and body and be reflected outwardly. But the question, both wonderful and dreaded that many people ask themselves is, where to turn to, to be communicated the life giving Spirit? And it's there, in that choice, that many destinies get either done or undone. We must not ignore that the world, particularly in the esoteric and religious realms, is monopolized by those who seek to captivate other men, to lead them astray, in their own bewilderment ... And when we realize that things are not working, what do we do? We give up a faith that is yet to be born, and we return to the things of the world. Or, if we are really serious about it, we demolish and rebuild on the ruins of those who came before us, who a new church, who a new denomination, a cult, an esoteric movement, a philosophical trend, just as elsewhere new political parties are formed in reaction to a situation or opportunity. The magnificent illusion of man is that, building with the same bricks, he thinks that he will succeed where those who came before him have failed. Hope sustains life… But God is not afraid to make a clean sweep of everything, because he has other resources. With birth, death and resurrection, God shows us that his work of creation is also a work of constant renewal. What God offers us, his solution to our stagnation, is not a new religion or a new world policy, but it is a New Man.

A new Man

Therefore, God made us a promise through Isaiah: “For unto us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government shall rest on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. In this prophecy, God offers us his own son, so that he becomes altogether our role model, our counsellor, our guide, our leader, our king, and even our God and Father and the guarantor of our eternity. From the day of his birth, Jesus, fulfilled every prophetic word given about him. He did it through his life, by his ministry, through his sacrificial death, by his resurrection, by the Spirit he poured out and which now leads his people, and by his government which is already exercised in the heavens, and which will soon be established on earth too. The promise shows us that many dimensions are attached to this Envoy – the Messiah, a character who is both divine and human in nature. When we think of Jesus, we should not remain with just one or the other of the dimensions he embodies, but we should explore them all. For example, this is where we will have to look for the new dimension brought to the Paschal rite by the Lord's Supper. Thus, dead to this world with the perspective of becoming partakers in his resurrection, we must eat and drink of what Jesus designates as his flesh and his blood, in order to live forever. But what is this?

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. Yet I’ve told you that even though you’ve seen me, you still don’t believe”. “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day”. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world”. John 6. Those words reported by John are pretty enigmatic if we don't have the key to decipher them. But of course, Jesus always quoted the Tanakh, the Jewish Bible, and this is where we got those concepts from. The “bread from heaven” was the manna, the bread from the old covenant that Moses gave them to survive their crossing of the wilderness. Jesus is the new manna, the bread from Heaven of a new covenant made by God, this time not in the law but in the Spirit. Manna had to be picked and eaten every day, or at least six days a week. If we have read the whole Gospel of John, we know that it starts with those also enigmatic words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. …The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” So when Jesus speaks about himself as being flesh and bread, we know that he is not referring to his earthly body. But he has in mind the divine dimension of his nature, because he is the very Word of God that became flesh, and we know that through this Word, every good thing in this world was created. Jesus mission is to share this Word with us as his very life, to give us life. And Peter adds: “Lord, to whom else shall we go? You have the words of the everlasting life”.

Sadly, many are following those who skewed what Jesus said and who have turned this communion into a sorcery practice, through transubstantiation. Why have they done that? To be able to withdraw the Word of God from people's life, in order to keep them in bondage. The crowds that followed Jesus could not understand what he was saying. Some may have understood, if Jesus had told them that he was going to die as a sin offering and if he had placed this sacrifice in the context of the Passover – the exit from Egypt. But for the people of his day, passover was a thing of the past, and they were already in their promised land. What they wanted now was a bold living loud speaking macho leader who would get them organized so they could quick the Romans out of their land, but not a bleeding dead King! Many were utterly disappointed, and the leaders of the nation decided to obliterate this useless prophet and make his name a curse. But after his resurrection, the disciples finally gathered it all: Our bread and our wine are the life giving words of Jesus, made alive in us by the illumination of the Holy Spirit on the one part, and a pure conscience to serve God through the seal of his blood shed to pay for our passage from a kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of Light of God the Father and his Son Jesus.

In 1 Corinthians 15:45, we read: “So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam (Christ), is a life-giving spirit” (zōopoioun pneuma). The unfolding of the Genesis story shows how the Elohiym created the world. They aroused animal life from the sea, and from the earth, by breathing in them a breath of life (Ruwach). They created the first Adam. The Elohiym had also brought man much further than the animals by granting him their own Spirit as a pledge of eternity. Man was now in the image of God. They created man Ish and Isha, in two complementary identities, so they could team to accomplish the various tasks that God would be assigning them. This partnership is also a type of the relationship that those who administer his kingdom are called to maintain with Jesus (the Church, the bride of Christ). But because men followed another path, God was forced to prevent them from reaching to the Tree of Life and to live eternally. Henceforth, cut off from the Spirit that made them immortal, human beings created in the image of God never existed in their fullness on Earth. It was not until Jesus Christ came to reveal it all over again, that a true Adams existed. And he came to restore us in this lost identity. This is indeed this “revelation of the sons of God” – a quality that only few people throughout the centuries manifested, that the whole Creation now waits for impatiently, on a large scale, as the apostle Paul alludes in Romans 8. I'm no theologian and those explanations are undoubtedly simplistic. But they should help us understand the purpose and the need for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, for such is my point.

And the Word has dwelt among us.

All through the Bible, God teaches us that there is a close connection between creative power and words. This is a sensible subject and I know that it has been taken over by the New Age philosophy, but this is no reason to throw the baby with the baby's bath. A few years ago, Israeli scholars had brought to light with the help of computerized tools, some of the extraordinary codes hidden in the Bible which prove that the Word of God is completely supernatural – in fact much closer to quantum physics than to literature. More recently, other researchers have discovered with amazement that the human genome is made up of words, and that these words have the same structure as those found in the original Bible. The Bible affirms indeed that our God created everything by his Word, and that the whole world is sustained by his will. In other words, if God would suddenly be disinterested in his Creation work, the world would collapse in a second. Jesus says in John 6 : “It is the Spirit that quickens. The flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak to you, are spirit and life”. In reality, our spirit may have existed long before it got dressed up in this body. Potentially, our spirit rules over genes, over disease – even death is not relevant to it ! But this spirit got sort of annihilated. From the time of our birth, we substituted for it a psychic type of functioning. So it needs to be revived. It must be resurrected, released and re-trained. And that's exactly what God does when He communicates us the Spirit of Jesus. For the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus who lived from all eternity, but God the Father was able to pour it out on all mankind after Jesus had done his work of atonement in favour of us. All it takes now is for us to receive it.

It is therefore not blood links, which going back to Adam, would make us the sons of God, but it is in a direct filiation accomplished by pouring in us a new spirit, that Jesus baptises us in the Father. Through the gift of his Holy Spirit, God not only communicates immediate eternal life to those who receive it, but he also launches a process of regeneration through which we are progressively recreated in the image of his beloved son. “So that you may know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”, says Paul to the Ephesians. Jesus gave us the first fruits of Everlasting Life. What he still holds for a day that is certainly not far away, is the glorious body that will come as a reward. Paul implies in his letters that we should make sure that we are not found naked on the day of the retribution, which implies that God expects us to develop into our spiritual identity. How do we develop our muscles? We can do weight training. Passive contemplation is an essentially esoteric and oriental notion and it has no place in authentic Christianity. But meditating the Word of God is a very important aspect of life as a Christian. Speaking in spiritual language or tongues builds our spirit and opens us opportunities. Praying is also indispensable to be fully integrated in the plans of God. But there is a way to combine development and results, to finally have a beautiful house as a reward, and that's by living the Spirit filled obedient life proposed by Jesus. The Christian faith is a conquering faith, in the most peaceful sense of the word however. The Psalms, which refer to the act of contemplating, place this action in the context of the deliverance brought by God, or of his redemptive power, and to behold the glory of his house. For instance, faced with the suffering of men, Jesus unambiguously demonstrates what God's point of view on illness is. He invariably restored men and women whose life had been altered, by commanding healing. God never intends to contemplate and meditate on our suffering without immediate intervention. But what the story of Job may teach us, is that, as a father who is responsible for our growth, God also limited himself in his action, by delegating his authority to us. We are the ones who have to command the devil to release his hold, and we do it by submitting to God first, and then resisting the evil one, says James. To say that the suffering of the world leaves God indifferent is nonsense, if we think that he gave his own life in the most horrendous way, so that our suffering would be overcome once and for all. If suffering persists, it is because that knowledge is not widespread, and God expects Christians – you, me – to finally take up our responsibilities and bring his full Gospel to those around us. Yes, I admit that I am still an unworthy and useless servant, but at least I'm not tweaking the Word of God and perverting his character to escape my responsibilities, as many Christians do unwittingly by admitting wrong church theology.

Even if an angel of God would announce another gospel to you ...

That’s why the contemplation of the Cross, of religious icons, or the veneration of her whom some consider to be the “Mother of God”, hardly have their place in the doctrine of Christ. Of course we can talk about Mary in a loving way. Of course she gave flesh to the Son of God. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a woman who commands admiration and her destiny was truly extraordinary. But the position in which the church raised her, does not correspond to her. Granting her this status in defiance to the message of the Bible, is an uprising of the church against God. “But we did it because an angel ordered us to do so!” And so what? An angel of God blessed Ishmael, the son of the disobedience of Abraham, and later gave to Muhammad the Koran which constituted the base for Islam. An angel dictated the basics of Mormonism to Joseph Smith. An angel appeared to young Bernadette and later to the children of Fatima. Isn't it strange that practically every cult can claim the apparitions of an angel who brought them light with so-called revelations, and that these revelations are always at odds with what the Bible says? “Even if an angel of God should bring you another gospel, let him be cursed”, warns the apostle Paul. John asks us to test all spirits that present themselves. A spirit that is not of Christ is from the Antichrist. Any spirit that does not promote Jesus as Christ and Lord is from the Antichrist. What has happened within the Catholic Church is that, some have usurped the identity of the mother of Jesus, in order to reintegrate into popular religion, through the ignorance of the people – for only the Protestants had access to the Bible –, a character who has neither part or right in the Gospel. In politics, this is called a devolution of power. In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul says, “If our gospel is still veiled, it is veiled for those who perish; The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God”. It is indeed impossible to speak of the new birth, or of the baptism of the Spirit, without evoking what, within the Christian church, has established itself as a substitute for the new birth. We will then come back to what should rejoice us.

Because you see, words do not convey the same realities for all. Many comfort themselves in believing that they are filled with the Spirit of God. But if we dig a little, we see that they make an amalgamation between Spirit of God and religious practice or devotion, or between the Spirit of Jesus and the doctrine of their congregation. All wisdom does not necessarily come from Above, also says James. If you want to test your wisdom to find out what it's worth, let your wife or husband talk about it ! If he – or she – thinks that you are not very smart but sometimes comes an amazing thought, there is hope. More seriously, “the Spirit of God”, the “Holy Spirit” or “Holy Ghost”, or even “the Spirit of Jesus”, since all these terms are synonymous in the Bible, is not a knowledge which would come to us from theological studies or from having read the works of the Fathers of the Church. The disciples of Jesus had not studied theology. However, even those who despised them recognized them a “presence”. By the simple fact that they had been in contact with him, Jesus had rubbed off on them. Nor is the Holy Spirit the force that in some denominations is dissociated from the person of God. The Holy Spirit is a complete Person : “Spirit of wisdom and understanding, Spirit of counsel and of might, Spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord”, as prophesied by Isaiah, about the Spirit who would rest upon the Messiah. If we do not recognize the Holy Spirit as the Presence of Almighty God, it means that we have not yet known him in his fullness. All do not need a “road to Damascus” kind of experience, but God has his ways to reach us individually. The Bible describes Jesus as the Word of God – the Word we read in the Bible – , which his Spirit knows also to remind to our hearts. John makes it clear that “All things were made through him, and nothing that was made was made without him”. The genuine Holy Spirit will never make the written word of God lie, and he will never force people to act like stupid or weird – but the demons will. Same as Jesus was no different than the Father, the Holy Spirit is not less than the person of Jesus, present in spirit in us, with us and in our midst. He is God in fullness with all that this status represents. The fact that we are sheltering such a great treasure does not make us gods however, and God will have to pass us through his crucible so that we learn to “separate silver and gold from the slag”, to use biblical terminology. James says that “we all stumble in many ways. If someone does not flinch in words, he has become a perfect (holy) man, able to hold his whole body in check”.

Know our God to recognize impostors.

Why and how did the veneration of the Virgin come to replace the Spirit of the Almighty in the church and in the life of Christians? Because this is the question that anyone should ask themselves. Theologians provide some answers. For what they are worth, we can quote that Mary is closer to us. She is a woman and a mother, which implies that her heart is more accessible than that of a Father God whom we often assimilate to Zeus alias Jupiter. She is also said to stand as a mediator between us and this God who all too often barricades himself in his holiness. This may sound politically correct, but how much of this is really true? If we are afraid to draw near to God, maybe we should just consider questioning our conception of God. When they begun their journey across the wilderness, the Israelites were terrified by the appearance of God. His holiness was, in regard to their still not sided soul, a crippling factor. “And they said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will listen. But don’t let God speak directly to us, or we will die!” “Don’t be afraid,” Moses answered them, “for God has come in this way to test you, and so that your fear of him will keep you from sinning!” Exodus 20. At the time of the prophet Samuel, the people asked him: “Give us a king to judge us, like all the other nations have.” Samuel was displeased with their request and went to the Lord for guidance. “Do everything they say to you,” the Lord replied, “for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer. Ever since I brought them from Egypt, they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods. 1 Samuel 8. The message that God sends us through these incidents is clear: On the one hand, God is forced to make himself appear awesome so that we do not despise him or sin through excess of familiarity, and on the other hand, when we allow intermediaries to be positioned between him and us, God sees it as the rejection of his person. And if we reject him, God says it's usually because we serve other gods. But Jesus made a statement that left many men bewildered, when he said : “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him !” John 14: 5-7. Jesus repeatedly tells in the Gospels that “he is like the Father, or that the Father is no different from him”. Jesus endeavours was to makes us know God the Father as he is, so that we would no longer be afraid to approach him. When Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are burdened with a heavy burden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and put yourself in my school, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for yourselves”, Jesus was prophesying in behalf of the Father. For the words which precede this quotation are: “No one knows the Son, except the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son and the one to whom the Son wants to reveal him”. If Jesus presents us a Father who is gentle and humble in heart, who are we to say that he is not so? By reconciling us with the Father, Jesus not only makes us whole, but he also suppresses any need for substitutes for God.

Who is this Queen of Heaven and when did her worship start amongst Christians?

The idea that Mary would be the mother of God, does not really appear until the middle of the 4th century under the poetic pen of Alexander of Alexandria. Noble surroundings that magnify human feelings, the suffering and joys of motherhood, family traditions, and it must also be said: a welcome form of feminism in a religion where everything is controlled by men, are the reasons why many people are attracted and seduced by this veneration. The mother goddess is a symbol of fertility and prosperity from the dawn of time. She assures us of her protection. But she has also her moods ! We must sacrifice to Pachamama to avoid reprisals from the spirit world. Whole continents are still under her sway, experiencing precariousness when not true poverty. The world runs countless stories and legends that fuel an unconscious fear. In a way, the Queen of Heaven is to religion what the Camorra is to politics. If today, the cult of the Queen of Heaven has grown to such an extent, it is less for the personal benefits that this cult brings than because people who don't live in the proximity of God, think that they are at the mercy of catastrophic events should they upset the tutelary entity which is supposed to protect them. Religion has also taught that “The Virgin” can preserve us from hell. When the Catholics recite: “Pray for us, poor sinners, now and at the time of our death”, they entrust the Virgin with their misfortunes of the present life, but also with their fear of hell after death. The worship of the Virgin is a form of conjuration of fear, and this fear is perpetuated by a religion that is not established on biblical principles.

Who is actually this Queen of Heaven whose worship arouses so many passions? Because, you will have now understood it: Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus, and this Queen of Heaven who has been enthroned since antiquity in the collective unconscious of men, are two separate entities whose destinies are in reality opposed. Why, for example, do we find so many symbols of the religions of the Egyptians and the Babylonians in Catholicism, whereas syncretism is strictly forbidden by God? We can read on Wikipedia that “For many historians, Mary the mother of God would have inherited the symbols and functions of Cybele, the Mother of the gods. She came to fill the gap left in pre-european Christianity by Ceres of the Romans, Rhea or Demeter of the Greeks and Artemis of the Ephesians, also named Diana. This deity is actually known everywhere in the world, under different names and identities. Isis, the Egyptians Queen of Heaven, carries the solar disk between her horns. She has protective powers and the gift of healing. Clever, she knew how to revive the dismembered body of Osiris”. This bears a very actual symbolism, when related to the Roman Empire and the coming World government.   “One is led to believe that all these deities are only variants of one and the same religious concept, which shows some differences according to the countries, explained by the fact that this concept evolved according to the local circumstances and the mentality of the people”, states this article in Wikipedia. The priests of Cybele are eunuchs, which should draw our attention onto 1 Timothy 4. Prophet Jeremiah mentions this Queen of Heaven twice: For the Jews, she is an Assyrian and Babylonian goddess called Astoreth or Ashera, also known as Ishtar in former civilisations. Divine mediator between the gods and between the gods and the humans, she is considered to be the wife of Baal, even if in reality Baal is plural – they are the guardians of the institutions and the traditions. The Helvetia of the Swiss merges in a single entity the myths and legends of the Celtic culture, and the local Roman tutelary goddesses like Berna and Genava. With her Phrygian cap, the Marianne of the French is probably the most popular and the most accomplished of its modern representations. Through the laws of the republic, she exercises her power of life and death right into the secular life – a strange light on this ambassadress of France which thrones in the harbour of New York… All over the world, we find a Queen of Heaven invoked under various names and identities : goddess of fertility, goddess of the crops, safeguarding and moderating goddess, goddess of love. A tradition very present in the Church consists of entrusting the child to the Virgin Mary at the end of the baptism. Unwittingly, Catholic, Orthodox and Coptic families are dedicating their offspring to the Queen of Heaven, and thereby to Lucifer and his angelic realm, granting them rights on their offspring. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus warns us and he is deadly serious. He says that this worship, which he depicts as an adulterous sin, is a promise of death for our children. I know of some situations where mature men and women suffer from personality disorders and are unable to emancipate themselves, faced also with recurring health problems, because their mother invokes the Queen of Heaven in her prayers for them. In all good faith, those Christian mothers keep their families under a demonic hold. And I know of situations where women, but it can be men also, are tormented by inexplicable suffering and illnesses, because they have an altar to this spiritual entity in their house or in their heart, which sums up to having a foothold in the world of Christ and another in pagan worship. God assimilates those who disobey him by engaging in these forbidden practices to those who practice witchcraft ! The devil is an evil executioner who particularly likes to torment those who have a parted heart. So how could we not expose those who draw and keep simple hearted people, who lack the discernment that a basic biblical knowledge would have brought to them, in such a sneaky snare? For all these reasons and for those which we will evoke now, this worship is in direct conflict with the revelation of God in the Bible, and it draws onto us a curse. But where does this myth of the Virgin come from?

Reintegrated into the Catholic Church… in the 20th century!

The concept of a mother goddess has always been very present in ancient religion, in connection with the myth of the repudiated first wife of Adam, an angel of light who from that time, struggles to keep humanity under his or her seduction in order to keep his power over the world. His success rests primarily on ignorance of his disgrace – little we know about the new spiritual bride – or bridegroom – that God has destined for the human race, which is Christ –, and many would like us not to read the Bible, not to find out. The repudiated wife then raises her own son whom she intends to dethrone the father god. This cosmogonist concept is at the origin of Islam for example. It was surreptitiously introduced in traditional Christianity after being adapted to the context of the Gospels. The Philomarianites or Collyridians, formed a Christian sect founded in the 4th century, dedicated to the almost exclusive cult of the Virgin Mary. This resurgence of pagan worship had been officially forbidden in Catholicism for centuries. It was not until 1954 that, under popular pressure from those who sought to revive this cult fuelled by some mysterious apparitions, that Pope Pius XII formalized the cult of the Queen of Heaven and made it a major dogma in the Catholic Church. “He explicitly invoked ex cathedra, papal infallibility, to establish the dogma of the Assumption of Mary in his apostolic constitution”. In fact, a whole set of new doctrines had to be put in place to support this theological concept. But if the mother is not the authentic, who then is this heir that she is bringing forth, should we perhaps wonder? From the beginning of his ministry, Paul denounces those who announce another Jesus. For if you think: for what reason do the heirs of Ishmael recognize the Mary of the Catholics when they hate the Jews so much? Because they recognize her ! But for them, she is Maryam, who gave birth to Īsā in the desert. Very strange and significant amalgamation of two stories ! Think on this: Why is the face of the mother depicted in the icons, undone, when Christ said that we should be able to experience perfect joy? "Mary said: My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour". But think of the sadness that was felt by Hagar, the Egyptian maid, and that of her son Ishmael, when they were cast away from Abraham's family, a disgrace which for all this time continues to demand reparation, as the incessant conflicts of the Middle East suggest. I am not, however, suggesting that Ishmael represents a rival for Christ. The paradigm covers a reality that extends far beyond his person, dating back to the heroic times of the creation of the world. In the book of Revelation, according to John, in chapter 11, a mention is made about an angel of the abyss whose Hebrew name is Abaddon and in Greek Apollyon. He is the direct contender for the role of Christ and he will be leading the armies of destruction.

So, it is certainly true, as some think, that all religions are equal, if we consider that all were initiated or in any case, recovered by the one whom the Lord designates as the Prince of this world of darkness. What is less admitted is that they all lead to this fallen prince. If Jesus called him prince, it means that he is not alone. Just mentioned in Isaiah 34:14, the Talmud relates in more detail the mishap of Lilith, the rejected wife of Adam, outlining her vengeful intentions towards the human race. For, due to her betrayal, God punished her by depriving her of her wings, and she took the form of a mermaid or a serpent. She is now known as the fallen “angel of light” – that's what Lucifer means. The book of Enoch, great-grandfather of Noah, mentions the names of the twenty sons of God who under his patronage, brought science, technology, spirituality and culture to men – a hint to the unanswered questions of the archaeologists. The problem we have now is that all these sons of God, whom the Bible also mentions in Genesis and to whom the apostles refer by calling them “fallen angels”, rebelled against God their father to sleep with women, and they gave them an offspring. In Eden, God said that there would be from now on two offspring, and that the woman's offspring would crush the serpent's head, while he would hurt her ankle. They thus dragged humanity into their downfall in an irremediable way. This bastardized humanity had to be annihilated for the first time by the flood. But the problem was not solved, since these angelic creatures have survived until our days… God could have erased everything and started creation again. But he knew that sooner or later, sin would reappear and should have been dealt with again. This is why Enoch prophesied the sending of a messiah in the continuation of time, whose mission would be to restore men to their relationship with the Creator, so that they could be set apart, before a new creation could take place. Thus, God loved us enough to want to save us by transplanting us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love. And that is what salvation through the cross is for. The cross is a condemnation for those who refuse it, since they in turn crucify the Lord of Glory, as Paul likes to recall in his letter to the Hebrews. But if we accept it by identifying ourselves with the death of Christ, it becomes a spiritual gateway that allows us to pass from this fallen world to the one that is eternal. Only Jesus, because he had been with the Father from the beginning of the world, had the necessary distance to grasp the situation as a whole. I am not inventing: this all stands in the Bible in an inconspicuous form. But what the Bible emphasizes, is the ramifications of this situation correlating to the promises of faith. The following enlightened me a lot when I discovered it. In reality this paradigm illuminates the whole biblical revelation.

I loved Jacob and I hated Esau.

In his Epistle to the Galatians, Paul refers to the biblical account as to an allegory in which Hagar symbolizes the Old Covenant, which is that of the earthly Jerusalem doomed to slavery, while Sarah symbolizes the New Covenant, that of the heavenly Jerusalem. We find in this allegory, the law – which in the Christian context has become universalism or the religious traditions, to which Protestantism and even the evangelical constellation remains subservient at the risk of shocking you, in opposition to what God defines as the “faith”, which is the Life of the Spirit in Christ. “To be versus to believe”, – for even the devils believe, and they tremble –, says Jesus. The first is symbolized by the slave, the second by the free woman. If Sarah and Isaac embody the patient and persevering faith in Christ and its fruit, Hagar emerges as the whisper of unbelief, and its fruit: Ishmael, is the result of a devilish ploy that has led to manifesting the archetype of the Antichrist. This is why moral religion is so dangerous. It creates wrong spirited clones which become potential enemies of the true offspring of Christ. Hagar and her son, dying of thirst and rescued by an angel, were humanized by artists, and it is precisely this woman, enduring hardships but nevertheless promised a great fate – since by this stratagem, her son was able to rob Abraham's blessing, and God cannot deny the promise he made to Abraham – which has become the muse of religious tradition. Even if the Marian drift may appear to some to be a harmless form of expression of human feelings, it must be placed in this context to understand the stake, and the slap it inflicts on Christianity. Despite their similarities, this Virgin and the traditions that carries her will not lead us to freedom, but to wandering and to endless strife and hostility, for such is the other aspect of Ishmael's blessing. The Bible does not hide from us that the whole world stands under the thumb of the evil one. Therefore, we should not just see in this religious drift, a confrontation of theological ideas between Catholics and Protestants, but it is rather a part of this integral conflict which since the fall in Eden, opposes two brothers. Cain and Abel – replaced by Seth –, Abraham and Lot, Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau – are all manifestations of a paradigm. They were brothers or at least of the same blood, but their destinies were diametrically opposed. What sets them apart is not their kindness, their intelligence or their justice. But it's the perception they have of themselves. Some knew that they were unworthy, but they had “eyes to see and ears to hear”, and they accepted the discipline of their heavenly Father. While others had made up their own minds about the world. Believing themselves to be in the average of good people, they remained insensitive to the conduct of God. By their concern and their openness, some have entered into the plan of redemption, while those who justified themselves through religious ideas have drowned in the concerns of this world. This is why the Bible speaks of a predestination. Not that God decides arbitrarily of whom he likes and whom he don't. But if we choose the faith of Abel, of Abraham, Israel or Christ, their heritage will also be ours. If on the other hand, we choose the violent way of Cain, the opportunism of Lot, or the hedonism of Esau who for the pleasures of this life despised his birthright – let the reader understand –, leading our own life will bring us into another destiny. When the genuine owner of this world will come to take possession of his inheritance, many masks will have to fall and some will experience shame forever. I now feel in my spirit that I am not writing this by myself.

A judgment that begins in the house.

Jesus warns his church that, in the last days, he will bring order back to the world, beginning with Israel and the church, because they are his household. And how will he do it? Through circumstances. Circumstances will reveal what lives in us. “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small”, says the wise in Proverbs 24:10. Identification with a false conception of God, whether what we were talking about here, or one of the many erroneous theological concepts, mainly about who is really Jesus, promoted by the Christian cults, weakens us by depriving us of whole or part of our Christian identity. The word Christian originally meant: “apprentice-christ”, or something equivalent. Jesus' mission was to restore us into our fellowship with God, so that we would dare to be and behave like his sons and daughters. “Therefore come out from among them, and separate yourselves,” says the Lord. “Do not touch what is unclean, and I will welcome you. I will be a father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to me, says the Almighty Lord”. 2 Corinthians 6:17-18.   Now we can understand that asking Mary or whoever, to “pray for us poor sinners”, and to do it every day and our life through, is likely to keep us in an identity that is not at all what God had envisioned for us. Not only do idols have no power in themselves, but they will prevent us from growing and from manifesting our identity of “the salt of the earth”. What do we mean by that? Salt is an essential element for a dish's flavour. But when Jesus used the term, it was best known as the primary means of food preservation. The story of Abraham's intercession in favour of the city of Sodom, reveals that the presence of just a few “righteous” people even in the most abandoned places, can have a great impact on the well-being of all the inhabitants and even on the destiny of the country. Christians who pray effectively for their authorities and for their city, are this “salt of the earth”. “But if the salt loses its flavour, it is doomed to be thrown outside and passers-by trample on it”, adds Jesus. True Christians are respected even as enemies, but lukewarm warm Christians often end up despised and trampled on. I don't get involved in politics. But I sometimes like to find out how God does things, and report what I see. The following remark could be bothersome, but it is interesting to note that, during the last great elections, a significant part of the American Catholics supported the Democrat party, in spite of its pro-abortion stand, which led critics to say that Catholics hated this man more than they loved their children, or God. Other Christians have been more critical. Despite all the flaws which he is accused of rightly or wrongly, the Republican candidate was designated as the candidate of God for this time and in those circumstances. Because you have to know that there is also an infernal trinity. Where the Queen of Heaven reigns, the Baal reign. And when the Baal rule on a country, they do it on behalf of Moloch, aka Saturn, the god who exercises birth control to satisfy his hatred for young lives who may become his challengers later. So God affirms that, while some cities or countries will prosper for no apparent reason, others will be devastated because of the violence which is done to children there. Joel 3:19. And who will be judged first for passing ungodly laws which permit child killing? You have it : the elderlies.

What I am about to say may seem awkward, but I fully assume it. Maybe I'm not completely right. But in these times of pandemic, shouldn't we ask ourselves if God is not putting his finger on something? I can't help but to compare the COVID death statistics by city or region, with the place which is granted to the Queen of Heaven or to a similar protective deity in those particular geographical areas. It is not about stigmatizing individuals or a community, and may God protect us from a new inquisition. These deductions could be the fortuitous result of unfortunate coincidences, and we must not forget that the whole world is under the power of the evil one and that there is no holy nation, nor is there a perfect church. But Jesus says nevertheless that we should be listening to what God could be trying to say to us “through the signs of the times”, and not be “like a horse or a mule without understanding that you drive with a bit”, in other words, we must not take everything as mere chance and misfortune. The Bible says that God does nothing without revealing first his plans to his servants the prophets, of which I am the least. But let me try this : Milan, New York, are known to be high places of Marian worship. Paris had suffered a real cataclysm with the fire of Notre Dame. South America is a stronghold of the Queen of Heaven. Haitian Catholicism is plagued with witches and the voodoo. Wuhan is a large city of twenty-two million inhabitants. The Orthodox churches of Wuhan and China are dedicated to the Virgin, but what are they in the midst of such large population? China, the empire of the dragon, has its own demons and we will certainly learn some day about the real motivations which made men – but were they only Chinese? I heard about international shares in this laboratory too – create this virus and disseminate the threat. Mere accident or done with purpose, the details are not verifiable yet.

But my point is that a causality is very often highlighted in the Bible. God always told the people of Israel the reason why he authorized their enemies to come and invade their land, or just to oppress them. Where God's protection is invoked, nothing that happens is a mere mishap. if you want to understand why this or that human society does not evolve, look at who are their gods. To name just one of the many situations in which the oppressed Israeli people had to tear down an idol before they could begin to experience release from their enemies, we can mention the fight of Gideon. If you are not familiar with this story, I recommend that you read it and you will certainly see the similarities between this situation and the current context of the COVID. An enemy was putting them under fear pressure by constantly removing their means of livelihood. They were literally starving them. Gideon began his fight by knocking down, as God had told him, the statue of Asherah, a Queen of Heaven from the nearby land of Canaan, actual Palestine, that the Hebrews had adopted after one of their kings had married the daughter of a Philistine priest of Baal. Gideon's own father was the artisan of this monument erected in the heights of the village. This belief had now allowed on these people the oppression of the Midianites Gideon's sacrilegious act had at least the merit of forcing the population to ask themselves the right questions. Because, understand me well: As Christians, we do not encourage anyone to destroy cultural property or heritage belonging to others. This would only justify pursuits and prison. Christians are not Talibans. But we remind people of biblical truth, out of compassion for those who remain captive of false conceptions of God and are unable to fend for themselves. Idols have no power. But their priests have their thumb on people through the lies they can put in people's mind. Facing the wrath of the villagers, Gideon's father was now brought to his senses and he said: “If Baal and Ashera are gods, let them fend for themselves”. What could they expect from idols they had built from a piece of wood and which were not powerful enough to protect the village from the Midianites. Now please extrapolate.

What Paul says to the Ephesians, is that the idols we need to slaughter, they are in us. Then only, we will be able to break free from spiritual oppression as well. “For we do not have to fight against beings of flesh and blood, but against the Powers, against the Authorities, against the Rulers of this world of darkness, and against evil spirits in the spiritual realm”. Plagues and sickness are forms of demonic oppression and they can only reach us when we are spiritually weak. Devils are mere spirits and they have no hands or guns. They make us sick through suggestions. We probably have less to fear from them than from the men they control. But we could also disarm those men who are driven by evil spirits, by learning to use the spiritual authority Jesus is investing us with. From the moment these idols are dethroned in our lives, we could live among them without being affected the least in the world, if not by the sadness and the irritation caused by the unhappiness they cause in people's life. However, the presence of spirit filled people in the midst of idol worshippers can cause them some inconveniences. To not worship false gods, as God is asking us, does not mean that we have to wage a “holy war” against people who do. It starts by taking the beam out of one's own eye. We must address the duality which hides in every one of us, because, as Paul teaches us: we are our worst enemy. If you do your part, God promised that he will fight your battles”. But he will do it in his own way. “Be the sons of your Father who is in heaven. For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust”. Matthew 5: 43-45. “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”. Romans 12. “Revenge and retributions are mine, says God”. He has moreover his own way of paying back those who are infidel to him, for he does it by “leading them with bands of human kindness and drawing them near with cords of love”. Hosea 11. See, Satan has enemies and slaves, and he is a thief and a killer. But God has only children. God is the father of a large tribe of adolescents. Some of them are a little more disturbed or rowdy than the others, and he needs more time and effort to win them to his love. I believe that our Father deserves both our admiration for his patience, and our sympathy for the painful losses his enemy is inflicting on him, despite his unremitting grace and his arms always stretched.

God has established spiritual laws, in the same way he has established physical laws. In II Chronicles 7:14, God makes a promise to his people, which also brings awareness of some realities: “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. When we let go of our wariness and venture into forbidden zone, God continues to watch over us, but from a distance. He takes responsibility for the wrong that we expose ourselves to, even though he is not the wrongdoer. He designed the world with laws to preserve us. The path is safe, but alligators are hiding in the canal. He wants to spare us unnecessary suffering by making sure that we integrate his principles as our guideline.

Peter, who announces the coming judgment, points out that it will begin with the house of God – all who invoke His Name –, before extending to the whole world. Again, God will use this sign to warn the world of what is coming next. Jesus had already mentioned that God would send his angels to uproot the tares and clean up his field before the final harvest. God is going to force Christianity to sweep the house and to return to its source. The Jews will see it, and hopefully they will experience the fear of the Lord. God does not intend to stop there, and men from all the peoples of the earth will recognize that God is at work, when they will see the prophecies from the Bible being fulfilled. “Let anyone with ears to hear, listen!” said Jesus. Some will understand the message and make the necessary adjustments, while others will be blind on the warnings. One day, Jesus entered the synagogue of Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and he read from the book of Isaiah : “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour”. When Jesus commented on his reading, all were struck by his grace and by his authority. But then he added : “Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in the prophet’s hometown”, and he illustrated his point with some biblical accounts. When they understood that Jesus was rising himself as a prophet and judge among them, all became very angry at him, and they would have killed him if Jesus had let them do it. Own religious justice is a powerful idol. To touch someone's idols is to touch, not only to their deep emotional fibre and the certitudes that the rationalism of thought cannot control, but it is threatening their own existence, showing that idolatry has opened the door to demonic infestation. This area of ​​the soul that sin still controls constitutes a fortress of reasoning and a welcome refuge for Satan. Paul experienced it when he visited the city of Ephesus. To prevent him from speaking against their worshipped idol, the inhabitants shouted for two hours: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”. By obliterating our reasoning, repetitive prayers like “Hail Mary” have this hypnotic effect on our mind. Gideon's father could snatch his son from the avenging hand of the inhabitants of Ophra by saying to them a few wise words : “If Baal is a god, let him plead his cause himself, since his altar has been overthrown”. Paul will tell the Corinthians : “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

We live in a troubled world where the devil works actively for our confusion. His aim is to deceive all the inhabitants of the earth and it would be impossible to escape this seduction should we not read the Bible, and the whole Bible. When did those who watch over your soul, draw your attention to the letters of Jesus to the seven Churches? The book of Revelation was written in an allegorical way, so as not to attract unnecessarily the attention and the wrath of the state and the religious powers. Complementing the Gospels and the Epistles, this book sheds light on many of the traps to which our inner man will be exposed, for as long as we have not acquired our spiritual maturity. Failing to show himself inventive, the devil remains an ace of forgery. The more wisdom we get, the more devious the traps he set before us. That is not to say that anything supernatural is wrong and comes from the devil, but part of it certainly is. The Epistles warn us against lying miracles and wonders, false doctrines, apparitions, angels of light, false workers, false gospels, false prophetic anointings, false apostles and even false Christ. The revelation of Jesus to John, depicts the world in the last days – those very days we now live in. We see the state of the church and the forbidden alliances, the rising of new powers in politics, the world global crises that has started, the many trials that are still ahead of us, and their happy outcome. If we seek with God some understanding, this book will provide crucial insight into the unfolding of the end-times events. Even taken literally by a non educated person, the message is clear: As Elijah said : “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” In chapter 22 of Revelation, Jesus also makes us understand that, even though this is not clearly visible to our eyes and even less to our society, a selection is taking place amongst people: “Let evildoers do their worst and the dirty-minded go all out in pollution, but let the righteous maintain a straight course and the holy continue on in holiness.” “Yes, I’m on my way! I’ll be there soon! I’m bringing my payroll with me. I’ll pay all people in full for their life’s work. I’m A to Z, the First and the Final, Beginning and Conclusion”.  So, let's not fall asleep being overconfident. Our salvation is found in Christ and in him alone. His mother finally figured it out, when that last part of the human pride that was still in her heart died with her son at the cross. Mary had to die to her Jewish dignity, and she was rejected with her son. But she was resurrected spiritually on the day of Pentecost, when she received that Spirit that she had first fought against, and became a born again Jew with the other disciples.

Who was really Maria, the mother of Jesus?

Just because some have biased her image doesn't mean we should ignore her, on the contrary ! The prophet Micah sets her in the prophecy which announces the coming of “the King who is alive from everlasting ages past”. Isaiah mentions the virginal conception, which will be a sign for Israel, and the fact that this son will be called Emmanuel “God with us”. Mary had made herself available to the Lord to bear the Saviour of Israel. She was made pregnant by the Spirit of God, a unique occurrence in man's history. The Gospels reveal that, although she was informed by the angels of the nature of her mission, she is not able to understand what animates the flesh of her flesh. As a member of the Levity tribe by her mother, descendant of King David by her father, Mary naturally wanted Jesus to assert himself and to take a more prominent role in the religious and political landscape. Mary is one of those who were awaiting the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel, and the prophecies which have been addressed to her quite naturally make her believe that it is the mission which now is the responsibility of her son. But his mother's suggestions which push him into that direction, have the gift of exasperating Jesus : “Woman, what is this between me and you? My time has not yet come”, he replies when she encourages him to demonstrate his powers at the wedding of Cana. In other words: “You know who I am, but I'm not receiving my instructions from the flesh or from the feelings of the human nature, because the devil knows all too well how to manipulate them for his ends”. Later, seeing that Jesus made enemies of the people they held in high esteem, and believing him to be mad, his relatives, under pressure of the religious community, sought to kidnap him to withdraw him from public life. “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.

Here he comes. His winnowing fork is in his hand.

Today, most practicing Jews who read the Gospels are outraged by the way Jesus treats the teachers of the law. A character who shows such disrespectful attitude towards those who have devoted their lives to helping men to know God better, cannot be sent by God. They think that way, because they have no clue of who Jesus really is. His contemporaries took him for a self-proclaimed prophet, an enlightened freak, and even for a demoniac : “Who are you to teach us? You're not fifty years old and you say, “Before Abraham was, I am ?” Do you consider yourself as the God of Moses? This time we heard him and we know he has a devil !”. The woe of the Jews, is that they were so imbued with their prerogatives as the appointed guardians of the tradition, and so preoccupied with the preservation of the appearances, that they failed to recognize the Big Boss when he visited them in person, in the shape of his only approved son. Through the canticle of Zechariah, Luke reminds us in his Gospel, “that God had made the oath to Abraham to allow us, after we were delivered from the hand of our enemies, to serve him without fear, by walking before him in holiness and justice, every day of our lives”. But the Jews had moved away from that freedom, and like all the other people, they had returned to a religion. By setting their rites and their hierarchy between men and God, they had made their religion a god in its own right. And this is precisely what Jesus came to condemn. “We must obey God rather than men”, will answer Peter and John to the religious leaders who commanded them never to teach again in the name of Jesus. Peter and the apostles did not hesitate to remind them that their religious mentality has led them to crucify the Lord of Glory, which God then raised from the dead. Jesus affirms that he is the stumbling block announced by Isaiah. And he does not blend water with his wine: “It is written: Zeal for your house consumes me”, “Blessed is he for whom I will not be an opportunity of fall”. We should think that God did not leave his heaven to come and die in our place, moreover on a Roman cross, while holding in his hand the brush that will smooth any ruffled feathers. John the Baptist said : “Here he comes, his winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire”.

But not long after breaking free from the law, many Christians fell into the same trap as their fathers, especially when Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. What should have been a new lifestyle then shifted into another rite and a sacrifice. Today, few people realize who Jesus really is, and even fewer Christians respect him as one should respect God. Religions like Islam, and false Christian doctrines like the Marian doctrine, Mormonism or that of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the New Apostolic Reformation, essentially aim at diminishing the importance of Jesus, in order to replace him, who with another prophet, who with another divinity, who with a man or a pope or with a set of new apostles. But here's what Paul said to the Philippians about who Jesus is: “Though he was in the form of God, he did not consider being equal with God something to exploit. … He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God highly honoured him and gave him a name above all names, so that at the name of Jesus everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, might bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. This is why he also said to the Colossians: “Be careful that no one changes your mind and faith by much learning and big sounding ideas. Those things are what men dream up. They are always trying to make new religions. These leave out Christ. For Christ is not only God-like, He is God in human flesh. When you have Christ, you are complete. He is the head over all leaders and powers”. Colossians 2: 8-10

In Hebrews 10, Paul presumably, also says that, “By a unique sacrifice (that of his life), Jesus brought to perfection forever, those who are sanctified, and he now waits that all his enemies have become his footstool”. Paul continues by recalling that “the Lord will judge his people and it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God”. In Luke 19:27, Jesus also said – speaking of his return : “As for my enemies who did not want me to reign over them, bring them to me and have them put to death before me”. Surprising light on “the nice little Jesus”! Paul, the alleged author of the Epistle to the Hebrews also said : “Since God says: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more”, how can we escape punishment on ourselves if we neglect such great offer for salvation?”. So, let's not stop at the baby Jesus or at the disarmed Jesus represented on a crucifix, lest we forget who the Lord which we claim to serve, really is. If the warnings are serious, it is because the stake is even more. The whole purpose of Creation is to establish a kingdom, over which reigns a king. This king is the most loving and the most magnanimous of all kings, for those he sees as his children. And he is even willing to share his rulership with all. But he will be a fierce lion for those who pervert his Gospel and who obstruct the advancement of his reign, and God knows how many of his so called servants do not have a genuine love for the truth. Paul moreover said to the Philippians : “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”.

Peter, head of the Church?

What about Peter and his role in the Church? When Simon met Jesus, Jesus looked at him and said: “You are Simon, son of Jonah; you will be called Cephas, which translated means Peter (Petros)”. Names are very important in the Hebrew tradition and in the Bible. Cephas does not designate a pebble that is thrown at birds. But it is a heavy rock with rounded contours that is very difficult to uplift. Simon comes from Shama and means: “He who listens, who hears”. Jonah means “Dove”. The dove has become the symbol of the Spirit of God. Months or years after they had been walking together, seeing that something had changed in their attitude towards him, Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter made a step forwards and declared, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God!”. Jesus spoke again and said to him, “You are happy, Simon, son of Jonah; for it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you, but it is my Father who is in heaven”. And then he added : “Now you are Cephas” (in Greek: Petros). In other words : to the extent that you will let the Father live in you and tame you, from impulsive, boastful and coward as you are now you will become constant like a rock and unshakable. And Jesus added, this time using a different word : “on this Petra” – in other words, on this foundation which is the relation of obedience to God – an obedience that Jesus personifies, – “I will build my Church, against which death itself (the gates of Hades) have no power”. Jesus says to Peter that his true church built on the rock of a living relationship with the Father, will not see Hades, and Jesus also promises to give them the keys that will enable them to obtain the same spiritual achievements that Peter saw Jesus obtain. By being established by Jesus in a privileged relationship with the Father, Peter, like potentially every believer, will regain that authority which God had invested man with when he established Adam as the manager and ruler of all things that are on Earth. “The heaven of heavens is for God, but he put man in charge of the earth”. Psalm 115:15. In Genesis 1:26, God says: .“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over all creatures...”   The one realm over which God had not given us dominion originally, was other men. Yet, since the time Adam sinned, subjugating other men is what we seek, hence all our conflicts! Men, nations, religions, are involved in the wrong fight and Jesus wants to put us back on track. God will place us in a prominent position if we rule over chaos, but not over men. This recovered spiritual authority will allow us to advance the Kingdom of God on earth, which can be summed up as a confrontation between two spiritual governments. One has already lost the war and we are doomed to win! Jesus is the rock of all ages, the Son of the Living God. Stumbling block for some, cornerstone for others, Jesus builds his church with those who, coming from diverse horizons, are drawn to him by the Father and who, like Peter, received from the Father the revelation that Jesus is the Lord, the Son of the living God. It is on this foundation alone that Jesus builds his “Ekklesia”, that is to say: his government on earth.

But be on your guard. Our breakthroughs sometimes encourage us to be reckless. It is no coincidence if, just after learning to hear the voice of God, Peter had a very traumatizing experience. Proud of his new ability to listen to God, but now hearing from his own heart, he suggested to Jesus the idea that his rejection and slaughter were not inevitable, and that he would in any case not let it happen without fighting for him. But Jesus took it up sharply : “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns”. Matthew 16. Even worse than his reaction to his mother's suggestion. No doubt this was a big blow in Peter's self-confidence. And so, in spite of himself, Peter teaches us that: “A person who does not have the Spirit, does not accept the truths that come from the Mind of God. For him it's all foolishness”. 1 Corinthians 2:14. Wanting to achieve the will of God without being first renewed spiritually, exposes to ongoing disappointment. I could certainly talk of my own mistakes and failures, but I have also witnessed despicable things done by zealous yet legalistic Christians. When theological conceptions come to support the Cainic impulses, then the jealousy and envy inherent to the human nature find a justification.  After the Catholic Inquisition, fundamentalist Islam is the new illustration of the principle. Without looking so far, any exclusive community runs the risk of losing the vitality of love and of seeing frustration win over its members... Peter will experience other setbacks. His failures could easily have left him to the ground, but Jesus had prayed for him. Peter will have to wait for the Pentecost, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, to see his spiritual life truly take off and align with the things spoken on him by Jesus.

To save appearances.

Appearances ... Obviously, things did not go the way the members of his family had expected. Because he tackles evil at its root, Jesus, like his cousin John the Baptist before him, is not at all appreciated by the ruling class, and he is increasingly hated by the members of the synagogue who now want to kill him. This was destabilizing for his whole family. “A prophet can find honour anywhere except in his hometown, among his own people, and in his own household”, will Jesus say. This break with her son was predictable, since Mary is an ordinary person, in the noblest sense of the term, a person who identifies with her culture and her people. This is precisely why God chose her to be the mother of her son : “to scatter those who think too highly of themselves and to honour humble people”. But also and first of all, to demonstrate that the flesh, or the lineage, or the merits and by extension the observation of the rules of religion, have no part nor right in the transmission of the gift of God. Jesus will later explain the true nature of his royal lineage, as we can read in Matthew 22:42. Paul will link him to the order of a mysterious Bible character named Melchizedek. Another incident is mentioned in Luke 11 : A demon exposed by Jesus will drive a woman to cry out : “Blessed is the bosom which carried you! happy the breasts that fed you!”. What this woman expressed was a Babylonian conception, still present in the Jewish tradition, moreover taken up by the Catholicism on the basis of the Song of Mary, when she declares that “henceforth all generations will call me blessed”. This conception carried the idea that the transmission of the spiritual heritage took place through the genes of the mother. But here again, Jesus will have to pull out the sword of the truth to set the records straight: “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it”. Later, Paul will say that the real Jew is not he who is in the flesh, but he who undergoes circumcision of the heart.

Mary is clearly overwhelmed by what has become her destiny, and we can understand it. But she keeps meditating on those events that surprise her, and which later will go as far as piercing her heart of a woman and a mother. Old Simeon had warned her many years back, but one does not get rid of the human nature and the social and religious culture so easily. So when Jesus has to use “the double-edged sword that comes out of his mouth”, to “judge the thoughts of the heart, separating soul and spirit”, Mary suffers in silence. Still, she is making her humble way and she will be saved at Pentecost, when with the brothers of Jesus and the other disciples, she will receive the spiritual genes of God through the consoling Spirit sent by Jesus. We could say that Mary was born on that day from the Spirit of her Son. So yes, Mary did indeed receive the essence of God within her, but not in a different way than all the believers who are baptised in the Spirit. Mary is our sister in Christ and our mother in faith and hope. The message that Mary leaves us through the prophecies that relate to her life, is that God has made a plan of our salvation, which he worked out from the beginning of the world. This plan takes into account the disloyal human nature that we inherited. He is never surprised. There too much nonsense and sentimentality in the way we live God in the church. If God speaks to us in a virile way in the Bible, it is because he wants real men and women, and warriors! We are invited to persevere in this simplicity and remain faithful until the end. God is not asking something impossible, but his purposes are perfect and we don't have to add to it. No need to shed crocodile tears in front of religious icons. No need to try to hoist ourselves up to Heaven, as suggested by the never ceasing struggle waged by this angel of light, who due to his rebellion, fell from his place with God. The flesh is of no help. It will only draw us close to the “fallen angel who still suffers rejection”. We must rather take example from Mary, by recognizing our lowliness and by obeying the Lord, so that he can seed us with his living Word, which is also a life-giving Presence. Marianist theology will undoubtedly find a certain echo in our flesh. But the Holy Spirit in us will rather draw us into the word of Christ, and this word is where our victory over the world stands.

God invites us to be reborn.

Because it is in this way that he redeems men: by offering them to drop their old identities and by offering them his own genes in a spiritual form. It is a grace that we do not deserve but to which we are entitled, since we were created with this intention. Our heavenly Father is inviting us to commune with his Spirit and to receive his mind and thoughts. This has nothing to do with blood ties, ethnicity, culture, or with belonging to a religious tradition. But it is a gift, available to anyone. God created us with the intention of making a people of small “Like Him”, and that is exactly what he is now perfecting through the lead of Jesus Christ. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul says: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. In Jesus, God makes us creatures of a kind that never existed before.

The commitment that changes everything for us, is baptism. Not the religious baptism which they say is the purification of the defilements of the world or of an original sin, or even that which is envisaged as a rite of passage to enter such church. But the baptism of the death to the old life and the receiving of a new life, which was prefigured by the crossing of the Red Sea. The best illustration that I can think of, is that of that child, standing on a table, to whom his papa stretches his arms. But there is a gap. The child knows that if he throws himself into the void, his father will catch him back in flight. Still, there is a hesitation. I mean : a real fight. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a baptism of truth. This baptism, like any birth, excludes any return. The baby will have to take his first breath of air because the placenta will no longer support him. Nicodemus wanted to enter the spiritual dimension that was attached to his faith. But it was difficult for him to let go of his security, of his intellectual achievements, his position within the religious community, his financial independence, a quiet life set like a Swiss clock, and to plunge naked in… the unknown. To pass from a mental knowledge of the things of God, to the place where we are no longer in charge, is quite an adventure and I still remember that strange feeling even this took place many years ago, an inebriating sensation. But I soon found that there remained this other Paul who now was in constant conflict with new one, until I capitulated… till the next opportunity. “My righteous now lives by faith, but if he withdraws, my soul does not take pleasure in him”. Pierre illustrated it so well when he got out of the boat to lean on the deep waters, something that as everyone knows cannot be accomplished naturally. Dying to this world may seem an insurmountable ordeal. But in reality, nothing in this world deserves that we deprive ourselves of an immersion in the creative love of our Heavenly Father.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him”. John 14: 5-7. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus will repeatedly claim to be like the Father, or he will say that the Father is no different from him. This Jesus whom we have perceived through the Gospels, who was walking among men like you and me, full of empathy for all, healing all the sick people, freeing those who were in bondage, loving indiscriminately – men, women, children, old people, foreigners, invaders, Jews and certainly some priests –, bringing light to all, giving meaning to their life – , this man was, apart perhaps from his outward appearance, mirroring in every way the person of God our Father. Our Father presented him to us as his Son and his trusted representative: “You are my beloved Son, in you I have placed all my love”.


“No one has ever seen God; the only begotten Son, who is carried in the Father's arms, is the one who made him known”. John 1:18. “In him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the prôtotokos, he who has pre-eminence over all creation. For in him were created all things that are in the heavens and on the earth, the visible and the invisible, thrones, dignities, dominions, authorities. Everything was created by him and for him”. Colossians 1: 14-16.


The Dead See.

This wonderful teaching by Amir Tsarfati answers many questions we might have about what stands beyond death.

Who goes Where?

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to God's sovereign plan regarding the afterlife. Where does the soul of the believer go immediately after physical death? That of the unbeliever? What does the Bible say about those who lived and died in the Old Testament? The Apostle Paul taught clearly that not all of us would die before being gathered to the Lord Jesus. Daniel, John the Apostle, and others spoke of multiple resurrections, but who's partaking in each of them and which resurrection will you partake?

The Bema Seat of Christ.

Few understand that judgment is awaiting the believer as well; a very different judgment however. Where is the bema seat of Christ? How can we get there? When will that happen, and how will it be?

What happens at the final judgment?

What does God say about our eternal fate? Jesus said that we should not wait to be there to think about it, at least if we don't want to bitterly regret it. The Bible shows us that nobody can escape the final judgment. But for some it will be a judgment for punishment, while for others it will be a judgement for rewards. What will decide in which category we belong?



A great Philharmonic without its Conductor : such are the World and the Creation without the Word of Christ.

He sent them his Word and he healed them.

Psalm 107: 20

“Why did God allow this to happen?” Who do you think, puts that question in our mind? Who is the one who kills, and who then has the audacity to insinuate that God did it, or that he had so decided? Who will pretend that sickness is sent by God to teach us something? Who says, it's all the will of God, and doesn't want us to take power over our circumstances? See, we attribute without hesitation to God, intentions that would surely send a man to prison. … (Click to read more)

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“If you had been there, my brother Lazarus would not have died,” reproached Mary to Jesus. “Mary, I was there in spirit when he died. But now, rest assured : Even your brother is dead, he will live.” “I know that he will be resurrected on the last day, sagely resumed Martha, his other sister ...” “But it is in this life that we needed help, and we would have so loved that Lazarus could accompany us longer” thought probably Mary. “Of course we believe in God. But, God is for life after death. If you had been there, you would not have let God take over our brother's life. But of course, we suppose that God had his reasons. He allowed this to happen to make us grow maybe? Or to spare our brother unnecessary suffering? Or to demonstrate his sovereignty? For who are we to discuss our destiny. Maybe God wanted our brother to be with him so now he can watch over us from there… And who are we to challenge his will anyway”. “Martha, Mary – replied Jesus, I am the resurrection and the life, and I am with you! Now, behold !” With a loud voice, Jesus called the four-days-dead man, who soon appeared at the entry of the tomb, hopping, for his legs were still tied up. “Believe in me,” said Jesus. “I will go to my Father now, but I will not leave you alone. We will send you the Holy Spirit. He will stay with you until the end of this world, and through Him, soon millions like you will be able to do the acts that you saw me doing. And you will make even greater ! For if you join together in my strength, imagine what you could order in my name !” I make you masters of the circumstances, so work while the day lasts ! Stop behaving like frightened children and act as to glorify the Spirit of your Father who dwells in you. Do you think that all these people who die in disasters are greater sinners than you are? Oh no, I tell you. But if you do not change your mindset to act in a new way, you will end up like them : despoiled, crushed and wiped out by the spirits of evil. I triumphed over them at the cross. You who receive my Spirit, you are now my race and my heirs. So don't let them dominate on you anymore, but help those who still suffer under their oppression to take back the life they were stolen.” Later, Jesus breathed on his disciples and he said to them : “Now, go with this good news: Speak to the mountains that stand in your way. Calm the hurricanes. Make all that does not produce good fruit wither from the root. Cast out demons, raise the dead and heal the sick. Announce the reign of your God. If you take hold of the authority I have given you, what you will allow to happen on earth, will happen. And what won't allow to happen, won't happen. Matt 18: 18-19. … Forgive me that paraphrased version of the Gospel, but you have to be able to read things over, to see them from a different angle.

“If you only knew the free gift of God and who it is that is asking you for water ...” said Jesus to the Samaritan woman. “Salvation comes from the Jews”, he said also. Saying that, Jesus thought less about the Jewish religion, the temple, the law and the priests, than about the incredible destiny of what at the beginning was not even a people, and which now was allowing him – he the Son of God –, to stand by this well, without any means for drawing water and forced to rely on a stranger and a woman, while he was the Messiah – the one who was supposed to fill the earth with the knowledge of God “as water covers the bottom of the sea". From his birth until his resurrection, this quite unique manner that Jesus had to take part in the lives of people : the righteous as well as the outcast, those who suffered under the rod of self-appointed warriors of God, the poor in spirit, the blinds who did not see the plan of God for their lives and the deaf who did not hear his call, the crippled of life, the relational lepers, the left out of love, those who could have been reproached all kinds of things – and who finally represent us –, and then to invite them to participate with him in the advent of a new world, – as if God depended upon us, imperfect men, to finalize the work of his creation – amazed people and answered a deep yearning, pre-existent in the hearts of many. Today, the invitation remains, and to accept it opens us the door on the most formidable adventure that we can live here on earth.




Start your Year with the Very Best.

There is a treasure that encompasses and generates all other treasures. Why not start your year by resolving to equip yourself daily with the most useful resource available in the world? And now you are invited to an immersive and transformative Bible study in the knowledgeable and cheering company of surfer and Miss Hawaii, Mrs. Kanoe Gibson.



Falling PlatesFour minutes to understand.

A multilingual video to share.
Got Questions ?


the Spirit of your Father who speaks in You.


“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples”. John 15:6-8
Though, the greatest among you shall be your servant.


The Last Reformation – The Movies

God, in our days, is bringing back the simple truth of the Gospels and of the Book of Acts, that is: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation”. What is this Gospel or good news? – God is with us and he proves it by healing the sick, by kicking out demons and by bringing the souls into intimacy with Him. This reality has the power to set us free from unbelief and to make us able to walk in a new lifestyle of faith daily.

• The Last Reformation IN GENEVA

Kingdom of God in Japan

The message of the cross is anything but comfortable and the way of Jesus is not flattering for our ego. But when Christians agree to die to themselves, to let Jesus reach people in order to heal them and set them free, the blessing is shared and their own life takes on its true dimension. 2 Timothy 3:10-13

Back to the Gospel in Geneva

A return to the true gospel is absolutely necessary. Most church people today are more interested with building a structure for entertainment than with sharing the redeeming truths of the gospel. This last reformation, which concerns us all, is simply a return to the desire to live the resurrection life of Jesus in a personal and practical way. This movement of the Last Reformation should not, however, be confused with another movement whose name is similar: that of the New Apostolic Reformation of the Church of Bethel, which unfortunately promotes New Age Christianity enforced with sentimental music and positive manipulation, and which should be reformed from within. The renewal of the 21st century will begin with an underground awakening, an encounter with Christ directly or through his disciples, a humble, personal, but genuine movement.


• KINGDOM OF GOD IN SINGAPORE – People set free from demons after water baptism

• KINGDOM OF GOD IN ITALY – Faith is for everyone.

• THE LAST REFORMATION INTL. – We believe that the Church is facing a new Reformation !


Video sharing websites are a great tool for the sharing of faith and knowledge. But they also serve to spread wrong concepts and unsavoury content. It is possible to activate a content filter and to block disturbing ads.



Being shown a false image of the Christian reality, millions of people are definitively driven away from what could have transformed their lives, and the devil knows how to exploit our naivety.

Sticking to the expression of frozen traditions, or otherwise, fostering an undiscerning atmosphere of sentimental exaltation, or simulating, or intellectualizing, or even using religion to settle accounts with society, are expressions of a diverted spirituality. Because of what it represents, the Christian faith has been hijacked or perverted in all possible manners. We have turned into self exalting celebrations or in vain ranting, when not in religious parodies, what God had originally intended as a means to reach others with His compassion. How do we know if our conception of God and the expression of our faith are real and genuine? “You will know the Truth and the truth shall set you free”, says Jesus. … “But, what is the truth?”, retorted the devil through the mouth of Pilate. That's why God has given us an infallible criterion of discernment : His written Word. … (Click to read more)

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Sometimes we do not know which saint to turn to, but fortunately, Jesus remains the same. “Let little the children come to me and do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like them”. Luke 18:16. To come to Jesus as a child is to accept to read the Bible as one eats one's daily bread. A child does not hope to understand everything he reads, but he reads hoping he will one day understand. The food we eat makes us grow taller without our knowing how. One day, faced with an ambiguous situation, we will realize that we have acquired a stature that will allow us to cope. Having personal appointments with God by reading the entire Bible and making it our own substance guarantees us a sound mind and a spirit of wisdom and discernment. I am sad to say that I had to remove some links, when I became aware of this deception that the theology of the New Apostolic Reformation represents, which now prevails in an important part of the evangelical world. Some of the preachers mentioned in the links may still be affiliated to the NAR in one way or another. We have seen it throughout the history of the church : when the devil can no longer hold back the advancement of the Kingdom of God, he will encourage the development of a parallel movement in which he will introduce a fermenting agent. Jesus spoke of the “yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees” which is hypocrisy. But the devil can introduce other ferments, or spiritual genes, by which he strives to distort our doctrine and our faith so that it is rendered null. Through false expressions of faith, he will even rise himself in churches and replace Christ. The Bible teaches that the person who has the Spirit must judge of everything. Let's keep in mind, through our quests, that faith should remain a simple and very natural thing. By simple, I mean that feelings should not overwhelm us. There is no place for hysterical exaltation or for hypnotic repetitions in the doctrine of Jesus. Some preachers harangue the crowds, but the effects of persuasion do not last. Others want to multiply the doctrines and make us captive of them. God is not a sorcerer to “sermonize” us, any more than He is a demagogue and a brainwasher. He is not an energy or an impersonal atmosphere, a method, or a discipline. God is not an anointing of liquid love that would get hold of us, making us laugh for no reason and roll on the floor, even if laughter can be liberating when it is genuine. But he is a Spirit of wisdom, of might, of love and self-discipline. He gives us discernment and a sound mind. Jesus is the Truth in all its simplicity, this that goes straight to our hearts. His voice sounds like gentle whispers, but it has the power to free us by producing a deep conviction. His words are the “unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” which gives us the power to change. And by natural, I mean self-determined. Jesus wants to make us a people of kings, and self-determination is what characterizes kingship. The real function of a king is not to take advantage of his people, but it is to use his given authority to serve by protecting the weak and helping the needy. At a time when many seek personal development or a promotion, it is important to remember that, although he existed in the form of God, Jesus stripped himself of all his prerogatives to become a servant. He obeyed God to the extent that he offered his life as a ransom for us all. Now, the heart of the Gospel is that the same Spirit which animated Jesus also comes to dwell in us. Jesus suggests that we increase in the gifts he communicates to us, in order to better serve others.


Prayer, Worship, Testimonies and Miracles, Teachings.


Have you ever wondered where Joy comes from?

I was reminded lately to place joy at the top of my list of priorities. In this day and age where the devil has come once more to steal, kill and destroy, it is of utmost importance to remember that “the joy of God is our strength”. That joy will allow us to withstand the bad days, to resist viruses and other threats, and to achieve our purpose in life which is advancing the Kingdom of God. I now remember what a friend was telling me when as a young man I made my first moves into faith after being wrecked on the rocks of adversity : “Don't let anyone steal your joy!” And indeed, my greatest breakthroughs have always come when I gave up my wise mistrust and trusted God instead.

… And if being a disciple of Christ was above all: taking pleasure in being in God?


God's Accessible Joy – By Roland Worton

How many of us know the place that joy has in the Word of God? In this timeless message, we are reminded that beyond our trials, there is an eternity of joy to be inherited. And it starts right now.





“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him”.  Matthew 6. “God resists the proud (those who have too high an esteem for their abilities) but he gives loving-favor to those who have no pride. So give yourselves to God. Stand against the devil and he will run away from you. Come close to God and He will come close to you”.  James 4.


PRAYERS – How to trust Your life to God in Prayer

Praying with sincerity is very effective, even more so when we pray according to God's purposes for us and for others. With the help of the Holy Spirit, let's learn to pray Bible-inspired prayers.

Why our Prayers are not Answered.

But most importantly, how to pray prayers that are effective. God wants to teach us to be effective in prayer and it is one of his most compelling desires to make things happen through our prayers.

Be healed in Jesus name, through this Prayer.

Jesus has paid a high price for us to be made perfectly healed and whole. Healing prayer - powerful by Curry Blake.

Lecture: Curry Blake on Prayers of Faith.

One of the most life transforming experiences for me was discovering how God views prayer. I was outspoken in real life, but through my religious education, I would have embarked on a sentimental tug of war with God when it came to asking him something, as many Christians do. Come to think of it, I don't like people turning to my feelings to get something from me, so why would God be any different? In absolute terms, God has placed everything we could wish for at our disposal. If we collaborate with him by learning to pray in a mature and engaged way, we will become much more powerful spiritually and we will see results.


“Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people. For this is what the high and exalted One says  – he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I will not accuse them forever, nor will I always be angry, for then they would faint away because of me – the very people I have created”.   Isaiah 57:14-16




Receiving the Spirit of Jesus, also named the Holy Spirit, is the greatest gift that we can receive from God. When we submit our life to God and receive salvation, it is not to remain in passiveness. On the contrary, his Spirit will indwell us and start renewing our mind. He will lead us in all truth. He will give us a powerful prayer life. He will even give us new prayer languages to help us in the weakness of our flesh. We can experience drought in our mind, but the stream of God remains full of water. Speaking in those spiritual languages will build us up. It is the key to gaining spiritual power and dominion over sickness and on any of the devil's means of oppression – if you wondered why so many “Christians” fight this gift from the pulpit, now you know. It taps into the supernatural of God. It starts in a babble and turns into a roaring as needed. It is a language of love and intimacy with God, and a weapon of mass destruction against the forces of evil. All of God's people who are mighty at front, use it extensively in their prayer life.


John Bevere – Different purposes of speaking in tongues.

Experiencing Praying in Tongues

Tongues are the language of Heaven. Freeing your inner man by speaking those spiritual languages will heal you and bring awareness of the Glorious Presence of God in your life.





Worship Him who is worthy to be praised


When we Praise our God, he becomes a refuge, he is Heaven on earth, a Bulwark against adversity.

Your salvation will be in peace and rest, It is in calm and confidence that your strength will be.
Isaiah 30:15

I cry out: Praise be to the Lord! And I am delivered from my enemies!  2 Samuel 22: 4

Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Ephesians 6:13



“No man’s life stands in the abundance of the things he possesses”.  Increase your capital of enthusiasm to withstand the bad days.


Life-transforming praise is not an emotion of the soul but it is a spiritual commitment.

To worship is to express the highest form of gratitude. Praise leads to abandoning sin, returning to righteousness and the willingness to commit ourselves. We praise God for his deeds and for his extraordinary character. God is the Rock of Centuries who will never change.
When we worship we are being transformed into the nature of the One we Worship
. (2 Cor 3:17)

Wonderful Praise songs in Hebrew Language
Keren Silver

Bible and Angelic Praise in Hebrew Language
Sasha Anya   Poberejny

You who seek world peace, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for from its true restoration will flow healing for all the nations of the earth.

Baruch Adonai L'Olam

“Blessed be Adonai, God, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders. Blessed be his glorious Name forever, and may the whole Earth be filled with His Glory”. Psalm 72.

God has always had a purpose for this earth and he does not change His Mind. “The rulers conspire against him and work to their own destruction, but God laughs at their plans. Soon, all nations will come to Zion, His holy Mountain, to Kiss his Son and celebrate his rule”. Psalm 2.

Among people of my generation, many have been indwelt by the dedicated songs of Keith and Melody Green.

Here is one of Keith's quotes: “The only music minister to whom the Lord will say, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant,” is the one whose life proves what their lyrics are saying, and to whom music is the least important part of their life. Glorifying the only worthy One has to be a minister's most important goal!”


Don Francisco
Meaningful Songs for a Saviour who is so Real.


    A favourite play-list. Timeless and profound.


BeBe & CeCe Winans are an American gospel music brother and sister duo.

Once heard, never forgotten.


Great artists by themselves and awesome when they teamed. Michael W Smith and Amy Grant' scripture based songs have their way in the hearts of many.

Fernando Ortega. Hymns revived, and his own Beautiful Songs and Music. Healing for Soul and Spirit.

Songs and an interview.


Above all else, protect and guard your heart. For your heart is the spring of your life. Prov. 4


SoakStream Healing Scriptures

This is a work that I discovered only recently. Do you know how God revealed himself to Elijah after ignoring his might and the strong elements? Listening to Scripture verses read with conviction and meaning brings awe and love for our wonderful God, and it heals us.

More Gentle Whispers

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls” “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” said Jesus

In Each of us hides a Child that needs to be Reassured.

Come To The Cradle – Michael CARD
Lullabies To Dreamland – Deniece WILLIAMS
All That I Am – Annie HERRING
God Is all Around Us – Twila PARIS



Christian Artists


“In your prayers (and praise songs), do not repeat heaps of words, as the pagans do; they imagine that by dint of words God will hear them. Do not imitate them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." Jesus, in Matthew 6.

Jesus regularly asks us to be more authentic and personal in our relationship to our God. True Christian artists are also prophets. They distance themselves from what the crowds follow, in order to shake our certainties to bring by their words or their form of expression, a deeper understanding of our realities. What is “Christian” and what is not? Let us be careful not to become simply religious, that would be to deny Jesus. I think there is more to a lost artist who authentically searches for the truth than there is to hundreds who have found what they were looking for by complying to what the crowds want. I wish to add more links to this chapter in the near future.


The Christmas Monologues that wrecked us.

Four actors illustrate the beauty, pain, longing, and ultimate joy of this story through the lens of our senses.

Moya Brennan

Issued from a family of Irish artists, the voice of Clannad, Enya's older sister Moya (Máire Brennan) has like her sister a voice that you'll never forget.
Full concert 1998
At Shrewsbury Folk Festival 2023
Performing Perfect Time (In Concert at Armagh Cathedral)

Chi Coltrane – You were my Friend.

The idea of being one day buried in the ground was unbearable to the little girl. She wanted to go straight to heaven, like Elijah. Her songs later soothed a young man's aching heart, and they are still a blessing today. Chi Coltrane does not promote herself as a Gospel singer, but her work carries a sense of true holiness, which is awe for someone's integrity. And that's what Christian culture should convey: As Children of the Most High, we live in a world doomed to sin where we stand as Children of Light.

Akiane Kramarik – Art is a prophetic Gift.

“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”. Many people know how to put themselves forward through their art. But those who can speak of the source, the gestation and birth, sometimes in pain, and the meaning of this expression, are much rarer. I knew nothing about Akiane Kramarik until I discovered recently her prophetic passion for the One who makes our world so beautiful. The way she truly lives what she expresses as “an awareness of our moral duty and responsibilities, and the harmony of spiritual purpose and freedom to live our dreams”, is an example for all who express in a form of creativity.  Actual.

Whatever you do, do all for the Glory of God.

If you plan to buy photo equipment, you know the value of tests and reviews to comfort you in your choice, and sometimes avoid being disappointed. Christopher Frost is an awesome reviewer. His reviews are objective, simple and generous, and his muse has this mysterious Monalisa smile that makes you want to learn some secrets. But he doesen't make a secret of his love for our Lord, and whether in reviews or in testimonies and teachings, Christopher always shines.

Nightsounds hosted by musician Bill Pearce.

This American nighttime radio show was broadcast locally by a Christian radio station some 40 years ago. I can't believe that so many years have passed in the blink of an eye… The miracle radio station is kept alive through thick and thin by the most persevering influencer I know – thank you Ron –, and Bill Pearce continues to express his exquisite wanderings every night, through the recordings. I still do sometimes listen to the soothing stories, when peace of heart seems elusive.




Is Genesis History? What is the Genesis paradigm?

So much in our scale of values depends on how we perceive the origins of life and of our Universe. The conflict, when there is one, is not that of science against religion, on the contrary. Rather, views diverge on the true history of our cosmos.

The God Who Speaks

What is the Bible? Where does it come from? Can we trust it?
A documentary that traces the evidence for biblical authority and reliability.

A Matter of Faith Movie – How do Christian kids survive the educational cursus?

“A young girl is influenced by her popular Biology professor, who teaches that evolution is the answer to the origins of life…”

Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis

Our Western culture is the only place where scientists have taken the option to deny that there is an intelligent design. But what are their hypothesis? As Sir Isaac Newton said: Gravity is a tendency for unsupported bodies to fall.

James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life

Same atoms arranged in a different way, turn what we consider worthless into something of great value.

Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati

Amir Tsarfati was born in Israel to a Jewish family. From his youth, he was in the middle of a conflict both out and within. During his studies, he saw the movie “Jesus” and decided to be born again. As a major in the army and a negociator, former governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley, he has invaluable experience. He now shares on the Behold Israel Channel as well as in conferences worldwide, what many consider to be extraordinary insight into political matters as well as in Bible prophecy. Alternative Vimeo Page.

Become a true Believer Sam Kojoglanian

Raised in the Holy Land and born-again since a little boy, Dr. Kojoglanian learned to include God in everything, especially in his work! In this great interview, top cardiologist shares in a powerful way the basics of faith survival. If you still have questions about late times events, you may find here many answers in a nutshell.

Why This Atheist Scientist Became a Believing Christian

Born into a communist family, Dr. Sy Garte has lived most of his life as an atheist. But then science shook his beliefs and he became an agnostic. He was convinced that there must be more than matter and he finally encountered the Creator of all he studied. Today, he advocates the fact that there is no opposition between true science and the existence of God.
From same speaker : Why 89% of biologists do not believe in God?




We weren't made to face life alone. An anthology of testimonies of lives transformed by an encounter.



The 700 Club Interactive is a place dedicated to prayer, uplifting stories, positive Christian news, encouragement and community. Connecting the dots between faith and culture and addressing the hard questions like: what’s my purpose? How am I living out God’s love? What’s my role as a Christian in today’s culture? In the face of war and chaos and uncertainty, how do we keep our hope? How do we live out our faith?

Cait Taylor, My Testimony | Fatherlessness, Abuse & CPTSD

What is it like to live with an abusive person that you can't escape, to see your mother being beaten or abused every day and yet she is so dependent on this relationship that even the police can't convince her to press charges and leave this person? It's a sure recipe for a broken life. Until you meet your real father in heaven, receive his healing love and realize from there how wonderful life is.



“Everything you have been told in your life, is a lie”.
That's what many people who strive to become something else, should be told.


I encountered Jesus in my suicide attempt... my testimony, part two

Brittany Dawn shares her candid story of how she went from social media influencer to someone to avoid, and how Jesus saved her from a suicide attempt, put her back on her feet and helped her rebuild her life on a healthy, solid foundation. A heartwrenching story.


From abused child to becoming a New Age witch, and then…

How yoga and karma reincarnation can seal the destiny of a broken spirit and lead it down the pit. But then, Jesus…

Also: Christian Girl Deceived by New Age Shares How It Happened.


Alisa Childers - My Story

As a former CCM recording artist and life-long follower of Jesus, I experienced a period of profound doubt in my early thirties. This is my journey out of unreasoned doubt into vibrant, intellectually informed faith.
Alisa was part of the music group : ZOEgirl

Ex-Witch Warns Witchcraft Expanding, Says Hollywood 'Releasing Spells Over the Viewers'

Musician and artist Jenny Weaver shares her incredible testimony of faith despite growing up in an abusive home and delving into witchcraft as a young woman. Now, Weaver warns that those dabbling in Wiccan are trying to unleash spells and it's even infecting Christians and the church.
Also: “My Story of Being an Ex Witch” Testimony.

At Breaking Point…

Elizabeth-Joy was raised as a Christian and she knew about Jesus' love. But are Christians protected from depression and suicidal thoughts? She was to discover that all it takes sometimes to save someone's life, is a : “Hello, nice day isn't it?”

From striving and never be good enough, to being a beloved.

I lived a broken life of depression, abuse, self hatred and eating disorders, but His love set me free forever. And my story can be YOUR story. My name is Melissa Faisst, and this is my Jesus testimony. Christianity doesn't have to be complicated, it can actually be cool and we want to equip you to find your purpose and walk in your God-given destiny !

Are you haunted by the thought of ending your life?

Tamara LAROUX – Testimony. What she thought would put an end to her pain propelled her in absolute horror. She suddenly became pain, she became fear, she became death… But as she fell down in the pit, God extended his hand to her.

The Tamara Laroux's Story – How children can pick up wrong feelings about themselves, when their parents don't love each other the way they should.

• Al DIAZ – His very moving testimony. Al died during a surgery, then he went to heaven and met Jesus.

Dr Mary NEAL's amazing story.

She drowned and resuscitated.


• Krissy NELSON – From loneliness to Adoption.

There is more than one way to drown in life. This courageous lady with a childlike heart tells how she found her own path, to her Father's arms.

He says, the stories of people who’ve come back will change how you see life forever!

John BURKE – studied nearly 1,000 near-death experiences.

– Imagine Heaven, with John Burke
– Another interview, with Sid Roth

• Jim WOODFORD – He died. Look What He Saw in Heaven !

Yoga and the Occult: Ex Witch Tells All

Yoga is a very popular form of fitness in this day and age. It is touted as a perfect way to relax, get fit, and become more spiritually aware. However, yoga is actually a form of spiritual alignment with the kundalini spirit, aka the goddess Shakti. Watch as Beth shares her experiences with yoga, how it affected her life, and how it was used in satanic ritual abuse.

Lisa Bevere | A Life Laid Down – Or how to Forgive

We must forgive our parents – Yes, but you don't know my father, he is making a hell of our relationship – Yet there is healing in forgiveness, and there is salvation for our family members. Who said it would be easy? If it were, Jesus would not have had to die on a cross.

Incredibly courageous Witnesses.

The awesome story of two young Iranian ladies who both met Jesus in a spernatural way, and who joint their efforts to spread the Gospel in their country, despite the death sentence. It is also a warning of how, when a country's Christian religious freedom is taken for granted and not protected, it can be taken away and replaced by some cruel satanic rule.

I Found Myself in Hell.

The Reason Why Will Surprise You.

Laurie DITTO

I was a suicide Bomber Candidate !

But then I met Jesus and I went from Hell to Love !
Listen to what Işık ABLA has received.

Testimonies: Muslims meet their Messiah.

Muslims discover the Truth about Jesus Christ. “Moderate Muslims are not the enemies of Christians and Jews. But because they have been prevented from accessing the Truth, they remain locked in an erroneous knowledge of the person of God, of his principles and of his will for mankind. Most Muslims are basically good people who love God fervently and who wish to suppress intractable and conquering Islam in order to live in peace with their neighbours. But they struggle to enter into the presence of God and to obtain his blessing, because they are looking for the gateway where it is not to be found ”.

I'm About to End My Life, and…

Tracy Leigh was a young girl when she was exposed to pornography and abused. The surrounding she grew up in brought a craving for sin. She eventually wanted to take her life. But then, a knock on the door…

Everyone who believes in him will never be disappointed.

Call on Him when you are in distress. Don't tell the wild river where to go, jump in and swim. Kim Meeder tells a few stories that will leave no eye dry.

How God taught Becky DVORAK about the spirit of death and how to defeat it.

Rare diseases, accidents, premature deaths and all kinds of mayhem are often the signs of the presence of a spirit of death. We can conquer it.

Betty DVORAK – What if you could defeat sickness by prophesying words of healing?

YEARNING - Film on the Life of Christians in China.

“They strengthened the spirit of the disciples, urging them to persevere in the faith, and saying that it is through many tribulations that we must enter the kingdom of God”. Acts 14, or when the Empire strikes back.
Advice: As with any film or movement, seek the guidance of the Spirit and stay with what is biblically founded. The commentaries are a very loose and paraphrased interpretation of Jesus' words.
See also:
Chinese Films.

Chinese student book on religions, calls Jesus a sinner and a murderer.

To what extent are we ready to compromise with the truth? In exchange for some freedom in exercising their religion and be allowed to appoint bishops in China, the Catholic Pope is expected to renew a deal with the CCP. This agreement authorizes a rather unconventional translation of a New Testament excerpt, in which, instead of saving the sinner caught in adultery, Jesus exercises judgment on the woman and stones her himself.

Testimonies of Messianic Jews.

In Israel, many believers openly express their faith in Yeshua, and even more live their faith in a discreet or hidden manner.

The Forbidden Chapter: Isaiah 53 in the Hebrew Bible.

See how deeply Israelis in the streets were moved as they came face to face with their Messiah!

Why Religion will never be a Base for Peace.

An eye opening documentary realized in a place where three “sister” religions meet.

The 3 main Reasons Jews Don't Believe In Jesus.

Amir Tsarfati's Testimony

Amir Tsarfati was born in Israel to a Jewish family. From his youth, he was in the middle of a conflict both in and outside his home. During his studies, he came in contact with messianic Jews. After he saw the movie “Jesus”, he decided to become a born again Jew. His Jewish roots now allow him to share highly regarded teaching, on Jesus in the Tanakh for instance. As a major in the army and former governor of the Jordan Valley, he has an acute insight in world events, particularly Middle East.

A renowned Jewish Scientist makes his most beautiful Discovery of all, within Judaism.
The honest and very convincing Testimony of James Tour.

The Greatest Commitment

“Callings come when we least expect them”. Jim CAVIEZEL gives his Testimony before a Catholic Youth audience, and talks on how taking the role has forever changed his life.


Coming out of the Shade

Nobody can claim to be a self made man. Denzel WASHINGTON recalls the background influence that his mother, and others who put God first, have had on his destiny.


Denzel Washington's Life Advice

Don't make ghosts of the gifts you've never used. You'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. If you have a dream, go for it with the help of God.


Every Knee shall Bow

Celebrities thanking GOD (and JESUS!) in their acceptance speech.


Grace For Purpose

Don’t just Believe – Act on it, Even in a Struggle!




The essential

“In the world of men, each question brings up more questions. In the world of God, each question finds its answer and every problem that arises has its solution, prepared from even before the foundation of the world.”

The beginning of wisdom is when we eventually believe all that we read in the Bible, and not just what our experiences would allow us to believe.


“Why do you look for the living among the dead?”  Luke 24

People who have found God have one thing in common: They have overcome their prejudices, to seek God in and with all their heart. God meets people who like him, are passionate.


“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. “I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.” Jeremiah 29:12-13

Since “God so loved the world that he sent his one true Son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”, for “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”, it is obvious that God loves and understands all human beings much better than we could, and that he has a plan for their rescue. Jesus is invisible to the eyes, but we who believe have become the body of Christ – his arms, his heart, his voice – here on Earth.

– But what does God mean by “perishing”? We don't read the Bible and we are alive and well ! … Yes, but the question is : for how long? The Bible says that our life is a vapour on the ground. The sun rises : it is gone. But it continues elsewhere, and if we were not rooted in the Word of God but have followed horoscopes and psychics and have worshipped substitutes, we will end up in horrific moral suffering, because this is what having believed in lies leads to on an eternal scale of time.

Rather than beg God to accede our piecemeal requests, even if there is nothing wrong with that, let's understand that God has a plan and that by collaborating with our Heavenly Father, by praying and declaring the new realities, we will contribute to “His will being done on Earth as in Heaven”. An attitude that is in accordance with his Word will earn us the full attention of “the angels, those ministering spirits sent out to serve (accompany, protect) those who are about to be saved”. Hebrews 1:14, Psalm 103:20



How are Christians related to Jews and reciprocally?

“Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!”  Paul, Jewish and Christian apostle, in his letter to the Romans 11: 11-15.

Jesus in the Torah and the Prophets — ישוע בתורה ובנביאים 

One of the prejudices introduced by religions consists in believing that the Torah and the Prophets are for the Jews, and the New Testament for the Christians. Jesus was a Jew, his Apostles were Jews, and all their teachings were based on the Scriptures of their days. Jesus pointed out that all of the Scriptures point to him and designate him as the Messiah – which the teachers of the law refused to consider, because Jesus did not have the outward appearance they expected from a chief of war. An in-depth teaching, by Amir Tsarfati.

Jesus, Man or God? 

The deity of Jesus Christ is something that has been under fire throughout the centuries. In fact, to the New Testament authors, it was one of the determining factors as to whether or not someone was holding to the truth. Does Jesus exemplify the same divine characteristics of the God we read about in the Old Testament? Is believing in the deity of Jesus necessary for one's personal salvation? Amir Tsarfati and his special guest, Dr. Seth Postell, get to the bottom of that question.

Why is the Cross a Stumbling Block for the Jews? 

While the symbol of the cross has been interpreted in various ways for thousands of years, it's the message of the cross that remains consistent regardless of one's background. Knowing this, what does it mean to carry your cross? Why is it that the Jews reject the message of the cross? Will they one day accept it? Follow Amir Tsarfati as he takes you on a tour of the history of the cross and what it means for the past, present, and future of the Jewish people.

Ethos or Ethnos: Who Are the Real Jews?

Abraham was a descendent of Sem, but so are the Ismaelites and some of the Iranians. So what does the word Jew mean? Is one Jew by the father or by the mother? Or by a conversion to a specific revelation of God? Or has the word a broader meaning? Has the Church replaced Israel and the Jews? Does the New Testament imply that Israel of that time is no longer Israel? The questions are of utmost importance and yet there is such confusion. For instance, who rejected Jesus? Was it the Jews as a people or was it the fringe of the religious caste who sat in Moses' seat? The word Jewish covers different realities depending on the context in which it is used. Join Amir Tsarfati and his guest, Dr. Golan Broshi, as they make their case biblically and historically as to the identity of the real Jews.




Prophetic Words for Today


Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 124

In these perilous times, God wants more than ever to have our attention. Mind control is invading the earth through the “regular” media. But things are not as they seem and God has another point of view that he wants to bring forward. The new millennium promises to be extraordinary. It will begin with a wedding banquet of cosmic proportions. But for us to eventually enter the promised era of prosperity and peace which will be placed under the jurisdiction of his Son, God will have to judge the corrupt systems of this world, in other words, to sweep the house. The process will shake the whole world and will leave no structure nor religion or individual belief unscathed. Times will become increasingly difficult. But do not lose heart for God is in control. He has provided and will continue to do so, for all who love him and who invest their trust in no man but in him.


Experiencing God's Faithfulness

An Evening with Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Billy Graham.  – Lessons from Daniel's Prayers – Daniel 9: Praying God's promises back to him. What will save the land is not a political party and it is not a new president. But it is God, pouring out his Spirit on his praying people.

You've been Appointed for a Time as this – Bruce Allen.

We can see the times we live in as a threat, or we can see them as a tremendous opportunity. What makes the difference is who owns our heart.  Session II

The Days of Ezekiel – Amir Tsarfati

What are the signs of His coming? Years ago, in 2014 I believe, my mind was turned upside down by some teachings I listened to about blood moons, stars alignment, mystery of the schemitah and other mysterious harbingers. I ordered books that I never had the time to read. I was believing that the world was not going to make it for another year without a major catastrophe. This awareness had at least the benefit of shaking me in my spiritual sleep. But what is Jesus more pragmatically saying about the earthly signs preceding His coming?  
Also: 2018 Amir Tsarfati – Ezekiel 37-38-39

The Millenial Kingdom Amir Tsarfati

By far the best message I have heard on this subject. A theme which should be at the center of every Christian life.







“Yehudim ask for otot and Yevanim seek chochmah. But, we proclaim Moshiach and nivlato al haEtz”.   1 Corinthians.

The Gospel isn't just words, but it's the supernatural power of God for the salvation–body, mind and spirit–of whoever believes. When Jesus' own people get hold of the truth of the Gospel, you can expect something mind blowing and life changing !

DISCLAIMER : ISN Network offers an open tribune to many guest speakers who for probably the most part are outstanding men and women of God, with amazing stories to build our faith. However, due to the times of increasing non biblical or New Age views and values creeping into the church, please, exercise your discernment.




BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS – New Age has come to the Church

We are the heirs of a religious unconscious rooted in Greco-Babylonian culture. This apparent piety prevents us from moving in true faith. Why the does the encounter between man and his God not take place? Man imagines that God barricades himself in the holy and in the vertuous. He therefore seeks to impress him by building cathedrals, or by celebrations and by elevating what in his own eyes is noble and worthy. … Whereas our God who is humble at heart according to the Bible, resists the proud and he simply wants to meet man in the truth of a contrite and humbled heart. These parallel trajectories, which therefore never meet, sum up the history of religions. Imagine having no contact with your parents except through intermediaries. How will you know that what those intermediaries are telling you about your parents wishes and their feelings for you, is the truth? Since immemorial times, God is like the father of this prodigal son, who sows unconditional love in order to restore the family links. But like the elder brother in this tale, the religious man satisfies in running the business without caring the least for the feelings and dreams his father has for him and for his family. Whether one is lost in rebellion or lost in religion, the result is finally the same : It is the solitude of the Father, and that of his Children.

The apostle Paul expressed his pain at seeing how his own people refused the Gospel, simply because its glory remained veiled to their eyes due to their prejudices. Paul states, in 2 Corinthians 3, that, just as in the past, the Hebrews in the wilderness refused to contemplate the glory of God who illuminated the face of Moses, believers who cling to the tradition and refuse to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, have their mind blinded by the god of this world, so that they do not see the shining of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Today we see a growing number of churches and Christian youth movements adopting a new theology supported by other spirits from the esoteric world. There again, these young people are blinded by the god of this world who manipulates them through their charismatic leaders. This is a matter of deep concern and the reason why I speak frankly about this subject.


This Has Already Started Happening.

Amir Tsarfati: Exposing the New Apostolic Reformation, with Pastor Michael Nissim.

The Bible says that the Church was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Can the Church appoint new apostles and prophets today to override Jesus' apostles? What exactly is the New Apostolic Reformation and what dangers does it pose for believers? Who started it? When? Why? Does the Bible confirm this theology?
TEXT Version

Bethel and Bill Johnson’s Bridge to the New Age and Spiritual Fakery.

Bethel Church in Redding California has presented itself to the worldwide body of Christ as a guide for deeper and more miraculous spiritual experiences. This is the bait. But what about the truth?


How is New Age manifesting in the Church ?


OK, here comes the bad part. Everyone is beautiful, everyone is nice? You know its not that way. We have a good Jesus, a magnificent Jesus. But part of our apprenticeship is learning how to unmask the bad and the ugly. One of the most effective ways the devil has devised to ruin the lives of Christians is to counterfeit the conduct of the Spirit of God – in words, in thoughts, in dreams and even in manifestations. Awareness of this fact should be a fundamental point of the Christian doctrine. But we often prefer to ignore it, because we don't like confronting people's ideas, and sometimes from our own misconception of what unity in diversity is about. The truth however is that, whenever people want to hear nice things, the devil will take advantage of them. But God will NEVER tell us to do something that is against his principles. Therefore, if we are Christians, we should yield every decision to the Lordship of the Spirit of Christ who dwells in us. And most importantly, we must know the Bible and test every decision on the basis of the Word, the circumstances and the times, in order to be able to recognize the sabotage manoeuvres of Satan.


Lolium temulentum. This name probably doesn't tell you much if you are not a farmer or a botanist. But the common name of the plant is probably more familiar : poison darnel or rye grass. Absorbed accidentally in the bread, the mould associated with the seed produces nausea and makes the subject stagger like a drunken man, and in some cases causes death (source: Wikipedia).

Matthew 13 - The parable of the tares sown among the wheat. But what in the world is Jesus talking about?


I heard it said: “If it's in the Bible, then it is not new. And if it's really something new, then it's probably not biblical” – Let's learn how to recognize those teachers, churches, counterfeit worship and manifestations.

BETHEL CHURCH: Incorporating New Age Mysticism, Spirit Guides, Messengers, New Outpouring, Spiritual Invasion, Healing Energy, Grave Sucking and more…. (Click to read more)


Read more

BETHEL CHURCH: Incorporating New Age Mysticism, Spirit Guides, Messengers, New Outpouring, Spiritual Invasion, Healing Energy, Grave Sucking and more….

I am not a follower of the “International Order of Heresy Hunters”. But when I saw, in a church that I attended, the weird way to say the least, in which some young people behaved after they went through the “School of the Supernatural” of Bethel Church, I knew from the Holy Spirit that a tragedy with many ramifications was unfolding in the Christian world, affecting particularly young people but not only. To see with my own eyes how Satan knew to possess these young people from my area, while making them believe that they were filled with the Holy Spirit, has saddened me and made me indignant. Claiming a Pentecost of a new kind, the movement led by charismatic personalities like Bill Johnson, Kris Valotton, Heidi Baker, Ben Fitzgerald and others, clearly assumes the contributions of the New Age and leads thousands of young Christians, mainly from stagnant evangelical circles, in the emotional web of a form of Christian esotericism. Under the guise of a “New Apostolic Reformation” based on the controversial theology of C. Peter Wagner, they mix in an almost inextricable manner, the genuine Christian concepts with others, that are clearly anti-biblical. Former students bravely denounce some of the trends and practices going on at Bethel, a mega-church located in Redding, California.

Hundreds of thousands from around the world having now embraced the NAR's teaching, the transition to apostasy affects an increasing number of churches. It is heartbreaking to have to recommend abstaining from relationships with Christians who otherwise are nice people, and with the few churches that seem to be “alive”. But Jesus gave solemn warnings in his parable of the tares – Tares: those who in his church, come from another kind of seed. “He will send his angels to gather the tares before they are burned”. We must not forget some events of the past and how a nice guy named Jim Jones, led a thousand of his followers to a tragic end. Due to this movement being supported by false theology, and because of the fake “holy spirit” that is spread from there – a really deceitful spirit –, Bethel is a dangerous cult and it puts forward another Jesus. The same disapproval also relates to the gospel of the New Apostolic Reformation movement and all that it produces : books, teachings, worship music. We definitely live in fascinating times…



• The KUNDALINI INVASION – How it Happened. Andrew Storm.

• Heidi BAKER – The drunken Delusion.

• The “False Church System” Deception.


New Trends in Music

Today we are witnessing a shift in the Christian values and a whole section of the Christian music is also drawn into an irrelevant form of expression. Not to let ourselves be taken away, let's prioritize Spirit and Truth over hype and the new trends.

NEW AGE CHRISTIANITY corrupting the Church – Hillsong, TobyMac, Bethel Music.

Cast the merchants from your temple. Our world needs good worship music, but not in the way it wants subliminal rock & roll music. Bethel and Hillsong use their music as a hook to bring people into their false theological system. The worship music that makes God happy is when you open your heart to your Heavenly Father and you become a living song, under your shower or while driving your car or doing your daily tasks or household chores – in fact, anywhere any time. This will make you happy too, and it costs you nothing!

The corrupt Music Industry


More Teachings on Deception


Another Gospel? by Alisa Childers - Book Trailer

A movement seeks to redefine Christianity. Some think that it is a much-needed progressive reformation. Others believe that it is an attack on historic Christianity. In her book “Another Gospel?”, Alisa Childers describes the intellectual journey she took over several years as she wrestled with a series of questions that struck at the core of the Christian faith. Also:  How to Spot the Danger Signs of Progressive Christianity in Your Church

• Progressive Christianity and Why it's WORSE Than Atheism, with Alisa Childers

False Spirits vs. The Holy Spirit In The Church – WATCH

Our quest for the supernatural can lead us astray. Many Christians struggle in their life with God, because they need to be set free from demonic revival spirits they got at church, in order to be filled with the genuine Holy Spirit.


• New Age Christianity in Church – Jesus Culture, Hillsong, TobyMac, Bethel Music

• Should a Church be Seeker sensitive?

• Steven BANCARZA counterfeit Christianity is sweeping across churches. A survey indicates that 61% of all practicing Christians are now involved in this counterfeit in one way or another. Former online guru Steven Bancarz, barely escaped the New Age deception that is quietly invading America. “Our culture is exchanging Truth for a lie”, he says.   Check also : What is New Age?

• Strange Fire Conference – What is happening to Christianity?

• The Roots and the Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation

• Derek PRINCEReligious Deception. “I believe that for one person that the devil deceived by atheism, there are thousands in hell whom he deceived by religion”. A most vital message.

• Personal Testimonies – “Swept up in the “Third Wave”, there is a deep sadness in me, a sorrow over wasted years and opportunities. I get angry with myself for having been deluded and so easily led into false doctrines and practices.”

• Testimonies of people who came out of apostate churches.

• Why I left the Word of Faith movement.

• New Age, Kundalini, Yoga, & Astral Projection In The Church.

• Eric BARGER – The Most Dangerous Cult.

• Best POPE Ever leads 1.2 billions Roman Catholics to Hell, because he proclaims a False and fatal Gospel.


How the Babylonian Religion Has Continued to Our Day | Revelation 17

Many Catholics are great people, and many Mormons are sincere and committed. But are their religions consistent with the Bible? What are the facts? In this teaching, Pastor Chuck Smith looks back on the turning point that Pope Innocent III caused the church to take and on the prophecy of Revelation 17.

Pope Francis's New Book is The Catholic Reset

Dr Taylor Marshall is reading the new book by Pope Francis titled “Let us Dream.” He reads most of the prologue and focuses on the direction of Pope Francis regarding secular ideals, “creating something new”, “our new principle”, and “reimagining a new world.” How does that fit in the Catholic theology?


“Yes, my people perish for lack of knowledge, because you, the priests, have rejected knowledge.   Hosea 4:6 .

Error is a wild Grass that proliferates in the wastelands of Knowledge.

Many years ago, I heard Derek Prince say this : “Counterfeit faiths and cults grow in the soil of the decline of the church”. To be more acute, I would add that the decline of the church starts as soon as its members don't have a sound and profound personal knowledge of the Bible. Prophet Daniel had predicted, for a distant time, a religious revolution that would bring notorious changes – words that are reported in Daniel 11. Jesus echoed this prediction and he warned us that, once the gospel would have been preached into all nations, almost simultaneously, the despicable and desolate thing announced by the prophet Daniel would have “settled in the holy place”. Many agree on thinking that the future world government of the Antichrist will rule for a short time in Jerusalem and that its leader will go as far as sitting on the throne in the reconstructed temple. But on another level, and since we are now the temple of the living God : at the turn of this century, a prominent leader of the New Age movement has declared that, within 20 years, most evangelical churches would have yielded to the spirits of the New Age.

It would be naïve to think that everything that looks like Christianity is true Christianity. Nowadays, we hear a lot about “new apostles”, “spiritual mantels”, “double portions anointing”, “soaking in the presence”, “seeking the glory”, “heavenly invasion”, “portals”, “baptism of fire”, “awakening” to whatever. A misplaced thirst for the supernatural drives thousands of Christians to places where they hope to get those additional “blessings”, from men who are the waterless fountains that Peter writes about. They have an appearance of piety, but they have denied what makes its strength, that is to say : the truth, as Paul said to Timothy. Evangelical Christianity and Protestantism in general have been plagued by spiritual apathy for decades. And now that they realize that there is more, they turn away from the truth and go looking for what is missing, in the worst possible places. Both Peter and Paul warned us that false teachers would rise from amongst us and take away from from the truth, large crowds of people who don't know how to recognize their right from their left. They’ll say anything that sounds good to exploit their followers, and give the way of truth a bad name. 2 Peter 2.   As Jim Caviezel, the actor who starred in Mel Gibson's film, said: We're going through a tough time before things get better. The devil is going to screen us to find out where our weak points are. He can buy any preacher or church leader, if he pays the price. Some for 1 million, and others for 50 millions. Drawn into the quicksands of money, fame and sexual attractions, they will think they have chosen such or such path, when in reality they will have capitulated. This phenomenon is now so widespread that it is designated by a name : Seeker sensitive churches, churches where everything is done to attract people, most often to the detriment of a solid experience of conversion.


“I multiplied the experiments and I pulled out all the stops”. The sentence is not taken from the book of the wisdom of Solomon, but it could have stood there, with in conclusion his famous sentence: “There’s nothing to anything–it’s all smoke.” It rejoins the motto of the Jesuits: “The end justifies the means, always for the greater glory of God” Or even the Koranic verses which incite to lie and to kill, if that helps the progression of Islam. The central question becomes this: Is religion making believers, or is it believers that make up religion? The sense of the question is crucial, even if the question itself makes no sense. Jesus would say that the law was made for the people, and not the people for the law. What the Roman Catholics have done in the realm of the traditions by incorporating into their organization the Roman Septemviri epulonum, and by rehabilitating the worship of the mother goddess – resurgence of the Middle Eastern cults of the Queen of Heaven Isis, or Astarte, always served by the guardians of the traditions: the Baal –, a dissident branch of the Pentecostal movement Word of Faith did it at the level of the experience, by rehabilitating a Gnosticism proscribed by the apostles. You may have heard of the “Latter Rain revival”, “the Toronto Blessing”, the “Lake-land’s Revival” or the “Bethel Church's Tunnel of Fire”. For instance, under the inspiration of the spirits of New Age, Christians went to the Hindu gurus to find by them spiritual powers that are as demonstrative as they are useless. Ultimately demonic, these spiritual influxes which are a legacy of the syncretism of the hippie era comforted by some of William Branham's heresies, are totally foreign to the legacy of the Christian faith. I just got hold as May 2021 of this very sound teaching that I put here in between.


Now, this now inextricable mixture of Christian truths, and demonic heresies and spirituality, is one of the most striking characteristics of later time church. Seeds of different origins, growing together in the same field, and producing, which good grain for the granary of God, which straw destined to the fire, are precisely what Jesus tells us about in his parable of the tares. Throughout the Bible, God urges us to keep a spiritual and pure faith, pledge of our new birth as Peter says, consistent with what Christ and his apostles have transmitted to us. However, from the origins of our faith, we note a popular will, or coming from religious authorities, to amalgamate old things with new things and to enrich our faith with traditions from other cultures, supposedly to bring a complementarity, in order to confer on the dogma a certain universality – this is moreover the meaning of the word “catholic”. These amalgamations of pure Judaic traditions with Babylonian cosmogony, Egyptian rebirth, Greek pantheon and Roman church organization, are nothing else than the shenanigans of Satan to reclaim our faith. Denial of some biblical truth or addition of elements which are not acquired to us through the sacrificial death of Jesus at the cross, sums up in the denial of our faith, as Jesus warn us. There is a story in the Bible, in chapter 10 of the book of Leviticus, which illustrates this point particularly well. Two of Aaron's sons had decided to give to their worship an exotic dimension, by bringing to the altar of perfumes, a foreign fire, that is to say a fire that did not come from the altar of sacrifices. “Fire then came out of the Presence of the Lord and consumed them both, and they perished there before God” ... The severity of God's intervention will be explained by the motivation of men. Satan's hidden goal, in giving birth to a false religion, is to anticipate the coming of the Kingdom of Christ in order to somehow pull the rug out from under him. His advent will therefore not occur during the great religious awakening towards which many are working, since this world awakening, led by a coalition of the dominant religions, will in reality be the last conflagration of the religion of Satan during which the faithful believers will be persecuted by their counterparts from the New Religion. We have seen it throughout history, and we will see it again on an unprecedented scale. On the sidelines of this politico-religious conflagration, a spiritual and authentic counter-awakening whose origin is supernatural will continue to spread – a situation which once again can be illustrated by the parable of the tares and the wheat, growing together in the same field. If the inspiration will come from different sources, the manifestations will also emanate from different spirits. You will recognize them by their fruits, Jesus said. What are the fruits of the Kingdom of God? Beautiful masses or celebrations, grandiloquent words, unusual phenomena and supernatural manifestations? You know what men are after. We manage to pass for intelligent beings, until a mermaid passes before our eyes. Women may be more sensitive to reptilian vibrations and to luminescent shimmers. –“Therefore, be sober” recommend the apostles. Jesus said: “Love one another as I have loved you, for by this all will know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another”. However, to love wrongly and through, we know how to do it. But to love as Jesus loved us by snatching us from Satan's jaws without fear of causing his own loss, that is another thing, although in reality Jesus offered us his life because no one could have taken it from him. Jesus has used the power of the Holy Spirit to save men by bringing them from the darkness of this world into his wonderful light, and he invites us to do so after him. Men are convinced that they have all the light they need, but they do not realize that their light comes from “Lucifer”, the angel whose name means that he can produce at will the light that men are seeking from him. This light is that of a firefly in the night which uses it to be recognized by its pairs, or like that of the monk-fish of the abyss which stirs this bait of light to attract its prey. This is why I refuse to be satisfied with the political correctness of a church life that would be simply natural.



The power and miracles according to Jesus do not come from this world. They are not to be sought in a particular anointing, in an atmosphere of signs and wonders, nor in electric tingling, in magnetism or in the spiritual energy of Reiki, not even in an “outpouring of liquid love” as some put it. But there is power in the Living Truth of the Word of God, and it is undoubtedly there that we have to seek what today is sorely lacking to the church. The Church has become a place of entertainment and it leads its own life in which God should not interfere. But the Truth is a person. We are not to reinvent God, but rather to invite this person to lead us and remain firmly attached to him, as the Israelites in the wilderness drank from a spiritual rock that accompanied them, and this rock was Christ says the Bible. At the difference though that the Presence is now in us. Jesus said that “If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you”. As Curry Blake says when quoting Lester Sumrall: God did not sow a son to reap servants, even “anointed” servants. In the Old Covenant, the anointing was an exceptional gift. It is now granted to any believer who receives the Holy Spirit. The problem is not to receive it, but to believe that we have received it. Curry Blake recounts that when he started teaching about the power that comes from faith in the word of Christ, he got his straps pulled up by many preachers and pastors because he dared to touch the legitimacy of their particular anointing. You see, men are still men, and even in the ministry, they want to keep their own game. Some have rights which they have acquired by their merits. But a son has rights because he is his father's son. He may not be perfect in knowledge and in stature, but he is still a son. Through the blood he shed on the cross, Jesus has fully reintegrated us into our family which is that of God. If Christ really lives in us, then we do not need to go begging in the courts of heaven to have intergenerational curses broken, or to receive a particular anointing, special power, a spiritual mantle, a baptism of fire, greater glory, gold dust, holy oil and that sort of thing produced by those who want to compartmentalize the Gospel and make it somewhat their own business. I say it bluntly: let's open our eyes to the manipulation. We are not Harry Potters in the making, and we must know who is the one causing these strange manifestations in order to divert our eyes from our essentials. That Christ is accompanied by glory, I do not want to deny it since it is also my quest. Jesus did feed thousands from the contents of a young boy's picnic box, and there were leftovers. But this bread is not the glory of God, and all who ate of it are dead. The glory of Christ is the people who are delivered and healed and who can thank heaven that the Holy Spirit has opened their eyes to the secret of eternal life. The difference between Harry Potter and Jesus is in the spirit that animates them. One is motivated by the fear of emptiness and the thirst for power, the other gives himself entirely because he is entirely given to God. Too many Christians are looking for Harry Potter-style power. But Jesus warns them that even if they should manage to work miracles, they will still be cast into “outer darkness.” The Christian life is summed up entirely in this statement by the apostle Paul to the Corinthians :  Corinthians : “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. To be complete, does Christ need an additional anointing, or to be supervised by his mother, or to have holy relics of an anointed saint in his wallet? What is God's anointing ? Is it the fact of being shaken like disjointed puppets by the “shaker spirits”, those who shake the gurus and the adepts of Bethel Church? Let’s be reasonable. Paul reminds us of where Christ derives his legitimacy when he quotes this passage: “You are not pleased with animals that have been killed or burned and given as gifts on the altar to take away sin. Then I said, ‘I have come to do what You want, O God. It is written in the Law that I would.’ ”. And Jesus said also: “As the Father sent me, I send you also”. Our obedience to his commandments is our legitimacy before God, and we do not need to be asserted by demons. If we obey what God is telling us in the Bible, we should expect the power of God to manifest. This is the key to the power that humble men of God have witnessed over and over. We live in a time when millions of seeking Christians will be carried away by the magic of who we know. To prosper, we will have to accept the education that God reserves for his sons and which consists essentially in taking power over our sinful habits, which they, can be passed on to us as a generational curse.


I have always been sensible to the beauty. But I am constantly struggling to discern true beauty from what is only artifices. In photography, to obtain an image that stands out, what it takes is not to add all you can add to it, but rather, just as for the gem cutter, it is to reveal something beautiful by removing everything that hides it. You enter a church and the many adornments lack to hide the sad reality of a complete absence of life. Oh, you might catch a glimpse of some lurking shadows ready to take hold of the lost souls. Someone once said that the decoration of a place of worship is inversely proportional to the spiritual life that takes place there. It escapes no one that sophisticated people and those who use perfume in excess are not always the cleanest. Circumcision has a symbolic value. God wants us to understand that he attaches great importance to sincerity, and that he hates the the mix of genres. The word sincerity could come from an old Italian expression which meant “without flaw hidden by wax”, an allusion to the works of art whose flaws were sometimes masked with wax. We could also talk about those who put their bodies on show but who have no life of their own. Life is in the eyes. Jesus is God's gaze on us. Adam and Eve were naked before God and they were not ashamed. The nudity in question here is not the absence of a garment, but it is the absence of a separation or guilt. Many people hide their eyes from others. And what touches us a priori in others, is the absence of dissimulation and this innocence which turn their gaze in windows on heaven and on God. Heaven is what everyone is unconsciously looking for. We came from heaven and were born naked, but in order to find our way back to heaven, we will have to clothe ourselves with light. Heaven on earth is Emmanuel: God comes to live in his temples, the temples that we are, each one for his part. John says that those who have this presence amongst them no longer need the light of the sun to illuminate them and their city.


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  One of the characteristics of the spirits of new age Christianity is restlessness. If we give in to a headlong rush, we will eventually fall. John the Baptist said that Jesus was coming, and that he would baptise us with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Not the fire of the inner agitation of the Kundalini of Bethel, or the thunderous rantings of the Word of Faith movement. The sacred fire of Jesus consumes in us this unhealthy agitation which binds us and prevents us from being ourselves. What sets apart Christianity from false religion is the divine peace of Jesus who comes to rest on people who have died to themselves and to this world of raging madness. It is written that before the Messiah returns, God will send Elijah to bring the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. God is already raising an army of new Elijahs to confront the prophets of the false order. Their motives will remain misunderstood, for they will refuse to embrace the syncretic religion which will sweep over the world and to which all will have subscribed, thinking that it will bring peace on Earth. They will despise agitation, fear, catastrophic measures, media manipulation. Hated and put to death, they will nevertheless be the last bulwark of Truth in the face of the great politico-religious deception of the end of time. They will have learned that there is more reality and strength in a gentle whisper coming from the mouth of God than in the howls of rage and despair of a world rendered at the end of its reign. Hated and put to death, they will nevertheless be the last bulwark of Truth in the face of the big deception. As the prophet Daniel said : They will act steadfast, because they will have known God. And God will prove them right. Daniel knew what he was talking about, he who had preferred the furnace and the lion's den to comfortable compromises. Yes, we have to learn to know and grow in this Truth.


“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father–Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”   ”I write to you, dear children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one. Do not love the world or anything in the world.” 1 John 2



Amir Tsarfati: The Rise of the One World Religion

A new religion is emerging and it is spreading rapidly. Contrary to the conquests of the past, this development is taking place without war, for the time being. In fact, followers of many other belief systems quickly adopted it and incorporated it into their doctrines. It is a religion of ecumenism without judgment, of well-being, of acceptance of everyone regardless of their lifestyle. Only one group of people is excluded from this new world religion …



“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (…) You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them (the false spirits), because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world”. 1 John 4.

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or ‘There He is,’ do not go out there”. (Jesus)




why has god set rules FOR sexuality?

Everything in our world has been organized through what we call, the laws of nature, in order to reach a climax. As an intelligent being, man has even more rules to keep in order to reach his full potential. When these laws are overlooked or disrupted, we experience chaos and loss of meaning. One half of teenage marriages in America are shotgun weddings between people who are incompatible, and one half of those marriages break up within two years. Why? God made rules, not to deprive us of having pleasure, but to allow us to build a harmonious future while protecting our future marriage.

God loves the homosexuals as much as he loves the heterosexuals. Jesus never rebuked anyone for the motive that he or she was a sinner. The simple reason for this is that we are all sinners, even more those who consider themselves righteous ! But that doesn't mean that God approves all sexual behaviours. Jesus said of himself that he is the God of Abraham, and therefore the requirements he placed on us are no different than what the Scriptures have always said. What Jesus has renewed, is the spirit in which we serve God, namely : from the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. But we should be careful not to think that God is endorsing all sexual behaviours, whether happening in a straight sex or same sex context. Assuming that we would not be all equal, some would want to change the rules to allow those who feel different to express their embarrassing desires with legitimacy. Feeling different can indeed represent great suffering, and this should leave no one indifferent. Every soul should have the right to love and to be loved with peace of mind. But rather than offering an oxygen mask to those who are suffocating, shouldn't we rather restore everyone's ability to breathe ? … (Click to read more)

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Why do we see a collapse of this commitment that marriage represents and a disruption of the bisexual understanding of relationships? My answer might surprise you : It is because we have lost sight of the model marriage is based upon. Marriage has always been, by design, an earthly symbol reserved to the human race, representing our celestial union with our great immortal love, which is our God. In this process, the distance set between the missing parts, which see each other but because of their differences, find it sometimes difficult to come together and be reshaped in order to cling with one another, becomes the catalyst for great transformations – this thought should console the waiting souls. When God says: “This is why Ish will leave father and mother to cling to Isha as to become one flesh”, this reality can be transposed to the world in which we have taken shape, and from which we will have to wean ourselves at a certain moment in time in order to marry the nature of Christ. Take away the guiding paradigm, and the expression will take all imaginable forms. Why should we be faithful to a single partner for whom we would be made, if ultimately we were just evolved animals? The more evolved, the more free we should be from any bound. But rather than an evolution, our attachment proves that we are subject to a transformation, into a relational dimension. On a symbolic level, attraction for the same sex could then represent the temptation to escape this transforming quest by yielding to a narcissistic relationship.

Some make the Bible say things it does'nt say, others claim that it affirms nothing and that everything is subject to interpretation. It's not true. The Scriptures couldn't be clearer: God has set a framework for human sexuality, just like for the animals elsewhere, even if his requirements are not the same for all the beings he has created. Everyone will agree that if God asks us to align with his project, it is because he also gives us the power to direct our lives. Oysters don't have the ability to rebound and change their course, but humans can. So why make these misguided people believe that they were born attracted to the same sex, and that this bias is written into their genes? I say this with all the understanding these sensitive souls deserve, homosexuality is not in the genes, but in the spirit. It is actually a lying spirit. However, it is true that a change in an area that touches on our most inner identity may require a substantial intervention. Thousands of people can testify to the change that took place in them when they accepted Jesus as the new foundation for their lives. The Holy Spirit carries within himself the perfect model of every human being, and our true sexual identity is also imbedded into it.

And when Jesus says to the Pharisees: “Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together”, Jesus has the couple man and woman in mind, of course, but he also and above all thinks of the team that man and the Holy Spirit will form together in a sacred union that no man under fallacious pretexts should attack in the name of a certain legalism, as the Pharisees were experts in doing, and particularly with regard to Jesus.

If God hadn't forgiven me again and again, I wouldn't be allowed to mention this and I say it as an encouragement to seek a pure life : Paul warns us in chapter 5 of Galatians, not to fool ourselves by thinking that we will escape or fall through the cracks. Paul enumerates a certain number of mores, which if we persist in them, will assuredly deprive us of the enjoyment of the Kingdom of God. Now, if we are prevented from entering His Kingdom, there is only one place we can go and Jesus says it is a place of sorrows, torment and gnashing of teeth. The things that Paul lists here are politely translated into generic concepts. But in the original Greek of the Gospels, the terms are crude. Those words are porneia, akatharsia, aselgeia, eidololatreia, pharmakeia, and others that I let you discover by yourself. And in 1 Corinthians 6, Paul solemnly warns all who live in sexual disorder, and in other disorders, that if they persist, they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. All our sins are forgiven when we bring them to Jesus and nothing that we could have done is unforgivable. Even the shame that the memory of these things arouses, Jesus took it upon himself at the cross. But in return, he really asks us to stop sinning. We stop sinning when we decide to live for Jesus, and no longer just for ourselves.


If You Believe In This, You Don't Have A Biblical Worldview: Hot Button Issues

Pastor Greg Laurie opens our new “Hot Button Issues” series with a sermon surrounding various hot-button topics that Christians and others have questions about!

The Biblical Way To Date

The Bible shows us many ways people got married. But what is the genuine way God sees marriage? Marriage will not fix your problems, so approach it the right way.

How To Know They Are The ONE

Vlad and Lana go through 13 red flags that you should look out for and avoid while cultivating a relationship. They share the difference between real love and obsessive love and answer your questions at the end.

When God Wants You With Someone This Will Definitely Happen - God's Message For You Today

When God wants you to be with someone, when that person appears, they will be eager to immerse themselves in your life. They will be willing to put themselves on the line just to show you that they love you. Like I said earlier, you must also be knowledgeable about the love of God to recognize it when you see it in the actions of another human toward you. You cannot recognize what you have not known before. Giving is a strong sign of love. Anyone God brings your way, must be a giver.

• When God DOESN'T WANT You With Someone | These Things Will Happen - Gracely Inspired


The Keys to a Successful Marriage – Skip Heitzig

Do you believe in arranged marriages? I wouldn't trust anyone including myself to find me a mate. But what if God himself is the matchmaker?
Also: The best message on the story of Isaac and Rebekah.

Genesis 24 – Jon Courson

Not only is Jon Courson a great Bible teacher, but he is also a genuine man. He teaches here on the character and the role of the Helper, the Holy Spirit. His teaching is supported by many striking illustrations from the Bible, such as the story of Isaac and Rebekah.

Love Stories : Isaac & Rebekah – Brooke Hoss

You will be moved by the approach of this beautiful story that Brooke Hoss is leading us into and by its ramifications in regard to the greatest wedding of all times.

The Story of Rebekah and Isaac – Sarah Diaz

The secret to being led into a great marriage is to allow God to build our character. A deep and meaningful teaching brought by Sarah Diaz.

Only TRUE Believers Can See The Signs

There is a flood currently sweeping across the world. The deadly wave will take away all who overlook true knowledge. Be on your guard and take action.

The Four Stages of Sexual Sin - Understanding You Need About How Union With A Partner Will Affect Your Life.

Before even considering a sexual relationship, there are things that you should know about sex and how it makes its way into your mind. These things are certainly not taught at school, and rarely in churches. Yet they are of utmost importance for they will affect your whole life. This short video is absolutely worth watching.

The Four Effects Sexual Sin has on People.

Why have mores changed to the point that people are despised and harassed when they want to preserve themselves for their future husband or wife? There is a purpose behind that harassment, and we should know everything about it.

The Best Sermon for the Younger Generations.

The Bible says that “The Lord said : It is not good that man should be alone. I will make a helpmate for him. And Adam knew his wife Eve and they became one flesh”. That word “knew” carries a sense of deep intimacy. God created marriage for three reasons: It was given to propagate the human race. It was given for climax of true love within marriage. It was given so that a man and a woman could express the unity between them, and God likens it to Christ and his church. Sex out of wedlock is sin, but sex in marriage is a blessing.

How we worship Demons through Entertainment.

Entertainment has it's origins in the worship of the ancient Greek God Dionysus. How can we safeguard ourselves and our families from the destructive influences of sexual and other sins spirits? The first step could be listening to this teaching to better discern what we invite in our life and in our home.

Discovering God has reconciled me with my Femininity.

The environment in which we evolve can rub off on us, and sometimes more than we would like, especially when as teenagers we are looking for role models. Some will force themselves into a deviant path, while others might feel a deep discomfort in it.

Carlos Catari – An ex homosexual Testimony

“I had learned this mannerism in order to fit in the gay world. One day my Mum asked me : Carlos, if you hadn't been abused as a child, would you have become gay? That question made me think…”

Amy Grant's Version of Love - Biblical Expert Responds | Tipping Point Show | Jimmy Evans

Is God picking on the homosexuals in particular in the Bible? No he is not. But he is saying that any person who lives and practices immorality, which is uncompliance to his rules for love, will not inherit his Kingdom. We are not told to just love one another, but to love God first and to love our neighbour like Christ loved us.

Don't buy the Lie that you can't Change.

The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality, it is holiness. Living a holy sexual life means sometimes having no sexual life, or for a time. But it hasn't to be so. Gays and lesbians aren't born that way. Otherwise the countless testimonies of those who say that they were set free, would be lies. There is real hope. Part II

John BEVERE – How God Delivered me from Pornography.

Let's be honest : porn is now everywhere and it has one of the most powerful grip on us once we have succumbed to it. Until we understand how God sees his children who are enslaved in the lie that this is love. Then we start condemning ourselves, but we are unable to break free. All addictions have ill effects, but this addiction is particularly destructive of self confidence. This is certainly not unrelated to the epidemic of suicides that affects ministers amongst other people. Another side effect is untrustworthiness, responsible for the breaking apart of couples and families. The good news however, is that it is easy to never lust again, once we have reached the point where our motives for repentance are right.

I had Traded my Life for a Virtual Reality.

In this very honest testimony, James recounts of what has unfortunately become the common story of many young people. He became addicted to games and to Internet pornography. Until he realized that pursuing such false gods was going to make him lose his soul for all eternity.
Check also James' Channel.

No one had told me the Truth about Dating.

So many young people are hurt and affected in their lives as single or married people, because of the way relationships take place in our society. Everyone will benefit from hearing what Torben Søndergaard shares, on experiences from his own life, and what the Bible teaches about dating, sex and marriage.

How my Husband and I met.

After meeting God, meeting our partner in life will probably be our greatest event and the most decisive for the rest of our life. The two are linked together more than we may think! But how will we know that we have met the right person? Well, each story is peculiar, but keeping priorities is essential not to be mislead. In a nutshell: Stop looking for a partner to fill the gap, and look for God. He is the Architect and the matchmaker.

Pastor survived his mother’s attempt to abort him and urges women to choose life.

I share all of this because so many women are told today that, if they are pregnant and their child is unwanted, they should just have an abortion. I am living proof that this is not the answer. There are many ways to let that child live. Even if you don’t want the baby, someone else does, and God has a plan for that child. Jack Hibbs.


Simple Wisdom

11 Types Of MEN That Will Ruin Your Life

It's important to trust your instincts and prioritize your own well-being in any relationship. We will show the signs of a toxic relationship and just general dating advice on men you should never date. If you are looking for dating advice, this is a perfect video for you as you will learn behaviors that can destroy relationships, so be sure to watch so you can avoid these relationship conflicts.

10 Types Of WOMEN That Will Ruin Your Life

if you want some dating advice on the type of women you should not date, this video is for you. We will be covering dating red flags that are commonly seen in toxic relationships with toxic women. These are some of the most common modern dating mistakes people make, so be sure that you date a person who is not only truthful and also respectful of your boundaries.



How to acquire the spiritual tools applicable to health problems and to many other problems.


Coronavirus, locusts, hail, storms, droughts, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis…

and other Midianites…


“Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.”   John 16:33


This world's system happens to be a counterfeit of the world originally designed by God.

Healing is not a reward. It is not a rare privilege as some religious currents would have us believe. It is available to everyone, but it remains the stake of a spiritual combat. In order to know how to implement healing, we must gain an understanding of the conflictual context in which we live to understand the detestable place disease occupies therein.


“We realize that we are from God, while the whole world is controlled and harassed by the Evil One.”   1 John 5:19


Lessons from the Book of Enoch

Perhaps because of censorship or not to anger the authorities with the Bible, the Book of Enoch was removed from our Bible centuries ago. Yet, this book is about the Messiah. Jesus himself quotes it and the apostles mention it in their writings. Enoch prophesied very important matters for our time, including the fate of the spirits that control our world, and the liberating role of the Messiah. Allow me here this short personal interpretation inspired by parts of its contents …

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“It happened that Semiâzâ, the devil, and his henchmen – they are about two dozens mentioned by their names –, held this discussion : “We had succeeded in taking over the place that God created for his sons. However, it is now undeniable that by having had this crazy idea of ​giving to men the possibility of inviting him to dwell in them by his Holy Spirit, God played a very bad trick on us since henceforth, men are now potentially very superior to us. What are we going to do now not to be subjugated by them and to preserve our supremacy on the world? ” So, one of the spirits who were there suggested: “We should just make sure that they don't need to find out who they are! To do that, let's establish a structure which is in all points similar to that which God wishes to put in place to bring them to emancipation, but a system that we will keep under control and which will serve our interests ”. The devil said : “This is a great idea that I should have had myself ! We will continue to politicize the world and we will ensure that this reality which is so dreadful to us, never goes beyond the framework of a religion. We will slip into their cosmogony under false identities and become their pantheon. We can then castrate them spiritually and make them lose what remains of their authority, while ourselves will become stronger through their worship. Let's continue to assist men as we have done so far, so that they see us as their indispensable allies. Let's take advantage of God's righteousness and equitable character in the liberty he has given them : So long as they swear allegiance to us, God will not authorize himself to wipe us from the scene, and we will remain the masters of their world. Let's give them the technological means to control their universe so they don't need to exercise faith. Instead of self-healing, they can cure themselves with chemicals, medical acts and placebos. They will attain the beauty they are after with all sorts of artifices. They have to think they're smart : let's give them a culture. Let them think that the values they defend are those that God has established, by imparting to them traditions. To control them through the economy, we will force them to get everything for money. Let's overwhelm them with work and entertain their free time : They must not have time to think. They must believe that their security is their responsibility, and that peace is synonymous with violence – we will help them refine the art of war. They have to suffer, enough so that they need God, and then we can hammer home that we are God and that their lives are in our hands. Overwhelmed, they will soon regard this Gospel as a torment and the disciples of Christ as a threat to their peace. In last resort, we will bring forward our own Messiah to prolong our reign on Earth. If we succeed, their Messiah will only have to stay where he is, and our existence will not be threatened”.   (Unpublished lessons from the Book of Enoch, and the New Testament).




What attitude should we have towards disease and contagion?


“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves”. Mat 10:16

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you”. Luke 10:19



Lessons from Easter for the Times of Confinement.

Rabbits, eggs, firs or pumpkins – they will not save us. Prophet and rabbi Jonathan Cahn brings back to our minds some of the true life saving values that are embedded in our faith.

How to handle the fear of the coronavirus ? Declare Yourself Healed.

Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for You, says Peter. He bore our sicknesses at the cross, so that by his stripes we were healed, says Isaiah. Powerful healing prayer by Cindy TRIMM.

Be healed in Jesus name, by this prayer.

Jesus has paid a high price for us to be made perfectly healed and whole. Prayer by Pastor Curry Blake.



“If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!”  Prov. 24:10


Fear is a magnet that attracts all kinds of ailments and diseases, because fear involves punishment and therefore, a bad conscience. Jesus delivers us from all condemnation, and his Spirit casts out all fear. Full faith placed in God acts as a protective shield that prevents many forms of evil from affecting us, and as a lever capable of reversing situations.

Two Wolves — Feed your faith, not your fear.




Curry Blake addresses the coronavirus menace by exposing some of the scriptural bases, for relying on God for spiritual protection. And most importantly, he explains how spiritual protection works, and how we can apply it to our lives. A very relevant message.

• “No Plague” Part 1  —  “No Plague” Part 2
• Your Spiritual Immune System – The Three Levels of Protection
• Ephesians 6 – Our Weapons against COVID19 - March 29 Update

“The message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed”.  Hebrews 4:2

How to ad Faith to the Word preached?

Want to be protected? Stop allowing your mindset to be shaped by watching the news. Hispanic Christians renamed the Coronavirus: Caidovirus. Even crowned, he is overcome by Christ. Come out of fear and have a sense of humour. Our main enemy is not a virus, but spiritual wickedness in high places. Message of April 5.


“You who are strong, may your freedom not be for your weaker brother, an opportunity to fall” 1 Cor. 8

Love is patient and it does not presume. Faith in divine protection does not exempt us from keeping the rules issued by the authorities in matters of prevention and from having a civic behaviour. If you don't care, don't blame your preacher.



The expression “Peur bleue” (blue fear) was used by doctors in the 19th century, to describe the condition of some patients. They had noticed that people who where experiencing anguish or who were panicking, had a cyanic complexion due to poor oxygenation. But some will trace the expression back to the Middle Ages, when the plague spread across Europe. The grey complexion of people who had the disease would be at the origin of the expression. The populations were seized with a “blue fear” at the approach of the “black death”, the great grim reaper who has neither judgment nor moods. Many doctors today, know that fear predisposes us to get the sickness we dread – it could be cancer, or it could be a bad flu. The somatization of mental disorders or weaknesses, is a recognized medical fact. Job, in another era, said : “What I dread is exactly what I get !” Fortune tellers make a business out of this principle. However, medicine is not drawing the appropriate lessons from this teaching, mostly because, in that discipline, financial interests mingle in with reason. Fear has been shown to weaken our immune defences. Our organs start to malfunction. One can even die of fear, by anticipating a great danger. This is something we are seeing more and more in these times of a pandemic. …

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Such person continues to fight and even to smile, albeit she feels attacked in her health. But to find out, this person is offered to take the COVID-19 test. Then she is told with a serious tone of voice that the test is positive. And since she has been informed previously that, due to her age or her condition, she is in the category of those that will likely die from the virus, you see that person instantly change colour and collapse. From there, a flick will send her in the other world. What has happened in the invisible is that, in the absence of a true faith in a living God, present inside her and who protects her, – or by a faith misplaced, in man, in religion or medicine –, that person has yielded to a spirit of fear. Then, sickness, which in many instances is also a spirit and a thief, broke in and took hold of the house, so to say. Demons “work” in teams of three or more: These two then invited a spirit of death to join in their gruesome party, and they completely overcame that person and killed her. Everything was worked out on a suggestive level, and succeeded because the person knew of no other alternative than to undergo the tyranny.

Like all demonic spirits, fear is a liar. It drives us to make poor decisions, decisions that will pre-empt us. In the book of Revelation, we read that, when they will be afflicted with the plagues, instead of welcoming God who comes to their rescue, men will raise their fists against him and curse him. They will be like wild dogs caught in a snare, who attacks anyone tries to set them free. That's why the Bible tells us not to fear, if not God alone. But if, instead of putting our faith in the news, which by definition are bad – the roaring and tossing of the sea as the Bible puts it –, we place it in the things that God promises us in the Bible, then, a thousand could fall by our side, we will remain standing! This is what God promises in the psalm quoted below. We cannot always prevent a bird from landing on our branches, but we can certainly prevent it from nesting there. Paul was bitten by a viper which hung on his hand, but after shaking it in the fire, he acted as if nothing had happened and felt no harm at all. Why? Because instead of expecting that he would feel bad and swell, he relied on the word of Christ who affirms that nothing can harm us. Just because we have a few symptoms doesn't mean we have to get sick, let alone die. And it is not because our healing is not instantaneous that we must stop believing in it! “Faith is a firm assurance of the things we hope for, a demonstration of those we do not see”. Hebrews 11. After his disgrace, Cain was irritated and he was very dejected. God had said to him: “Certainly, if you do what is right, you will lift up your head. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master”. Cain nevertheless gave way to jealousy and he became a murderer. Once banished, he knew that, far from the face of God, he would himself become a prey. But God told him that if someone killed him, he would be avenged seven times, and he put a sign over him so that whoever met him would not kill him (Genesis 4). As humans, we have at least two levels of spiritual protection. One is acquired, like our immune system. Now, inspired from pastor Curry Blake's teachings, there is another spiritual immune system, much more effective, that must be exercised by our will: “subdue the spirit of sin and its schemes”. Take for instance : vaccines. You will never be fully protected by vaccines, because germs change shape all the time. And with the vaccination, you are injected with other things that will eventually kill you, but usually too slowly for you to realize it. Vaccines are nothing more than a diluted form of death. But if you develop your spiritual immune system, the abundance of life will protected you for almost everything, including poison. By analogy, in intensive care units, they have those special hyper-bar cells, where no germs can enter with the air. If we remain filled with the Holy Spirit and in faith, there is no space for any demon, which usually work out the sickness, to slip in us, and if he was there he will soon regret it. So how do we remain filled? By filling ourselves with life, which is the word of God, and by having faith in it as in God himself.

For the good news, in all these things, is that the process that allows fear to dominate us, also works the other way around ! Faith and heartfelt attachment to the Father's promises protect us and strengthen us. They make us invisible. When an enemy approaches, he sees a protective wall, and then he sees God and flees. Cornered at the Red Sea, the Israelites saw the waters share in two to let them pass through, and then swallow those who had thrown their children into the Nile. To a man who had just been told that his daughter had been taken away by death, Jesus said: “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Then he spoke to the lifeless body, commanded it to get up, and returned a girl in perfect health to her parents. Pastor Curry Blake relates the case of preacher J.G. Lake, a famous Jesus healer who in the 1930s, volunteered with his team to evacuate the dead bodies from an epidemic that was ravaging South Africa. Dumbfounded, the doctors saw under the microscope that the samples of infected fluids that came in contact with their skin were neutralized. Jesus wasn't afraid to touch the lepers. But leprosy had reasons to be afraid. Where did this strange power come from? In Romans 8, Paul says that “the power of the Spirit who gives us life in union with Jesus Christ has set us free from the power of sin and death.” Now, this domination of the Spirit is exercised over sickness and death. Please understand that it is not denying the disease that will cure us, but it is appealing to a higher law. Faith calls into existence things that are not as if they were, says Paul in Romans 4:17. To declare our healing is to withdraw from a provision God has already placed on our heavenly bank account. And this is an understanding that will be most essential in the times to come.

Jesus warned us that there would be rumours of wars, earthquakes and epidemics. “Don't be alarmed, because these things have to happen,” he said. In other words, we should consider these events as the birth pangs of a new humanity. If a Pharaoh who had not known Joseph, resisted beyond all good sense Moses' request to let his people go, then the advent of the reign of God on earth will not come without meeting strong resistance either. That's why, when facing the terrors that his enemies will spread in an increasing manner in order to strengthen their control over the peoples of the earth, we must not be discouraged. God invites us to step in his camp, which we do by making sure that we get rid of our idols and other substitutes for Him and by identifying with his beloved son. A shaking is coming. “The Lord is king! He is robed in majesty. Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength. The world stands firm and cannot be shaken”. Psalm 93. But because wickedness now prevails, anything that can be shaken will have to be shaken. Over the next few years or decades, we will experience upheavals, which is an understatement. Medicine will have to face a race which seems already lost. The political and societal context will become explosive. There will be famine. But we will contain those problems and survive, if we take hold of the spiritual weapons that God has prepared to keep us safe. Many are rightly concerned that the ordeal we are going through at the moment is just a taste of what lies ahead. Our new prophets are scientists. They watch the changes that occurr everywhere and sound the alarm, but nobody listens. It is with good reason that Jesus compares us to sheep. For as long as we will have something to graze on, we will look nowhere else. Yet Jesus tries to teach us that there are other sources of food. “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me”. “Man will not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” One day, Jesus was hungry. He came by a fig tree whose foliage was magnificent and promising, but he found no fruit. To his disciples' amazement, he then cursed that fig tree. The next day, his disciples saw that it had dried from the root. Religion without fruits is condemned. “The axe is already laid at the root. Any tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” The disciples were puzzled at this sign. “I tell you, if you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mountain: move from here to there, and it would obey you”. From here comes the saying: “Faith that moves mountains”.

Jesus said solemnly in three of the Gospels (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21), that when the signs of his coming will start to appear, all of his prophecies about the end of a political world and the beginning of the millennium of peace, will finalize over the course of a single generation. According to scholars, the sign of the re-greening fig tree was acomplished at the proclamation of independence of the State of Israel, in 1948. How many years does a generation encompass? Eighty years, ninety years? Do the math. If we do not adopt a long-term vision, we will go from disappointment to disappointment and risk being swept away. Does this mean that we should stop living and just hold on our breath? On the contrary. But we must live as a prophetic people, each at our level. What Jesus wants, is for us to raise our heads until our deliverance comes, because the period of history we are entering will be the exciting outcome of millennia of an extraordinary human adventure, the glorious end of a film whose story had a rather bad start, before the shooting of the next episode and the rebounding of the story in exciting new adventures. Do we want to be co-creators of the new world? The ultimate truth, that which we must cling onto now, is that, if we are hidden in Jesus, then for us, death has been swallowed up in Christ's victory and we no longer have to worry about it. Fear comes from evidences that, we believe, cannot be changed. In a war, what can you do to submit people for whom death represents at most, a promotion? Within the religions circulate all kinds of whimsical myths about what awaits us after death. But what Jesus promises us, is holiness. This holiness is the dimension in which man exists as an immortal being. Death temporarily deprives us of our body, which is our mean of interacting with this material world, but it has no influence on our true person which continues to exist. And Jesus promises us the resurrection in a glorious body – a true metamorphosis. The war we are undergoing now is first and foremost a psychological war whose weapons are truths and lies. The victory stands on a spiritual level and must be reached with spiritual weapons. “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. But Fear only God, who holds your eternal destiny in his hand”. “Whoever believes in me lives forever, even if he dies”.

But before we reach that place, we have an important mission to fulfil. In Isaiah 41:10, God says: “You are my servant, I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” In Psalm 91, a psalm that tradition attributes to Moses, God promises protection and peace in the most difficult circumstances. This psalm, which I will quote here before going on, is the “quintessential” antidote to the fuzzy threats and it is could be useful to memorize it. For when I hear that almost a thousand Italians and Spaniards died from the Coronavirus in one day, it makes me extremely sad. They didn't have to die. They died however because they did not know that God has made a supernatural healing solution available to us – no one had told them, not even the Pope ! In their distress, they put their hopes in other men, in the powerless rites of their religion or in the protection of their tutelary gods. Or more pragmatically, in the medical care system, which is also a form of religion. This must be said, so that others can escape, despite the pain and the sorrow which are at the heart of all these tragic situations. Our mind and our strength, are made up of the information to which we subscribe. This may be the right time to turn off the television set, and to tune up onto God.


“Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them. For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter. Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.”     Jeremiah 10.



Psalm 91

Whoever dwells under the shelter of the Most High (Elyon) rests in the shade of the Almighty (Shaddai).
2 I said to the Lord (YHVH Adonaï), my refuge and my stronghold, my God (Elohim) in whom I trust.
3 For it is he who delivers you from the net of the bird-catcher, from the plague and its ravages.
4 He will cover you with his feathers, and you will find refuge under his wings. His loyalty is a shield and a breastplate.
5 You shall not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 Neither the plague that walks in darkness, Nor the contagion that strikes in the middle of the day.
7 Let a thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, you will not be hit;
8 Only with your eyes will you look, and you will see the retribution of the wicked.
9 For you are my dwelling place, O Lord ! You make the Most High your refuge.
10 No misfortune will happen to you, No plague will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels to keep you in all your ways;
12 They will carry you on your hands, lest your foot strike a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and on the asp; you will tread on the lion cub and the dragon.
14 Since he loves me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, since he knows my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress, I will deliver him and I will glorify him.
16 I will satisfy him with a long life, and I will show him my salvation (Yeshuw'ah, Yeshua w).




How can we place ourselves under divine protection?

“Stay in the shelter of the Most High and rest in his shade”, suggests this psalm. Let's be clear: What we are going through right now is not an apocalyptic plague, not yet. Mad scientists seem to have played with fire, and corruption at many levels has done the rest. These trials are nevertheless allowed by a loving father who wants to draw the attention of his children. Sometimes, a lioness will bring back a living animal to her cubs to teach them to use their weaponry. God does not want us to suffer these things as punishment, but He wants us to turn them into opportunities to show him what we can do. “Out of the eater comes something to eat. Out of the strong comes something sweet” said enigmatically Samson. “When a lion or a bear came and took a sheep from my father's flock, I ran after him, I struck him, and I tore the sheep from its mouth. If he stood against me, I would grab him by the throat, hit him, and kill him.” David got his start in dealing with a few foxes as a kid, and later with bears, and even lions, before tackling his Goliath and the enemy armies of the Kingdom of Israel. We are warriors. God did not put us on this earth to provide food for microscopic viruses. Someone told me that surprisingly, it is not the people of the favelas that are the most affected by the virus. This only half surprises me, because people who live in a precarious situation have learned to fight in order to survive. Illness is a spiritual enemy and those who over-trust readily available medical care have often lost their own ability to fight. They even tend to welcome sickness as a normal thing of life or as part of the ageing process, which makes the business of an entire industry. We must forbid sickness to approach us, or our house and our loved ones, and the name of Jesus and the power of his blood give us that authority.  … (Click to read more)

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Our weapons are not carnal (medical), says Paul, but they are mighty because they appeal onto God. Leave to our governments, repression, confinement, drugs and vaccines. In regard to what is available to us, these things are inadequate. Instead, God invites us to stand on a higher level of spiritual authority. By seeking first the reign of God and his justice, we can stand on faith and experience a peace which is the tangible sign of his sovereign presence. It is the opposite of this paralysing fear which the world undergoes and to which one reacts by a feverish agitation. Imagine rather: this supreme being, immensely powerful, who stands between us and the evil that could reach us – and even: who wants to hide us in his “feathers”. Well, in the new reality that Jesus has brought to us, God is virtually in each one of us. (This was written at the beginning of the pandemic, and today as June 2021, I want to point the example of the State of South Dakota. These people chose to rely on God, and by resisting the power grab and empowering people, they kept COVID low and avoided the post COVID crisis).

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’” Luke 13:33-35

When he is out of his vehicle, he runs big risks. But when a bush photographer is driving his convertible Land-Rover, he makes one with his vehicle for the lion who watches it, even if I shudder when I realize that it would only take a small jump for the lion to extract a treat from its metal box… Lions don't have that perspicacity and the few who broke the rule have been shot. When an eaglet is hidden in the eagle's feathers, it makes one with the eagle and it has nothing to fear. Since he loves me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, since he knows my name.” For some it may be the right time to take this first decisive step towards He who holds out his arms to them. In these hectic times, let's show our gratitude by trusting us in him and by entrusting our loved ones to him. John says in his epistle that “Perfect love banished fear from our hearts. People have fear when they are afraid of being punished”. Moses knew that a pure conscience makes us strong, and that it acts as an invisible shield. When we love God and walk with him every day, we don't hold to sin. Conversely, the less we know God and the more we are inclined to go drink from other sources and to travel with companions who will distance us from his presence.

Hear me, my people, and I will warn you – if you would only listen to me, Israel! You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not worship any god other than me. I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. “If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” Psalm 81. How does one come to this morbid contemplation kind of worship which characterizes religion in its generic form? The result of the veneration of helpless idols is spiritual castration. Any concept or person in which we place our hopes, which disengages us from taking responsibilities and action, is a dumb idol. Please read also my excerpt on the need for a new birth.

The gods of the Egyptians and their Queen of Heaven were not enough to save them from the plagues, since it is in reality their worship which caused them the plagues. Remember : Pharaoh had forced the Israelites to offer their male toddlers to Sobek, their crocodile god, in order to prevent the Hebrews from outnumbering them. They were also enslaved to build stupid pyramids and temples to Osiris, the god who invented religion. Where have the Egyptians and their gods moved today? Ezekiel prophesied, “I will make the land of Egypt desolate among the desolate countries, and its cities shall be deserted among the cities that were desolate. For forty years. I will spread the Egyptians among the nations, I will disperse them in various countries”. As the Jews were dispersed throughout the world to spread the knowledge of the One true God, so were the Egyptians to learn about the One true God. And today, they live among us with their culture and their values, and also those very cults which brought God's punishment to their world. The Egyptians are those who build our world but do not bow their knee before the Christ of God who redeemed us with his blood. We see them everywhere. They can be our father or our mother, even our husband or wife. We were also all of them in the past, as Paul is reminding the Ephesians. God warns us innumerable times in the Bible of what will happen if we take liberties by tolerating in our hearts or in our houses, “high places” of pagan worship. As a by-product of civilization and a religious heritage, high places are in rampant in our culture. Those idols are raised by the devil in order to weaken us, because their veneration can only provoke the jealousy of God. By turning his eyes away, God will leave us at the reach of the curse. “Be completely faithful to the Lord”. Deut 18:13. Either our heart belongs to him entirely, or He is not our Lord at all. It is with great jealousy that God loves us and it is by means of a precious blood that he has redeemed us. “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and don't do what I tell you?” Here is what Jesus' mother has advised us : “Do everything Jesus tells you”. Even a Pharaoh, a father of the Egyptians, said to them: “Go to Joseph and do what he tells you”. Joseph was a type of Christ, and because they knew to recognize that his wisdom came from a God that was superior to theirs, all the Egyptians were spared the famine that hit the world of the time. But then the problem was that God's people had placed themselves in Pharaoh's shadow. Many years later, God sent Moses to guide his people out of the trap of slavery for food safety. But an alliance had to be established first. The Israelites had to sacrifice a lamb and to sprinkle the lintels of their houses with its blood. This sign would keep the angel of death at a distance when he would bring judgement to Egypt.

Why is this virus so dangerous for our seniors? Our elders represent the heritage, the bulwark of wisdom in front of decaying values, and as such, they are the primary target for the Spirits of Chaos. These spirits have found a weak, point because the elders are held responsible for passing unjust laws, such as those who promote abortion. There is always a return in a law of sowing and reaping. The Egyptians had forced the Israelites to kill their baby boys by throwing them into the Nile, as sacrifices to the crocodile god. But baby Moses escaped. When he understood that a contender to his rulership was born in the land, Herod killed the baby boys of the Israelites, but baby Jesus escaped. How many unborn servants of Jesus were amongst those millions of aborted babies? … All the first-borns of the Egyptians died that night, young and old, but the first-borns of the Israelites were protected. Not by vaccines, but by the blood of a lamb. Our elders don't have to die however. God sacrificed his only Son – his first-born – in our behalf. His blood, if we accept the covenant he offers us, covers our faults and becomes the safe conduct which gives us access to God and to life, with the freedom to live before him for many long years and to serve him without fear, as we are reminded of in this psalm 91. Therefore, there should not be a premature death of his saints. And I will also say that if you had an abortion, yes you received a death mark as you probably know. But there is full forgiveness and there is also healing in the Lamb. You must bring your burden to Jesus and ask Him to heal you. He is the healer of all our sins. There is nothing that he did not take upon himself at the cross, but we must believe.

The Israelites however were not to be satisfied with the sign. After roasting it in the fire, they were ordered to eat this lamb with bitter herbs before daybreak, without leaving anything from it. “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies”. Psalm 23. It must be remembered that they were treated as slaves by those who used them to build the shrines of their religion. This unique meal was going to empower them to stand and to cross the Red Sea, and walk towards their promised land. If you have seen Mel Gibson's film, you have had a foretaste of the sufferings that Jesus endured – the worst one can imagine –, so that they would be spared to us. He thus took upon himself all the curses that were intended for us, as foretold in Isaiah 53. We were slaves to sin, but he redeemed us. Jesus has made us know Immanuel : God, with us and in us. “It is no longer I who live, it is Christ who lives in me” said the apostle Paul. “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied”, he said also. Yes, true Christianity means serving God with sometimes a tinge of bitterness because of the things we will let by, but always with great joy in perspective. Someone said: “It's to exchange that which we cannot keep for that which we cannot lose”. Sounds like a fair enough deal to me. The Lord's Supper represents all this, and much more. Paul told the Romans that if they were to identify through their baptism with the death of Jesus, it was so that their lives would from now on reflect his resurrection.

The word which was at the beginning of the creation became flesh and it lived among us, separating the light from the darkness, “treading upon the lion and adder, on the lion cub and the Dragon”. Then Jesus spread that same word over his disciples. It came down from Heaven in the form of tongues of fire. “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust”. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive this word which has the power to bring into existence the realities of God, those which must prevail over the realities of the world, starting in our lives. “You have already won a victory over them, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world”. 1 John 4:4. But even if the devil knows it, he is like a crooked lawyer who will not hesitate to take advantage over us through our ignorance. So we must not hesitate reminding him, as Pastor Curry Blake says. “Submit yourselves therefore to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you”, said James. When we have to face calamities, God commits us to fight. The spiritual gift of tongues, which we grasp by faith, is an extremely powerful weapon. “Mighty one, put your sword at your side. Put on glory and majesty as if they were your clothes. In your majesty ride out with power to fight for what is true, humble and fair. Let your right hand do wonderful things. Shoot your sharp arrows into the hearts of your enemies. Let the nations come under your control”. Psalm 45: 3-5. Of course we don't fight against people. But by declaring that God reigns, we engage the angels who on our declarations made with faith, will repress the invisible hordes of destructive spirits who act in the dark. Wolves stay away from the fire. A Chinese sage said, “Instead of cursing the darkness, let's light a candle!”. We are invited to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. But if we let apathy take hold of us, or fear, we could be thrown out as something useless, and then the world may trample on us warns Jesus in Matthew 5: 10-16. A lamp is only a light when it is lit. … “Who knows if you have not come to your royal position for such a time as this?” said Mordecai to his niece, the young Queen Esther, in a very dark moment in their history. Perhaps is it also time for us to rekindle the flame.




“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”   II Chronicles 7:14


The Coronavirus will not be eradicated by science and human sacrifice. But God still has a very effective solution that has worked throughout history.

Amazing revelations from Sid Roth's guest prophets.

Coronavirus is Part of a War of Influence – The coronavirus spread is a by-product of political corruption. God will put his finger on what is actually: the pandemic of a demonic spirit of fear. The positive side of these upheavals is that it will change the nature and the depth of the relationship many Christians have with Jesus. Be reassured: there is hope, and in near future!

Ancient Key to Coronavirus

God is Judging the gods of this World – Dr. Candice Smithyman reminds us of an ancient key to stopping the Coronavirus. This mysterious key is as effective against disease and viruses today as it was over 3,000 years ago. In this time of confinement, we have to remember Passover and what God has done for us when he shed the precious blood of Messiah. This blood, which we draw our communion from, makes a world of difference.

Prophecies for 2020 and the coming decade are awesome. Know what God is bringing forward, and participate in the movement.

The future of America and Europe is bright, but we have to get back to a place of prayer.








Don't cuddle “your” sickness but rather cast it out!


“Go everywhere and heal the sick”

“The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people. …  Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by unclean spirits, and all were Healed”.   Acts 5:16

Get born again, renew your mind in the Word of God, commit yourself to the truth, and you will always know how to deal with sickness.

The Secret of Divine Healing

People struggle with divine healing because they don't know how it works. Is it God who heals? Or is the the man? The answer is simply: Both. God, man, and God in the man!




The power of words.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those that love it shall eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

In the world of men, each existential question leads to other existential questions, or meets predefined answers aimed at covering things up. While in God's world, every question finds its answer and every problem that arises has a solution that has been prepared from before the world began. Healing comes when we take off our religious glasses to see God as he is. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”.   James 1:17.




One of the areas that has been the most difficult to grasp in my life as a Christian, has certainly been Divine healing, and I'm not yet out of the woods. The reason for these difficulties was linked to two main causes: my commitment to faith, which was never complete, and the doubt instilled in my spirit by erroneous teachings received, and which continue to be dispensed religiously in the church and in evangelical circles. … (Click to read more)

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There is of course this satanic teaching that the Holy Spirit was given to the early church and is no longer with us today, since we don't need him any more because we have now the word of God, the Bible. But there are many more subtle ways to annihilate the work of God. For instance, we have compartmentalized the personality of Christ through a misunderstanding of certain specialization that are taught in 1 Corinthians 12. Ans so, those who teach us the theory of faith are often not the same who demonstrate it in practice. James tells us that we shouldn't just announce the theory – which I take for myself – but that in order to be credible, we should also demonstrate that what we say is true, by bringing about the miracles of faith. This statement puts many things in their right place. James takes the image of a person to whom one would say: “Goodbye, keep yourself warm and eat well”, without giving that person anything that contribute to his well-being. That's exactly what we do in churches when we pray for people. We must understand that these words which are capable of eliciting miracles, stand at a different level of spiritual authority than the vain evangelical speeches, or the traditional litanies of the Mass. Remember what they saw in Jesus: a man who taught as having authority, unlike their scribes. Jesus did not use the persuasive tools of public speaking, and if he raised his voice it was to make up for the lack of a sound system. But he allowed himself the luxury of speaking the truth, because he was firmly established in his identity. We can't just use a few Bible verses, or throw them in the face of people, and then let God and the sick person take responsibility for what may or may not happen. James says that confessing our sins to one another and anointing with oil cannot hurt, and can be for those who believe in this, a good preparation. But then he says that what will heal the sick is in reality the prayer of faith, or more exactly “the fervent declaration of faith of the righteous”. By the way, it is fortunate that it is the fervent prayer of the righteous which has great effectiveness, and not the prayer of the wicked. James puts this way of praying in parallel with the prayer that Elijah made, when he called the drought over the land, and then a few years later, made the rain fall again. The priests of Baal could do nothing to undo his prayers. Reading this account, I cannot imagine that Elijah achieved this result by politely reciting some litanies and sprinkling holy water to the earth. Jesus himself never performed the rite of anointing with oil, nor did he establish confession of sins as a prerequisite for healing. Jesus did not make a show of his compassion, yet his spiritual authority was sufficient to rescue the sick and the oppressed, no matter their condition. When he says that some evil spirits responsible for illnesses or mental disorders, only come out through prayer and fasting, he is not referring to a church prayer meeting in which people will twist the arm of God to try to force him to do something in favour of the sick, but he speaks of the preliminary determination of those who do want to assume this healing ministry. He says elsewhere that the diehards get hold of the kingdom of God. The disciples could not cure this young boy who had an epilepsy spirit. Jesus rebuked them sharply: “Perverse and unbelieving race! How long will I still be with you?” Because, unlike to what some say, Jesus healed all the sick who came to him, and not just a handful of lucky ones. The Holy Spirit grants no quarters. After Pentecost, the apostles were also able to heal all the sick without distinction, although a few then took their time to heal. Some, to excuse their lack of spiritual authority, take refuge behind bogus phrases like: “God is sovereign”. Of course God is sovereign. But if we claim to be the servants of a sovereign God, shouldn't we be able to uphold his sovereignty? The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was a total sacrifice, so that our salvation too could be accomplished completely and without any reserve on the part of God to unleash it. “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives”. If God now had to decide on a case-by-case basis who he wanted to heal or not to heal, then no one could heal anyone, for without faith it is impossible to obtain any divine manifestation, says James.




Adhering to these few Bible principles is essential if we want to progress in Divine healing:

  • God created a perfectly healthy world, and he did it by his word of authority. (Genesis 1)

  • To a lesser extent, we create our own universe and we affect it through our words - family background, prosperity, health etc. (Prov 10:14, Prov 12:14, Prov 18:21)

  • The Word of God must be recognized as our ultimate authority. We do not interpret this word on the basis of our experiences, but we continue our experimentations until they match with what is written in the word of God: the Bible. "O Lord, your word is established in heaven and for ever, and your faithfulness endures from generation to generation." Ps 119: 89

  • God does not want his creation to be sick. He went so far as to die for us on a cross to take upon himself our sins and our illnesses. In absolute terms, we have all been healed physically and emotionally, and saved spiritually, the very instant the blood of Jesus was shed. It is now up to us to appropriate the benefits of his sacrifice, which are the blessing and its fruits, of which all health is an integral part. (Isaiah 53)

  • Illness is the manifestation of a demonic attack aimed at weakening us and mortifying us, with the purpose of bringing those who are affected and those around them to doubt the love and power of the Creator, or even to deny his very existence. (Job 1)

  • After demonstrating his divine power during his life among us, Jesus entrusted us with the mission to heal all forms of sickness and infirmity, by the authority of the Holy Spirit that he has given us. Through these manifestations of love that are healings, deliverance and resurrection of the dead, Jesus puts the world in touch with the Kingdom of Heaven, giving us a foretaste of what his reign will be. A reign which, after having won us on an individual level, will be permanently established on Earth. (Mat. 10: 7-8)

  • A Gospel which does not bear the fruit of supernatural healing accessible to all is an inactivated, falsified or incomplete gospel, which cannot reflect the love with which God loved us in Jesus. For Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13: 8)



For each poison there is an antidote.

What if, instead of vaccines, drugs or surgical interventions, it was enough to speak out words while being in a certain state of consciousness, to protect, heal and relieve? “Charlatanism”, some will say. “Placebo nonsense”, will think the scientific minds. Yet, this is the solution that God has established to enable us to prosper in this world while staying perfectly healthy and protected from contagion. But for our words to be fruitful, they must be carried by the breath of the Holy Spirit.


Words spoken on us by a person of authority, affect us when we receive them. God teaches us that each word is a seed which will produce fruit “after its kind”. God knows that living in this world can be difficult. Yet he tells us not to worry. He keeps telling us that, as long as we keep our eyes fixed on him and not on our circumstances, we will come through our trials victoriously. This is why it is so important to read the Bible! The Bible contains the antidote to all poisons, and the vaccine against all viruses, whether physical or simply spiritual. For, while it is undeniable that the blessings strengthen us by helping us to assert ourselves, the words which cause concern and doubt predispose us to suffer bad omen. However, through these windows on the world that our screens have become, we are the target of a flood of information, which are rarely to our advantage. Advertisers use marketing techniques that tend to bypass our reason. The same goes now with information. Television, even when it has nothing constructive to transmit, wants to keep a captive audience, to make us consume the advertisement which is its source of profit. Another area in which similar things are happening, is precisely the area of ​​health care. … (Click to read more)

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I regularly hear people unwittingly echoing curses that have been poured out against them. “My mother died of breast cancer and now I have 'my' cancer. So you, my daughter, be checked and tested”… We might know what happened to the unfortunate Angelina Jolie. Who among us has not heard it said: “This disease is genetic and we do not know how to cure it”. We often give to sickness, more importance than we give to our Creator. And right now, we hear the same tune almost every day: “In view of their age and their medical background, these people would not survive the coronavirus". These assertions, even when supported by some statistics, are as many invisible cages and condemnations which, when we receive them, become self-fulfilling prophecies. And what is true in the field of health is also true in the existential realm: “Always so clumsy”. “He will remain a good-for-nothing”. “Alcoholism is in our family and there is nothing we can do about it”. “You are shy and you will have to live with that”. Yes God warns us that what we sow in words, we will also reap in facts. Worried or desperate people sometimes turn to the rope that will hang them : “Ma'am, I don't see anything about an improvement in your sight. But I must bring you yet another bad news: Your husband is going to die. Yes Madam, on November 1st. … There, that will make us six hundred francs ”(a real situation which has just been reported to me). More often than not, such remarks denote our ignorance of the spiritual laws which govern the physical world. “If a blind man leads another, they will both fall into the ditch,” Jesus tells us. Throughout the Bible, God vehemently denounces the fact that we do not hold on to His promises so that we can enjoy a well-ordered and fulfilling life. He also warns us of what might happen to us if we don't come back to him. But, God will never attack our character and our integrity with condemnatory words. All of these curses, and some can be educated, devious, religious, and sometimes very sophisticated, are demonic attacks. “The thief, who is the devil, comes to steal, kill and destroy”, Jesus tells us. If he can take the blessing away from us, he will do so through our ignorance of who we are and of God's plan for our lives.

But what about contagion? Beyond the laws of genetics or the consequences of a poor lifestyle, of germs or trauma, what allows bad things to reach us and take hold of us are spiritual breaths. These spirits are also at the origin of certain risky behaviours that will make us sick. Words are brought to us and sometimes even accompanied by spiritual breaths. Who has never felt anger or fear overwhelm them when confronted to persons who were out of their mind? Or, has felt suddenly shy in the presence of a shy person? Advertising is based on the notion of mimicry, to suggest a need. In the same way, one can by simple words, suggest or transmit spirits of weakness or infirmity and various diseases. Doctors know that being depressed or sad and angry makes the bed for the flu. This aspect is too often neglected, and I would like to recall here the works of Dr Paul Tournier on the medicine of the whole person. During their diagnoses, doctors will sometimes unwittingly strengthen the hold that some ailments can have on us. We accept defects and illnesses, because we do not know how to do otherwise. But come to think of it, who was there first : the egg or the chuck? If the gene is at the origin of the human beings, then poor of us if our genes are disabled. But the teaching of Jesus consists precisely in rejecting what harms our integrity, and relying unreservedly on what the Word of God affirms. We believe that this word is at the origin of everything, and is therefore the real source of our existence. And this is how a simple declaration of faith made wholeheartedly in accordance with the Word of God – the Bible – can change everything. It can protect us from the flu, heal us from cancer and even restore the integrity of our inherited genes. For those who wonder how a link can be made between the spirit that inhabits us and the living matter that constitutes our bodies, I would recommend that they take an interest in the study of the microzymas or somatids. Although the word of God is by no means limited to these elementary particles of life, particles which seem to obey to spiritually transmitted orders, build cells of all kinds and even bacteria or viruses at will. This study shows that the building of our bodies is far from being a frozen automated process.

Scientists too have looked into the mystery of words. They noticed, a long time ago, that words – but in reality the intentions which are conveyed by words – modify the atomic structure of matter. To a lesser extent, music also has an effect on matter and on life. Researchers have experimented with the effect of intentions on ice crystals build up, and others on plant growth. Experiments carried out in orphanages have more sadly shown that the demonstration of a certain kind of love is essential for the health and the life of a child. Vibratory frequencies are evoked – hence the expression : “to transmit good vibrations”. It is also supposed that angels make themselves visible or invisible by modifying their vibratory frequency. But there is no need to look too far. In reality, Jesus gives us the key to his healing power. In John 6:63, Jesus tells us : “It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is of no use. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life”. And those who listened to him could testify. Because just after Jesus had told them something that had scandalized most of them – that in order to live forever, they would have to eat his flesh and drink his blood – Peter replied : “Lord, to whom else shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life” (John 6:68). And in John 8:51, Jesus will also tell them : “Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death”. But the clergy of the time laughed at him and accused him of having a demon. What big secret did the devil not want us to learn about?

Our genes are the fruit of words. By words, I mean intentions or motives. Created by God to function perfectly, all of us have been affected by curses over the generations. Having a child after forty is not the risk factor. Look at Sarah who gave birth at the age of ninety. But what is dangerous at any age, is not being continually regenerated by the Holy Spirit. And being weak, to be subjected to the curses represented by some suggestions. So let us bless from now on the extraordinary creatures we are, fruit, not of the coincidences of biology, but of the loving will of God. Let's ban any condemnatory and disillusioned remarks. And then God (the vivifying Spirit) will accompany us, as promised in Isaiah 58: 8-10. This is not a matter of “auto-suggestion”, or the benefits of “positive thinking” as advocated in the New Age movement. But it is rather a question of abiding into the logic of God, or into what Jesus calls “the Truth”, in order to be able to be ONE with him and thus, to live in the vibratory frequencies of the Spirit that gives life. The Spirit of God is able to imagine things far beyond what we can imagine. He does not care for the limitations we place on ourselves when we see ourselves as mere men or sinners, or about what we think we know of the laws of nature.

In fact, whatever the Spirit of God can imagine, He can also bring into existence. In Mark 11: 23-25 , Jesus said to his disciples: “Truly, I assure you, if anyone says to this hill: “Rise up from there and throw yourself into the sea”, without doubting in his heart, but believing that what he says will come true, the thing will be accomplished for him”. Jesus' approach is the opposite of our religious supplications in which we ask for things – good it is true – but without daring to believe them. For example, Jesus never asked his disciples to pray for the sick. But he told them to “heal the sick”, and this is a vastly different thing. Caught with compassion in presence of our sufferings, Jesus saw concretely in his spirit the sick being delivered and healed through his resolute way of affirming the love of God. And it is this passionate expectation that gave his words miraculous virtues. In fact, Jesus didn't even need to speak out orders. He did this so that his disciples could understand what moved him, but all he had to do was look at a person and imagine the result he wanted to obtain, and this would expose the spirits which tormented this person and force them to leave. For this holy imagination, Jesus tells us again, connects us directly with the Father of the spirits.  “Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does nothing but what he sees the Father doing; and whatever the Father does, the Son also does likewise. For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all that he does; and he will show him works greater than these, that you may be astonished”. John 5: 18-20.Jesus adds that if we had even an ounce of that faith, with him, we could move mountains!

But to gain access to this faith, one must have the light heart of a child. This is why Jesus goes on to say: “When you pray or ask, if you have anything against someone, forgive him, so that your heavenly Father will forgive you too your faults”. The real mysticism is perhaps that of children. “If you do not turn on yourselves and become like those little children again, you won't be able to see the Kingdom of God”. " Matt. 18: 3 . All too often this child heart is broken, and sometimes even paralyzed as a result of trauma. We then replaced it with a grown-up spirit, a harsh, mean and unbelieving spirit. But our God knows how to heal wounded spirits and he resuscitates hearts that are bruised. Jeremiah gives us the key to the power that leads to working miracles in the community : motivation and a new spirit. “I will give them one heart, and a new spirit will I put within you; I will take away the heart of stone out of their flesh, and I will give them an heart of flesh, that they may follow my ordinances, and keep and do my statutes; And they will be my people, and I will be their God”. To work miracles is done simply by going to the end of the action of loving, because that is what love tends to. There are, however, miracles and miracles. To allow us to love in God's way, Jesus gives us the Spirit. Paul explains to Timothy that the gospel – or the good news – is that, while living among us, Jesus has destroyed death and brought out life and immortality. This life, and immortality, is quite simply his Spirit living in us. The immortal Spirit of God in them is precisely what made the early disciples so daring and so joyful ! We are so affected by the expression of this false religion where death wears the mask of the spirit… What, at the beginning, led God to create the world, it is the passionate love that he wanted to share with us before we even existed. The new world will be reborn from the ashes of that which we will have allowed to be destroyed by pursuing a global ecumenism, through the miraculous virtues of this divine love, when we will know how to manifest it in the Truth, with regard to one another.


Tom Scarella & Curry Blake on Spirit of Infirmity - Demons and Sickness

Tom Scarrella does an interview in Dallas with Curry Blake on Spirit of Infirmity - Demons and Sickness. What are those spirits, how do they come in, who is more likely to be affected, how can we get rid of them? It's a powerful truth that will answer so many healing questions!

Parkinson's disease Recovery through Decrees.

Sickness is the result of the lies of the devil. Any disease can be challenged through spiritual decrees and by prophesying words of comfort in the truth of the Bible.


But, sometimes Bible teachers and preachers turn out to be the gravediggers of the faith in a God who wants to heal us.

The beginning of a life of power is when we begin to believe what we read in the Bible and no longer just believe what our experiences or the experiences of others have led us to believe. If there are no miracles in our churches, it may be because our theology is based, not on what the Word of God says, but on reports of failure. By imagining divine reasons for failure, we designed the theology of disillusionment. … (Click to read more)

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Have you been told – as I have –, that Paul's "thorn in the flesh" was an infirmity that God had inflicted on him to prevent him from boasting? Or that this same Paul could not heal Trophim? That even Jesus could not heal many sick people just because they had unbelief in their heart? That, if the people we pray for aren't healed, it means that God had another plan for them, and that he wants to “teach” them some lessons through an illness he himself inflited on them? These are prejudices and half-truths which die hard in the church. This other blog gives us a nice sample of the pseudo-doctrines that affect the church. They would be anecdotal if they did not outright destroy the promises of God ! Forty years after the facts, I am still exasperated with this evangelical tradition which, when I got my start, quite simply disarmed me ! Our theology is upside down and we have to put it right, before tackling the subterfuges that we ourselves have developed in our hearts. Because if these pretexts for procrastination were able to convince us, it's also because they make our life so much easier. Yet Jesus set out to demonstrate the redeeming love of the Creator. If healing is slow to come, it is because we have not yet been able to demonstrate the divine authority that he has taken care to transmit to us. What will glorify God is not the stoicism that we will show when we go through trials and sickness. It is our own courage that we demonstrate and we do not need Jesus to die with dignity. But Jesus tells us that what will glorify God is when we demonstrate that there is another kingdom that rules over sickness and death, by removing the sick from Satan's oppression by the finger of God. That's where the Bible's message is, and it's that simple.


What was the “thorn in the flesh” that Paul was afflicted with?

Paul, it is true, mentions in one of his letters that he had an illness. It seems that, as he had reached a certain age, his eyesight deteriorated. No text explains this hypothesis, but he mentions his large handwriting, and the fact that if “they” could, some would have plucked out their eyes to give them to him. So some believe that Paul was affected with partial blindness as a late sequel to his encounter with the glorified Christ on the road to Damascus, who's radiance had burned his eyes at the time. But when he mentions this “thorn in the flesh” that he had to undergo with the almost permanent harassment of an angel of Satan, the Lord having answered to his supplications to remove him : “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”, Paul certainly does not refer to his infirmity, or as some suggest, to a mysterious illness that God would have affected him with in order to preserve him from arrogance and from which he could not heal. He does not think of hunger, cold and bareness which were often his lot during his adventurous life on land and at sea either. But when you read the story of his life, you realize that the revelation that this man got from God was so extraordinary – think of all the letters that he has left us and which are as enlightening as the Gospel itself, think of those pieces of cloth that Paul had touched and which healed the sick on whom they were applied –, that Satan must have assigned one of his best agents to accompany him in order to limit as much as possible the scope of his spiritual conquests. When Paul and Barnabas are in Lystra, some people are so impressed by their speech and by the miracles that the Holy Spirit does through them that they want to build two altars and offer them sacrifices. But the same day, these men suddenly come to their sense and they decide to stone the two apostles. Why? Because the angel of Satan who accompanied Paul had done his job of undermining and disinformation. Undergoing relentlessly the Jews' plots to assassinate him, the contradictions of the magicians, the opposition of the crowds, the lashes, the imprisonments, the disparagement of the church leaders, this war of attrition of the traditions and the law wanting to reinstate the teaching, the betrayals of the false believers and finally death during a bloody crackdown on Christians in Rome : his life was certainly not a long, calm river. “All those who are determined to dedicate themselves to their union with Jesus Christ will experience persecution”, he said to Timothy. But as he writes in Romans 8: “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”.


“In the past, people did not understand God, and he ignored this. But now, God tells all people in the world to change their hearts and lives. God has set a day that he will judge all the world with fairness, by the man he chose long ago. And God has proved this to everyone by raising that man from the dead!” Acts 17:30-31


Lessons from the Transfiguration.

Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (He did not know what he was saying.) While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” When the voice had spoken, Jesus was standing alone.   Luke 9:28-36

God holds no future for us in man made religion  — Christ alone, is now the future of man.


Faith in healing is a simple thing that is offered to us. But just as in the garden, the serpent said : “Did God really say?”, wrong theology has come in the way and we must know some answers to defeat the wrong arguments.



What is the difference between Power and Authority?

Two words are used in the Bible in relation to healing, deliverance and miracles. These words are exousia and dunamis. Their meaning is very different, but they are often mistaken for one another in our Bible translations. It is very important to know which one applies in each kind of circumstance.
Another of J.P. Jackson's great teaching on that topic.



JGLM's mission is to demystify divine healing and equip believers.

“We never took NO for an Answer”. When asked : “When did you start to see a breakthrough in healing?” Curry Blake, supervisor of John G. Lake Ministries, answered, “When I decided I was not going to give up until I saw it.” After he and his wife had lost their eldest daughter, Curry made a commitment to God. So when his second daughter tragically died in an accident, he was ready to bring her back to life. Why are people not healed when we pray for them? Why have our prayers no outcome? The reason is simple: We behave like emotional people and we are no longer based on biblical truth. If we rely on what we feel, the enemy will always move us away from what is the point. The parable of the soils comes down to two attitudes: Let yourself be distracted by life and circumstances, or focus on the mission. Based on the New Testament principle that the Spirit of Jesus carries healing within himself, and that God' will is to save the entire man – body, mind and spirit –, Christians must impose the divine will on sickness and even on death, with faith and obstinacy. A theory confirmed by the remarkable results obtained by its implementation.


Place Christ and his ministry back in their rightful place.

Pastor Curry Blake recounts that one day, while he was driving to Dallas, God asked him a strange question: He asked him, "When did Jesus cease being the Christ?" Curry thought, “Hmm, that sounds like a trick question!” So, turning the question back to him, he asked God: “When did Jesus cease to be the Christ?” God said to him, "It would seem that it is as soon as he enters the Christians." Because Christians think they must bring down the power from heaven, when the anointing is now in them ”. See, the world doesn't blame Christians so much for talking about Jesus. But what bothers – and even in the churches – is when you speak of Jesus by mentioning the attributes of Christ, because it is Christ – it is the anointing that breaks the yoke. The world does not want you to manifest this reality. All you are allowed is to be religious.


• Curry BLAKE – Powerful Healing Prayer: By His stripes we were healed.

Our victory rests on confessing our faith in what Jesus did.

By declaring the Bible truths, pastor Curry Blake engages us in the victory of Christ for ourselves and for all who need it.

2015 Manifesting the Sons Conference

Curry Blake puts in a nutshell some of the most faith building experiences of his life. Really amazing stories.

2020 Healing Conference

Curry Blake as Guest speaker at Tom Scarella's church conference. The best of what I have heard him say. “The stones will cry out”… Please put up with some of the enthusiast's echoes.

Dominion Life Now Television

Dominion Life Now: As seen on a wide range of Television Networks. “Come back to the Word of God, and you will see that it works”.

How I make myself ready for All good Works

God has provided though Faith in Jesus all that we can wish and need to bring concrete love and miraculous relief to others. But how can we make ourselves ready to exercise the faith that is required to bring about these works whenever they are needed?

Are You out of your Mind?

The title is wilfully provocative. What does the Pentecost experience mean for us today?


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Divine Healing Technician Training

“Healing has been considered as something mystical that can't be taught or learned. But that's wrong. Jesus did mostly three things when he took his disciples with him : He taught, he preached and he healed. He taught about the Kingdom and he taught on relationship with the Father. When you understand how the Kingdom works and you have a relationship with the Father, you will operate in healing – it's that simple”.

Pastor Curry Blake's Bible teachings

I should perhaps hate the thought that one man got it all. But if you've been wandering through the speeches of countless preachers who say but do not demonstrate what they say, or who advocate new age views and values, give yourself another chance. The Bible based, and not theologically biased teachings of Curry Blake, are pragmatic and effective. Putting things straight and simple is sometimes all it takes to make them workable. “It's all in the Bible. People wait for fancy personal words, yet they have not even started to obey what Jesus already told us to do”.

Building Life Teams

Christians are not a bunch of individuals but they are a body. All the benefits of the Life in Christ are aimed at one thing: Building the House of God. If Jesus is the chief cornerstone, rejected by men but chosen and precious for God, this house must be made of living bricks. The true sense of the word “Ekklesia” with its power and governing purposes, must be rediscovered. “Life teams are a place where you go to grow, and where you grow to go into the world”.

• Curry Blake
Staying focused on Faith. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times, some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” 1 Timothy 4. In this essential lesson, Pastor Curry Blake exposes some of the ways in which the enemy has made us ineffective. From habits of life, relationships, hobbies, book readings and entertainment, to watching the exotic hype of a new preacher on Christian TV, every day, the devil spares no effort to have us scattered and to distract us from what really matters, namely: having en entire faith in God.

• Don't Let the devil Submit and Use You. – What is the worth of one single life? In this most earnest message, Curry Blake draws our attention to the importance of the motivations that direct our lives as individuals and as groups or churches.

• Curry BLAKEGoing TO, or just going THROUGH? We need vision. Not this “Get a dream and God will help you fulfil it” attitude, but to get God's dream for our life. He is already working to get it fulfilled and whenever we get on track, we will see it being fulfilled.

• Curry BLAKEDon't sabotage your Blessings. In order to obtain our healing from God, we must be single minded. Some people die of sickness while they have faith in God. Curry Blake explains how the mentality of relying on other people has made us weak. People think they have faith, when in fact they have faith in the traditions they have been taught at church. “The eye is like a lamp for the body. Suppose your eyes are healthy (single minded). Then your whole body will be full of light. But suppose your eyes can’t see well (are double minded). Then your whole body will be full of darkness”. Matthew 6:21-24. See also James 3.

• Curry BLAKEThe Spirit Is Our Real Us. Many people don't see results because they operate from the soul.

• Curry BLAKEReleasing The Spirit Into Your Flesh. “People who are the most difficult to heal are church people, because they have heard so many times that Jesus can heal, but they have kept that knowledge at mind level”.  

• Other Videos   from those contributors.

• Curry BLAKEFaith is Your Servant. Another great practical message from brother Curry Blake, 2019.

• Curry BLAKE – Trust God To Back You Up.

• Curry BLAKE – Intimacy With the Holy Spirit 1.

• Curry BLAKE – Intimacy With the Holy Spirit 2.

• Curry BLAKE – Manifesting Christ.

• Curry BLAKE – Follow the Faith of the Faithful.

• Curry BLAKE – Don't let the devil use You.

• Curry BLAKE – Light, Life & Love. Building character rather than arouse an emotional state.

• Curry BLAKE – The Spirit of Faith in Identification (versus the hype for anointings)

• Curry BLAKE – Structural Miracles. What can we expect from God? –Just anything. “May it be done onto you according to your faith”. No thing is impossible to God.

• Curry BLAKE – In this teaching, Curry Blake addresses some issues that tend to plague today's Church like for instance: the New Age doctrines that say that “there is something more”: need for additional baptisms, gifts or mantels and anointings required in addition to the gift of the Holy Spirit. He says that if you received the Holy Spirit, you have all that is required to accomplish what Jesus asks of you. What you need now is trusting the Word of God and acting accordingly.

• Curry BLAKE – In a marathon, wearing the appropriate shoes is essential if you want to cross the finish line. Why do our prayers have no result? Why are people not healed when we pray for them? The simple reason is that we are not persuaded that God wants, and that He always wants to heal, and we doubt even more than He can do it through our simple faith in Him. Curry Blake's teaching exposes some of the preconceived ideas, those theological “sacred cows” that prevent faith from being effective. He also points out the scriptural keys that will enable us to obtain a result. Curry Blake says he has not been praying for a sick person for over thirty years. Based on the New Testament principle that the Spirit of Jesus is healing and that his will is always to heal people, Christians must impose this will on sickness with faith and obstinacy. A theory that has been verified by the extraordinary results that can be obtained when it is applied. Curry's master words are: “Keep it simple, press on, and trust God for the results”.

• Curry BLAKE – Healing : Your Legal Right. According to Isaiah 53, our healing started the minute Jesus was tied on the whipping post. It was achieved when he was nailed to the cross. Anything we would ad to that or do, to make it happen, is unbelief”.

• Curry BLAKEAcknowledging What Is In You. Curry Blake not only tells you how to activate your faith, he actually takes you through the process. You will want to listen and do this message everyday.

• Curry BLAKE – God's Master Plan. Learn what you were made for and begin to live it out in your life.

• Curry BLAKE – He gave us His Word.





Men with different approaches, but the same Jesus.


How To Use Your Imagination.

From the Tower of Babel to the cursed fig tree, we see in the Bible that God has set our imagination as the vector for the things we ask or want. Pastor Mel Bond says that if ungodly people use it to realize their wicked plans, how much more the Christians should use their renewed imagination to bring forward the Kingdom of God.

• Mel BOND“So that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete!” – One of God's great mysteries, is that Humans who represent the Lord Jesus Christ, are the best representations of God here on Earth.

• Mel BOND – Why the faith of Christians Doesn't Work.

• Mel BOND – No shouting nor crying, but powerful Healing Miracles through simple faith in Jesus.

The Holy Spirit is in the business of Healing bodies.

Motor mechanics: they work on cars. School teachers, they teach in schools. The Holy Spirit is in the business of healing sick bodies. Our God is a good God, not a moraliser. And one of the ways he wants to show who he is, is by healing the sick. And this is what Norman Robertson is doing with Him.


Spiritual Hindrances Blocking Your Healing.

Sickness has many subtle ways to make friends with us. Becky DVORAK says, we must sometimes recognize what is wrong in our thinking before we can heal ourselves. A very empowering message.


85% of All Diseases Are Caused by THIS – Joan Hunter

According to Joan Hunter, THIS is the culprit for at least 85% of all diseases... And she knows what she is talking about.



• Tom LOUD – Healing the sick can be as simple as that.

• Tom LOUD – Authority to Heal – Praying for Healing Miracles.

• Pete CABRERA – Why People loose their Healing.

• Pete CABRERA – How to heal Yourself in Christ Jesus.

• Lester SUMRALL – A Man of Faith and Destiny.

• Lester SUMRALL – Don't forget the Pioneers of Faith.

• Lester SUMRALL – Understanding Alien Entities and dealing with Them.

Christ Centred Healing Seminar.

In this seminar, Roger Sapp talks on how he went from praying for the sick and seeing no results, to bringing Jesus' healing and watch Him do the work. He emphasizes the fact that healing is not “anointing dependent” as some would have us to believe, but that you simply have to trust Jesus, and marvel. Another testimony of how thinking right will bring it right. (The sound problem at the beginning gets fixed after a while).


They Acted on their Faith.

Tommy Lee OSBORN was a renowned miracle worker. In this message, he explains for a pentecostal congregation, how the Gospel must be acted on. “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it”. I would not endorse all preachers from the Pentecostal movement. Some have made faith their god and the message a business. But T.L. Osborn (1923-2013) has a solid reputation of being a man of compassion and integrity who has worked hard for the Gospel, bringing Jesus Christ to millions of unreached people in over 90 nations.




Warnings ON recurrent drifts


Allah and Yahweh: Not the Same God - Beth Grove

Modern society loves to fuse religions together. This excellent talk seeks to bring about some clarity amidst great confusion of whether Allah and Yahweh are the same God, or not.

How Did the Reformers View Islam?

The Reformers did not consider Islam “one of the world’s great religions” or “one of the three Abrahamic faiths.” Rather, they predominantly thought of Muhammad’s teachings as a heretical deviation from Christianity. The word heresy comes from the Greek meaning “to pick, to choose,” and as such, a Christian heresy does not receive the Christian faith as a whole but rather selects certain elements at the expense of others. What’s left is something that has been extracted from Christianity but is no longer Christianity. Islam thrives where Christianity has degenerated. A former Arab Muslim who became a Christian pastor, Rev. Iskandar Jadeed, once said, “If all Christians were Christians, there would be no more Islam today.”

Are Christians allowed to practice Yoga?

Mike Shreve studied under an Indian guru, devoting himself completely to the practice of yoga and meditation. He then taught to thousands of university students. But one day the light of Jesus broke through the darkness. Mike now warns of the deception and the many spiritual dangers that lie within any form of oriental practice.

Discusses Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Beings

Today, it is extremely important to learn how to recognize the character of God, of his angels, and to know in what ways the spirits of Lucifer, of the demons and the coming Antichrist, differ. The best way to gain that knowledge is by getting to know God personally and by studying what his word says. Then it will be easy for us to spot the fake.

Don't believe everything the “sweet Holy Spirit” tells you

One of the most effective ways the devil has devised to ruin the lives of Christians is in imitating the leading of God in words, in thoughts and even in our dreams. This is a fundamental point of the Christian life, but is often overlooked. To get to know the Word is vital, for God will NEVER tell us something that goes against his principles.

How to get Rid of your ProblemsCurry BLAKE

For as long as we will remain man and church centred, we will always find something that should prevent us from experimenting the fullness of the Gospel. It seems that the hype in the church today, is finding and exploring new fields of distraction.


The Protestant Reformation vs. The New Apostolic ReformationCosti HINN

“Scriptura Sola” was the motive of the Reformation. But today's protestantism is threatened by a so called “New Apostolic Reformation”, which has divorced itself from this original statement to declare that there are now new apostles, who are coming with new revelations and new rules for a new era. This fresh twist of an old heresy is a very reckless move and it puts many Christians, especially young unexperimented ones, in jeopardy.


FROM BABYLON TO AMERICA – World History in Bible Prophecy.

Sometimes, there is a reluctance to relay information because of some disagreement with those who provide it. Paul had a deep friendship with Christians from Galatia, and he saluted their quest for truth. He nevertheless held the mirror to them. “If righteousness comes through keeping the Law, then the suffering and death of Christ would have had no purpose.” In Hebrews 4, Paul also redefines the true meaning of “entering God's rest”. That being said, the study that I link here is so masterful and it answers so many important questions, that I can only recommend it… if you take it with a grain of salt !

Objects Never To Bring Home.

Artefacts carry spiritual power and are a common cause for bondage, strife and sickness. This video shows some extremes, but especially Christians, should have the wisdom and the sensitivity to get rid of anything that is not truly for the glory of the living God, and this includes also very common religious artefacts.


“Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them. For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter. Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.”     Jeremiah 10.




MOre biblical insight

(Some teachings probably need to be taken with a grain of salt)


John BEVEREDon't strive to be someone else

…but what God has asked you to do: do it ! Not everyone is called to be a minister. If you want to be a minister, you might end up playing church. God asks you to sow where he has placed you. There will be rewards in due time and there will be a judgment. However, do not seek rewards, but rather keep ploughing and sowing.

• John BEVERE – You cannot build People and even less a Church, without a Perspective on Eternity.

• Andrea Di MIGLIO – The key to demonstrating the life of Jesus is growing in what you already have.


Jonathan CAHN

– Did you know that you were made for a Love story ?


• Mike SHREVE – I was won from the New Age and Yoga, to Jesus, through Love.

• Lisa BEVERE – Lioness Arising.

• John BEVERE – Killing Kryptonite.

• John BEVEREHidden Power of Humility.

Dan SNEEDLessons From A Rosebush

Dan was a young man when he prophesied great things over me. But I must admit that I never reached that place, mostly because I did not make my priority of what he is talking about in this lesson.

• Dan SNEEDThe Value of One.

• Dan SNEEDThe Power of a New Identity. It’s in Christ that we find out who we are, and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Eph 1:11.

• Campbell Mc ALPINE – Kindergarten Doctrines.

• Jamie GALLOWAY – Eyes To See. “God has given us a set of eyes to see, but we are trained to be sceptical. Start acknowledging what God is showing you, and wonder.”


A remarkable series on understanding dreams and other mysteries, by late John Paul Jackson. Do we understand our dreams? To know that we are personally known of God is a life changing observation. It changed mine many years ago.

• John Paul JACKSON – 10 Giants in our Lives.

• John Paul JACKSON – Prophetic Warnings to America and to the World.

• John Paul JACKSON – On Joni Table Talk : Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit.

• John Paul JACKSON – On Joni Table Talk : Unmasking the Absalom Spirit.

• John Paul JACKSON – 10 Giants in our Lives.

• John Paul JACKSON – Understanding the realm of our warfare is essential to our safety. We are called to tear down strongholds in people's life and on earth, but battles against principalities in heaven are beyond our reach and must remain God's. Daniel prayed and fasted, but it is the Angels that took over the warfare in the sky.


• Robert MORRIS – From Dream to Destiny : How God prepares the Joseph's of this Age.

• Robert MORRIS – Could the spirit that drives my so called best friends be my worst enemy?

• James GOLL – Understanding who the Spirit of Jezebel is, how it attacks us, and how we can defeat it.

• Henry GRUVER – North Korea and the threat of EMP, or why and how we should pray for our leaders. Message given on April 6 2018, by a man who spent 6 hours in heaven.

• Perry STONE – Hosts Jonathan Cahn and Joel Richardson. Must watch – prophetic events update.

• Perry STONE – The Coming Of Christ – What Are The Signs To Look For.

Ravi ZACHARIAS – Answers Questions on God And The Bible, Abortion, Homosexuality, and War.

He was an amazing thinker and an amazing man. Check also those pearls taken from his messages. “The purpose of your life in not just finding who You are, but it is foremost finding Who's you are.”

The Uncensored Truth About Demons

Dr. Candice Smithyman and her guest Isik Abla reveal the truth demons don't want you to know. We are brainwashed with deception and our feelings are the demons landing ground. If you want victory over the demons, wash your brain with the blood of Jesus. “I have the audio Bible running in my house 24/7”, says Isik Abla.

Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table – Louie Giglio

In Psalm 23, God invites us to spend time with him at the table he is setting before us. But then, someone rings and invites himself. Don't let him sit and

take away your good things. An amazing message.


• Lisa GWINN – When a satanic high priestess faces the King of Kings.

• END TIMES Prophetic Conference 2016 – Sydney Australia. «Blessed be the meek for they will inherit the Earth». «But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfect harmony».

• LANCASTER Prophetic Conference 2016 – «The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son». A most inspired set of teachings to prepare the bride for the wedding.

• Clayton JENNINGS – Jesus and Peter.

Ken PETERS – I Saw The Tribulation.

Ken Peters received a dream over 30 years ago. His dream gives clear direction and revelation of end-time world events, including the tribulation.
For instance, Isaiah predicted that Jesus would “have no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him”–that's for his first appearance. Well, the man of sin will be exactly the opposite : irresistible! Hear also what Ken saw, of what we thought should be the rapture.

• Bruce ALLEN with Sid ROTH – Move in the Supernatural Dimension of the Seventh Day.

• Bruce ALLEN with Sid ROTH – Supernatural Translocation and more … but for everyone!

• Bruce ALLEN – a Glimpse into The School of Translation

• Bruce ALLEN – The Season of Completion.

• Bruce ALLEN – The Jubilee of His Return.

• Bruce ALLEN – Releasing the Glory.

• Bruce ALLEN – The Third and the Seventh Day.

• Bruce ALLEN – How to know GOD Face to Face.

• Bruce ALLEN – Feast of Tabernacles : Move out of your role and step into the Character of Jesus.

Derek PRINCE – An End Times Life Saver.

“And they have conquered him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11). Teaching on how To Apply The Blood in the end time conflict. We overcome, when we testify personally of what the Word of God says the blood of Jesus does for us.

• Derek PRINCE – Invisible Barriers to Healing.

• Derek PRINCE – When You Fast (not if).

• Derek PRINCEReligious Deception. “I believe that for one person that the devil deceived by atheism, there are thousands in hell whom he deceived by religion”. A most vital message.

The Man who could see Beyond what Eyes see.

I only spent a year and a half altogether down under, but I feel sometimes like an Aussie expat. For several reasons, my soul is tied forever to these islands. At the start of my Christian walk, a Tasmanian former salvation army officer – Tony Fitzgerald – allowed me to be healed by Jesus from a back injury, and that drew my whole attention to Jesus. Then, two fine New Zealanders, pastors Ken Wright and Tom Marshall, injected in me some wisdom while they freed me from spirits of fear. Lately, I've been enlightened by Neville JOHNSON's delightful talks. Neville has rejoined His Lord in September 2019.

• Neville JOHNSON – The four faces of Jesus for the end times.

• Neville JOHNSON – Yom Kippur 2014, a Cut-Off Date in God's time line. Learn now to walk in His Presence and Peace.

• Resurrection of the USA – E-Booklet by Joe Sweet : A WORD OF HOPE from his prophetic dreams. Prospering in the Midst of Chaos and Destruction. “I also dedicate this book to people everywhere who God loves with an everlasting love. It is my hope that the words on these pages will be a warning that will draw the reader closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and prepare each one to prosper and shine in the days that are now upon us”.

• Sid ROTH and Gary KAH – Must watch ! Antichrist Exposed. End Time Antichrist System.

• Walid SHOEBAT – From Terror to Peace.

Walid SHOEBAT – What Muslims should know: The Mystery of Babylon the great!

• The LYN LEAHZ channel – When conspiracy becomes reality.  A genuine love for Jesus and a thorough quest for truth.

Sadhu Sundar SELVARAJ – Prophetic Word for Australia (and beyond).

I wished that we could elude some aspects of our confrontation with the world's reality. Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is undoubtedly a Saint and a Prophet.

• Sadhu Sundar SELVARAJ – Only True Living God.

• Joe SWEET and Sadhu Sundar SELVARAJ – The Destiny of USA.

• Sadhu Sundar SELVARAJ – Don't bring your shopping list to the Lord, rather bring yourself and then He shall give you for your heart's needs and desires.

• Hank KUNNEMAN – Promote the good ! The Time is to harvest, for there is a future for those who fear the Lord.

• Hank KUNNEMAN – The wind of God in your mouth.

• David WILKERSON – In one hour, everything is going to change.

• Oral ROBERTS – Five things God has shown me will shortly come to pass.



What is a man “after God's own Heart” ?

No man is right before God. But some men have a heart after God. That means that when the wind of the righteousness of God blows, they lean into the wind and they don't stand against it. King David for instance, wasn't to be the Messiah of Israel. Nevertheless, God saw in this courageous young man, his servant who would dedicate himself to pursuing the truth for the good of his people. David was a mere mortal and he committed some shameful acts. What if the leader of a country would send a valuable general to the butchery, in order to get his wife? This is what David did. But when the prophet Nathan rebuked him, David humbled himself. After having learned from his mistakes, he stood up again and God did not impeach him. David wasn't perfect just out of the mold, but God had prepared him from a young age to be the man for such a time and circumstances. When everyone in Israel was overcome by fear, he ran towards Goliath. Through his battles, he set Israel free from its enemies from within and out, and restored the land in it's role of a respected leading nation. King Solomon surfed later on the prosperity and peace that his father had brought back to Israel, by his sword and by travailing on his knees. Today, there is a trend for bringing back Baal worship to the country – oh we would say : “to lobby the White House through New Age advisers”.   “Deep seated religious beliefs must be changed, in order to change the laws”.   You would think that this was Joseph Stalin’s leitmotiv. In fact, Mrs Clinton made that declaration of war against America in one of her public speeches. So when God raises a man to oppose politics aimed at destroying the strength of a nation, we should support him, even if his ways leave us a little perplexed at times.

Donald Trump is not King David, but many seers consider him as the new Jehu, the guy by whom God fulfilled the word given by the prophet Elijah, to bring an end to the corrupt satanic government of Queen Jezebel and King Ahab.

• Donald TRUMP interview 1980 – “America has a great potential, but unfortunately the most capable people are afraid of politics and are not running for office”.

• Jonathan CAHN – The Oracle

• Jonathan CAHN – The Mystery of what lies Ahead – 2020.


Johnny Enlow – The End of the World as we Know it.

“God said to me : President Trump is going to save you from things you don't even know you have to be saved from.”

Prophecies for 2020 and the coming decade are awesome. Know what God is bringing forward, to participate in the movement.

The future of America and Europe is bright, but we have to get back to a place of prayer.

• Kim CLEMENT – Trump Prophecies. Amazingly accurate today.

Kim Clement might have been controversial as a person and due to his link with the NAR. But this prophecy, given for parts in 2014 and in 2007, is stunning.

• Donald TRUMP – “Politicians are all talk–no action”. Do you remember Father Pierre-René Monnier's fable?  It was about a rough, barking but loyal dog, and a sweet-eyed flattering and treacherous pussy-cat…


An understanding of today's political course pulled from an ancient paradigm. Discover how recent American Presidents fit in it.

• Jonathan CAHN
– Stunning Revelation of President Trump, in the Bible!

• Sadhu Sundar SELVARAJ – President Trump Prayer Bulletin from Bro Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, Nov 18-2018.

• The Road to a much Better Tomorrow. 2019





Jesus The Film, complete HD (English)

Film – The Gospel of John (Multilingual)

This is a movie performed by talented actors. The narration is however faithful to the Gospel of John. Available in many languages.


Search and read the Bible in any language, and much more.

Listen to the Bible, also in English.






Religion versus Christianity. New release. Foreword by Curry Blake.

Far too many Christians are not walking in the truth of who they are in Christ and who He is in them. Religion and false doctrine are killers of faith. In this book, Marty Nystrom outlines some false doctrines that have been taught in the church for generations, and breaks down each one of these to bring proper Biblical truths to many of the questions you may have struggled with for years!

God Is a Matchmaker: Seven Biblical Principles for Finding Your Mate

God is the divine matchmaker, and this is His plan for you. Marriage is God's sacred creation, a beautiful gift for His children. But too often we fail to leave the choice or the timing to Him. In this revised and expanded edition of his bestselling book, well-known Bible teacher Derek Prince and his wife, Ruth, reveal God's true plan for you and your future spouse. In addition to sharing their own real-life love story, Derek lays out seven biblical steps to finding your mate.

A New Covenant for a New Creation.  How the New Creation and the New Covenant complete one another.

In his book, Brother Curry BLAKE explains the necessity and the practical results of Jesus' finished work. Jesus Himself promised us (believers) that we could do whatever He did, and even greater works! The question remains, WHY? And HOW? With the experiences of over 40 years of Biblical study and practical application, Brother Curry has pieced together the hidden mystery of the New Creation, and the New Covenant.


In search of the True Light.  Are all religions different paths to the same God?

After following an Indian Guru and teaching Yoga classes, Mike Shreve was eventually reached by the True Light of Christ. This was not the benefit of his former quests but rather a rescue operation performed by the Spirit of God. In this comprehensive book, Mike speaks pragmatically about most of the world's religions.

Larson's book of World Religions and Alternative Spirituality. The facts.

You probably have an idea of who stands behind Satanism. But do you know who stands behind Mormonism and Freemasonry? Did you know that many American presidents, starting with G. Washington, made wows in the Masonic lodge? And what about the pseudo-Christian cults? Exorcist and writer Bob Larson confronted thousands of demonized “Christians”, who did not even know who they served.

KUNDALINI WARNING - Are False Spirits Invading the Church?

What are 'Kundalini' spirits? Written by a genuine "Insider," this is the true story of one of the most frightening "invasions" in the history of the church - and the fight to keep it out. Andrew Strom has been part of the Charismatic movement for over 30 years - and was deeply involved in the modern "Prophetic" movement for 11 of those years. He is the founder of and the International REVIVAL List. In this book, Strom traces this mass invasion of false spirits back to 1994, and shows how it culminated in the bizarre events surrounding Todd Bentley and the Lakeland revival in 2008. Also included in this 2015 edition are new warnings about Bill Johnson, Bethel church and the New Age-type practices that have been appearing in that movement.

The Fear Of The Lord.   The Key To Knowing God more Intimately

Would you like to feel God's feelings and receive his vision of the world? Do you want his Holy Spirit to inspire your life, your deeds, your words? John Bevere gives us in this essential book the key that opened him the heart to God. “To fear the Lord is to hate evil” says wisdom.

Gazing Into Glory Study Guide

This study guide is designed for Christians of any background. Its purpose is to encourage us to reach a greater level of spirituality and help us apply the principles of Gazing into Glory, moving from logos head knowledge to rhema heart experience. Bruce Allen emphasizes that to “gaze into glory” is not just for a select few, but for every child of God. He provides clear instruction on how to “get there.”

Moving Supernaturally for the Purposes of God

Translation by Faith… The phrase alone stirs up images of God doing the most extraordinary things through His people! Imagine servants of God moving supernaturally across time, the Earth and the Heavens for the purposes of God. The Bible indicates that Enoch, Elijah, Philip and John as well as many others have allowed God to use them in this way to have divine appointments and accomplish His plan ! In these last days, God is moving people all over the Earth supernaturally for the cause of the Gospel…

They Thought for Themselves: Ten Amazing Jews

What is the connection among those people? How did they end up in the same book? Atheist - Holocaust Survivor - Concert Pianist - Media Executive - Ph.D. : They all defied the status quo and thought for themselves. They dared to explore and confront the forbidden. The result? Everything in their lives changed for the better ! Author Sid Roth was instructed in a dream to find and interview people who had broken through the mould of their previous experiences to achieve their destiny.
• The “They Thought for Themselves” Website





Francois du Toit - Relocate yourself mentally - S05 NL Subs

• Samira – Van Islam naar Jezus

Goddelijke genezing (DHT) - Curry Blake - Nederlandse ondertiteling.


The Last ReformationTHE MOVIES

God, in our days, is bringing back the simple truth of the Gospels and of the Book of Acts, that is: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation”. What is this Gospel or good news? – God is with us and he proves it by healing the sick, by kicking out demons and by bringing the souls into intimacy with Him. This reality has the power to set us free from unbelief and to make us able to walk in a new lifestyle of faith daily.


The root of all problems.

June 2000 Interview with Derek Prince (1915-2003). Dutch subtitles.





• HEALING MINISTRIES – Boża wizja mojego życia, Curry Blake, uzdrowienie i więcej.

• Curry BLAKE – Siedem kluczy do Twojego cudu.

• JEZUS – Cały film Polski lektor

• TLR – Miracles in Poland.



Warum Jesus die einzige Hoffnung ist | Amir Tsarfati | Sunday Night 1 Sept. 2024 – ICF Zürich

In dieser Predigt spricht der israelische Amir Tsarfati über Israels wahre Hoffnung und wie sie in Jesus Christus, dem Messias, verkörpert ist. Amir beginnt mit einem bewegenden Bericht über die aktuelle Situation in Israel und betont die Bedeutung der Hoffnung in schwierigen Zeiten.

Die Bibel, unsere Heilung

Curry BLAKE Lektionen mit deutscher Übersetzung

Dominion Life Seminar in Basel 2020

Curry BLAKE Heilung Lektionen mit einer sehr guten deutschen Übersetzung

Curry Blake — Der Neue Mensch - Wer du durch Jesus Christus geworden bist

The Last Reformation Movie – auf Deutsch

• TLR – Playlist auf Deutsch

• TLR courses – auf Deutsch

• Arthur BURK – Gottes Sinn für Nationen

• Curry BLAKE – In einem Marathon, das Tragen der geeignete Schuhe ist wichtig wenn Sie die Ziellinie überqueren möchten. Warum haben unsere Gebete kein Ergebnis? Warum sind die Menschen nicht geheilt wenn wir beten? Der einfache Grund ist, dass wir nicht überzeugt sind, dass Gott will, und dass er immer heilen will, und wir bezweifeln noch mehr dass er will es tun durch unseren einfachen Glauben. Curry Blakes Lehre enthüllt einige der vorgefassten Ideen oder theologischen “heiligen Kühe", die den Glauben daran hindern, zu handeln, und weist auch auf die biblischen Schlüssel hin, die es uns ermöglichen, ein Ergebnis zu erzielen. Ausgehend von dem neutestamentlichen Prinzip dass Jesu Geist ist die Heilung, und seine Wille ist immer den Menschen zu heilen, der Christ muss diesen Willen auf die Krankheit mit Glauben und Hartnäckigkeit auferlegen. Eine Theorie, die durch die außerordentlichen Ergebnisse bestätigt wird, dass ihre Anwendung es ermöglicht, zu erhalten.

• Curry BLAKE– D.E.N.K.-Seminar in Bramsche mit Curry Blake - Mai 2017

• Bruce D. ALLEN – Generation seiner Herrlichkeit. Audio Mp3

• Bruce D. ALLEN – Supernatural Translokation, Sitzungen 1 & Sitzungen 2.

• Die letzte Reformation – Warnung vor falschen Geistern, die sich in die Kirche einschleichen.




• Kingdom of God in Italy – This is for Everyone!


Coronavirus: conosci i tuoi diritti.

Il pastore Curry Blake racconta il caso del predicatore J.G. Lakes, un famoso guaritore che all'inizio del secolo scorso si è offerto volontario con la sua squadra per evacuare i morti da un'epidemia che sta devastando il Sudafrica. Stupiti, i medici hanno scoperto che i campioni di fluidi infetti che venivano a contatto con la loro pelle erano stati neutralizzati. Gesù non aveva paura di toccare i lebbrosi. Ma la lebbra aveva motivo di avere paura. Da dove viene questo strano potere? In Romani 8, Paolo afferma che la legge dello Spirito che ci dà la vita in unione con Gesù Cristo ci ha liberati dalla legge del peccato e della morte. Ora questo dominio dello Spirito viene esercitato sulla malattia e sulla morte.

• Curry BLAKE – Alla domanda "Quando hai iniziato a vedere una svolta nella guarigione?" Curry Blake, supervisore di John G. Lake Ministries, ha risposto: "Quando ho deciso non che avrei rinunciato prima di ottenere quello che ho chiesto. " Dopo aver perso la figlia maggiore, Curry si è impegnato con Dio. Quindi quando la sua seconda figlia morì tragicamente in un incidente, era pronto a riportarla in vita. Perché le persone non sono guarite quando preghiamo per loro? Perché le nostre preghiere non hanno successo? Il motivo è semplice: ci comportiamo come esseri emotivi e non siamo più basati sulla verità biblica. Il nemico cercherà sempre di allontanarci da ciò che conta davvero. La parabola del terreno si riduce a due atteggiamenti: lasciati distrarre dalla vita e dalle circostanze o concentrati sull'essenziale. Partendo dal principio del Nuovo Testamento secondo cui lo Spirito di Gesù porta in sé la guarigione e che la volontà di Dio è di salvare l'uomo - corpo, anima e spirito -, il cristiano deve imporre questa volontà alla malattia e è morto con fede e testardaggine. Una teoria confermata dai notevoli risultati che la sua implementazione rende possibile ottenere.






El rapto de los cristianos: ¿que es?

Es difícil describir un evento que nunca antes había sucedido. Aún más difícil convertirlo en una ficción realista. Es cierto que encontrarás películas de efectos especiales que quisieran ser representativas, escucharás comentarios elaborados, pero creo que las cosas en realidad serán muy simples, aunque sea imposible imaginarlas. Este breve mensaje en inglés, pero que puedes leer en español activando los subtítulos, finalmente me parece un buen comienzo de explicación.


Coronavirus : Conoce tus derechos

El pastor Curry Blake relata el caso del predicador J.G. Lakes, un famoso sanador que a principios del siglo pasado se ofreció como voluntario con su equipo para evacuar a los muertos de una epidemia que asolaba Sudáfrica. Atónitos, los médicos descubrieron que las muestras de fluidos infectados que entraron en contacto con su piel fueron neutralizadas. Jesús no tuvo miedo de tocar a los leprosos. Pero la lepra tenía motivos para tener miedo. ¿De dónde vino este extraño poder? En Romanos 8, Pablo dice que la ley del Espíritu que nos da vida en unión con Jesucristo nos libera de la ley del pecado y la muerte. Ahora esta dominación del Espíritu se ejerce sobre la enfermedad y la muerte.


• Curry BLAKE – Cuando se le preguntó: "¿Cuándo comenzó a ver un avance en la curación?" Curry Blake, supervisor de John G. Lake Ministries, respondió: "Cuando decidí que no iba a parar hasta obtener lo que pedí". Después de perder a su hija mayor, Curry se comprometió con Dios. Entonces, cuando su segunda hija murió trágicamente en un accidente, él estaba listo para devolverla a la vida. ¿Por qué la gente no sana cuando rezamos por ellos? ¿Por qué nuestras oraciones no tienen éxito? La razón es simple: nos comportamos como seres emocionales y ya no estamos basados ​​en la verdad bíblica. El enemigo siempre intentará alejarnos de lo que realmente importa. La parábola del campo se reduce a dos actitudes: déjese distraer por la vida y las circunstancias, o concéntrese en lo esencial. Partiendo del principio del Nuevo Testamento según el cual el Espíritu de Jesús lleva la curación en él y que la voluntad de Dios es salvar al hombre (cuerpo, alma y espíritu), el cristiano debe imponer esta voluntad sobre la enfermedad y la muerta con fe y terquedad. Una teoría confirmada por los notables resultados que su implementación permite obtener.

DHT en Español por Curry Blake

Seminario de Entrenamiento de Técnico en Sanidad Divina impartido por Curry Blake y doblado al Español en forma simultánea por Ernesto Márquez con autorización de John G. Lake Ministries en Plano, Texas.


• Curry BLAKE – Formación de Técnicos en Divina Curación con traducción al Español.

• Coronavirus – Increíbles noticias principales de España - ¡UNREAL!




Coronavírus: conheça seus direitos

Pastor Curry Blake relata o caso do pregador J.G. Lakes, um curandeiro famoso que, no início do século passado, se ofereceu com sua equipe para evacuar os mortos de uma epidemia que devastou a África do Sul. Atordoados, os médicos descobriram que as amostras de fluidos infectados que entraram em contato com a pele foram neutralizadas. Jesus não teve medo de tocar nos leprosos. Mas a hanseníase tinha motivos para ter medo. De onde veio esse estranho poder? Em Romanos 8, Paulo diz que a lei do Espírito que nos dá vida em união com Jesus Cristo nos liberta da lei do pecado e da morte. Agora, essa dominação do Espírito é exercida sobre doenças e morte.

• Curry BLAKE – Quando perguntado: "Quando você começou a ver um avanço na cura?", Curry Blake, supervisor dos Ministérios John G. Lake, respondeu: "Quando decidi que iria desistir antes de receber o que pedi". Depois de perder sua filha mais velha, Curry se comprometeu com Deus. Então, quando sua segunda filha morreu tragicamente em um acidente, ele estava pronto para trazê-la de volta à vida. Por que as pessoas não são curadas quando oramos por elas? Por que nossas orações não são bem-sucedidas? A razão é simples: nos comportamos como seres emocionais e não somos mais baseados na verdade bíblica. O inimigo sempre tentará nos afastar do que realmente importa. A parábola do terreno se resume a duas atitudes: deixe-se distrair pela vida e pelas circunstâncias ou concentre-se no essencial. Partindo do princípio do Novo Testamento de que o Espírito de Jesus carrega cura dentro dele e que a vontade de Deus é salvar o homem - corpo, alma e espírito -, o cristão deve impor essa vontade à doença e morreu com fé e teimosia. Uma teoria confirmada pelos notáveis ​​resultados que sua implementação possibilita obter.

• Curry BLAKE – Criado para Domínio, Parte 1 - Divine Healing Technician Training with Portuguese translation.

• John BEVERE – Liberado do Pecado

• John BEVERE – Bom ou Deus?



Carlos Catari ex homosexual Testimonio Español

La razón por la que muchos cristianos jóvenes encuentran sus vidas deplorables es porque aceptaron a Jesús como Salvador, pero no como Señor.

Pensamientos morbosos: Qué hacer – Carlos Catari

Espero les sea de bendición, porque sé que este tema de los pensamientos morbosos es muy presente en muchas personas.





He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming promptly!”
Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!
(Revelation 22:20)


Hosanna Olivier Cheuwa Matt Marvane Marilyne Linda Panci Mc Gowen Sebastian Demrey